FORTRAN 90 Unexpected Statement Function Statement in Nested Do Loop

In summary, the program uses a nested DO loop and spline derivatives to create a smooth temperature profile with specified starting and ending values, as well as a peak value that can be adjusted. The code also reads in data from a file and creates a cumulative emissions curve, but there are issues with declaring variables and using arrays.
  • #1
In the following code, highlighted in bold, I am using a nested DO loop to create a running sum of the yearly emissions ("emissions") read out of histem.txt, to create a cumulative emissions curve.

The code generates an "Unexpected STATEMENT FUNCTION statement for sum in cem(i) = sum, however?

program sat_profile

! This program can be used to create a smooth temperature profile starting from
! a specified slope at the year 2005 and stabilizing (with zero slope) at 2300.
! The starting slope can be calculated from the last 10 years of the simulation
! providing the initial condition at 2005. A starting temperature and final 
! temperature also need to be specified. The final target temperature should be
! the modeled preindustrial temperature plus the temperature target (1.5, 2, 3, 
! and 4 degrees C). An arbitrary mid point year and temperature (between 2005 
! and 2300) is also specified. This may need some adjustment in order to 
! generate a smoothly changing profile without overshoot. The output is a text 
! file with annual values from 2005 to 2500. This can be adjusted to provide 
! interpolated values at other time intervals by changing the loop that 
! generates tval and calculates yval. 
 implicit none

  integer, parameter :: nd=3, iyr=2008, fyr = 2500
  integer i, j
  real t(nd), y(nd), ypp(nd), tval, yval, ypval, yppval, ybcbeg, ybcend, offset, initg
  real year(257), emissions(257), HIST, TIM, sum, cem
  real AEMIT(iyr:fyr), EMIT(iyr:fyr), TIME(iyr:fyr)

! input parameters: NOTE --> t(1) and t(3) MUST match iyr and fyr respectively
  t(1) = 2008.               ! starting year of synthetic profile
  t(3) = 2500.               ! year of zero emissions
  t(2) = 2400.               ! year of peak emissions (may be adjusted)
  y(1) = 346.758            ! emissions at starting year (set to year 2008)
  y(3) = 2000          ! emissions at end (set to PI + target)
  y(2) = 1900      ! emissions at peak (may be adjusted)
! starting slope can be derived from the last 10 years of a simulation to 2008
  initg =  8.749	     ! value of EMIT(t=1) (should be the same as 2008 annual emissions in historical curve)
  ybcbeg = 8.749           ! slope at t(1) (Gt year-1)
  ybcend = 0.                ! slope at t(3) (zero)
  offset = 0               ! time offset (half of the averaging period)
! calculate the spline derivatives
  call spline_cubic_set ( nd, t, y, 1, ybcbeg, 1, ybcend, ypp )

if (t(3).lt.t(2)) then 
print *, 'error, t(2) must be smaller than t(3)'
call exit(1)

if (t(3).eq.t(2)) then
print *, 'error, t(2) must be smaller than t(3)'
call exit(1)

if ( then 
print *, 'error, iyr and t(1) do not match'
call exit(1)

if ( then 
print *, 'error, fyr and t(3) do not match'
call exit(1)

open(unit=15, file='histem.txt')
read(15,*,end=258) year, emissions

258 open (10, file='cumemC.txt')
! evaluate the spline at points tval
!change 2005, 2500 to values of t(1) and t(3)

[B]do i=1,257
     do j=1,i
     sum = sum + emissions(j)
     write (*, '(2f12.4)') 
cem(i) = sum   
write (10, '(2f12.4)') year(i), cem(i)
enddo [/B] 

do i=iyr,fyr
    tval = float(i)
    call spline_cubic_val ( nd, t, y, ypp, tval, yval, ypval, yppval )

! if not doing stabilization, get rid of this line:    
    !if (tval > t(3)) yval = y(3)
if (tval.eq.t(1)) yval = y(1)

  write (*, '(2f12.4)' ) tval+offset, yval
  write (10, '(2f12.4)' ) tval+offset, yval
    AEMIT(i) = yval
    TIME(i) = tval
  end do
close (10)

open(10, file='anemC.txt') 
write (10, '(2f12.4)') year, emissions
 EMIT(iyr) = initg

write (*, '(2f12.4)' ) TIME(iyr), EMIT(iyr)
    write (10, '(2f12.4)' ) TIME(iyr), EMIT(iyr)
 do i=iyr+1,fyr
  EMIT(i) = AEMIT(i) - AEMIT(i-1)

  write (*, '(2f12.4)' ) TIME(i), EMIT(i)
    write (10, '(2f12.4)' ) TIME(i), EMIT(i)
  end do
close (10)



  • histem.txt
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  • #3
The immediate issue is that "cem()" is being used as an array but is not declared as such.
  • #4

I have now found that my read statement is going to cause some trouble too!

Looks like I am reading in year and emissions each as a one dimensional array, and then trying to re-write them as a scalar entity.
  • #5
uart said:
The immediate issue is that "cem()" is being used as an array but is not declared as such.


I have now found that my read statement is going to cause some trouble too!

Looks like I am reading in year and emissions each as a one dimensional array, and then trying to re-write them as a scalar entity?

Related to FORTRAN 90 Unexpected Statement Function Statement in Nested Do Loop

1. What does "FORTRAN 90 Unexpected Statement Function Statement in Nested Do Loop" mean?

The error message "FORTRAN 90 Unexpected Statement Function Statement in Nested Do Loop" indicates that there is a problem with the structure of the code in a FORTRAN 90 program. It specifically refers to an unexpected statement function statement within a nested do loop, which means that there is an issue with the syntax or logic of the code within a loop that is causing the error.

2. What is a statement function in FORTRAN 90?

A statement function in FORTRAN 90 is a type of function that is used to define a single expression or equation within a program. It is typically used to simplify and clarify code by providing a shorter and more efficient way to express mathematical calculations or other operations.

3. What is a nested do loop in FORTRAN 90?

A nested do loop in FORTRAN 90 is a loop within a loop. This means that one do loop is contained within another do loop, creating a nested structure. This is often used to perform repetitive tasks or calculations within a program.

4. How can I fix the "FORTRAN 90 Unexpected Statement Function Statement in Nested Do Loop" error?

The best way to fix this error is to carefully review the code within the nested do loop and check for any syntax errors or logical errors that may be causing the problem. Make sure that the statement function is properly defined and that the do loop is structured correctly. It may also be helpful to use a debugger or a code editor with syntax highlighting to pinpoint the exact location of the error.

5. Are there any common mistakes that can lead to this error in FORTRAN 90?

Yes, there are a few common mistakes that can lead to the "FORTRAN 90 Unexpected Statement Function Statement in Nested Do Loop" error. Some of these include using incorrect syntax for the statement function or do loop, not properly closing parentheses or other brackets, or using the wrong type of variable or data type within the loop. It is important to carefully review the code and double check for these types of mistakes when encountering this error.

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