Fortran77 woes- single parameter least squares minimisation stuck

In summary, the conversation is about a code that is being written for a four-parameter least squares minimization. The person is having issues with the code and may have accidentally posted it in the wrong forum. They share a copy of the code and mention that they are trying to get the single-parameter version to work. They have completed the first module but it gets caught in a loop and doesn't minimize anything. They also share their initial values for the parameters and the process they are using to minimize lambda1. They are expecting a chi-squared value of 6618.681, but it is currently stuck between 6921.866. They ask for help with this issue.
  • #1
Hey guys! Having issues with a code I'm writing. It doesn't fit the typical format and I may have already accidentally posted it in the wrong forum, so here's a copy of what was there with the newest version of the code. It'll (eventually) be a four-parameter least squares minimisation, but for the moment I'm just trying to get the single parameter version to work. I've got the first module done but, when I run it it gets caught up in a loop and doesn't actually minimise anything! Good start huh?

Here's my code, bless me with your insight!

PROGRAM assignment

! A program designed to fit experiemental data, using the method
! of least squares to minimise the associated chi-squared and
! obtain the four control parameters A,B,h1 and h2.

DOUBLE PRECISION t(17),t2(17),Ct(17),eCt(17),Ctdiff(17),c(17)
DOUBLE PRECISION Aa,Ab,Ba,Bb,h1a,h1b,h2a,h2b,chisqa,chisqb,dchisq

DO i=1,17

!Read in data.txt as three one dimensional arrays.
!OPEN(21, FILE='outtest.txt', FORM='FORMATTED', STATUS='NEW')
!DO i=1,17
! WRITE(21,*)t(i),Ct(i),eCt(i)
!Just to check input file is being read correctly.

Aa= 0
Ba= 0
h1a= 0
h2a= 0

!**********************Minimising Lamda1 (h1)*********************
deltah= 0.0001
h1b= 0.001
h1a= 0
DO 10
chisqa= 0
DO 20 i= 1,17
Cs(i)= exp(-h1a*t(i))!*Aa !+ Ba*exp(-h2a*t(i))
Ctdiff= Ct - Cs
c= Ctdiff**2/eCt**2
chisqa= chisqa + c(i)
!Use initial h1 value of 0 to calculate start-point chisq.

chisqb= 0
DO 30 i= 1,17
h1b= h1b + deltah
Cs(i)= exp(-h1b*t(i))!*Ab !+ Bb*exp(-h2b*t(i))
Ctdiff(i)= Ct(i) - Cs(i)
c= Ctdiff(i)**2/eCt(i)**2
chisqb= chisqb + c(i)
!First-step h1 used to find competing chisq for comparison.
WRITE(6,*) 'Chi-squared a=', chisqa,'for Lamda1=',h1a
WRITE(6,*) 'Chi-squared b=', chisqb,'for Lamda1=',h1b
!Prints the two calculated chisq values to screen.
dchisq= chisqa - chisqb
IF (dchisq.GT.0) THEN
h1a= h1b
ELSE IF (dchisq.LE.0) THEN
deltah= deltah-((deltah*2)/100)

IF (chisqb.LE.6618.681) EXIT
WRITE(6,*) 'Chi-squared is', chisqb,'for Lamda1=',h1b

END PROGRAM assignmentThanks for the help.

EDIT: I should be getting a chi-squared of 6618.681 from this, but it's just stuck between 6921.866 and 6920.031. Help!
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  • #2
NathanM said:
Hey guys! Having issues with a code I'm writing. It doesn't fit the typical format and I may have already accidentally posted it in the wrong forum, so here's a copy of what was there with the newest version of the code. It'll (eventually) be a four-parameter least squares minimisation, but for the moment I'm just trying to get the single parameter version to work. I've got the first module done but, when I run it it gets caught up in a loop and doesn't actually minimise anything! Good start huh?

Here's my code, bless me with your insight!
      PROGRAM assignment
      ! A program designed to fit experiemental data, using the method
      ! of least squares to minimise the associated chi-squared and
      ! obtain the four control parameters A,B,h1 and h2.

      INTEGER i,t0
      DOUBLE PRECISION t(17),t2(17),Ct(17),eCt(17),Ctdiff(17),c(17)
      DOUBLE PRECISION Aa,Ab,Ba,Bb,h1a,h1b,h2a,h2b,chisqa,chisqb,dchisq
      DOUBLE PRECISION deltah,Cs(17)

        OPEN(21, FILE='data.txt', FORM='FORMATTED', STATUS='OLD')
           DO i=1,17
           END DO

      !Read in data.txt as three one dimensional arrays.
      !OPEN(21, FILE='outtest.txt', FORM='FORMATTED', STATUS='NEW')
      !DO i=1,17
      !   WRITE(21,*)t(i),Ct(i),eCt(i)
      !END DO
      !Just to check input file is being read correctly.
      Aa= 0
      Ba= 0
      h1a= 0
      h2a= 0

      !**********************Minimising Lamda1 (h1)*********************
      deltah= 0.0001
      h1b= 0.001
      h1a= 0
           DO 10
      chisqa= 0
              DO 20 i= 1,17   !  *** Is part of the line below supposed to be commented out?
                   Cs(i)= exp(-h1a*t(i))!*Aa !+ Ba*exp(-h2a*t(i))
                     Ctdiff= Ct - Cs  ! *** This is wrong. All three variables are arrays.
                       c= Ctdiff**2/eCt**2
                         chisqa= chisqa + c(i)
 20           END DO
      !Use initial h1 value of 0 to calculate start-point chisq.

      chisqb= 0
              DO 30 i= 1,17
                   h1b= h1b + deltah   ! *** In the line below, are you commenting out part of the line?
                     Cs(i)= exp(-h1b*t(i))!*Ab !+ Bb*exp(-h2b*t(i))
                       Ctdiff(i)= Ct(i) - Cs(i)
                         c= Ctdiff(i)**2/eCt(i)**2
                           chisqb= chisqb + c(i)
 30           END DO
      !First-step h1 used to find competing chisq for comparison.
                 WRITE(6,*) 'Chi-squared a=', chisqa,'for Lamda1=',h1a
                 WRITE(6,*) 'Chi-squared b=', chisqb,'for Lamda1=',h1b
      !Prints the two calculated chisq values to screen.
                 dchisq= chisqa - chisqb
              IF (dchisq.GT.0) THEN
                 h1a= h1b
                 ELSE IF (dchisq.LE.0) THEN
                 deltah= deltah-((deltah*2)/100)

              END IF
           IF (chisqb.LE.6618.681) EXIT
 10        END DO
           WRITE(6,*) 'Chi-squared is', chisqb,'for Lamda1=',h1b
      END PROGRAM assignment

Thanks for the help.

EDIT: I should be getting a chi-squared of 6618.681 from this, but it's just stuck between 6921.866 and 6920.031. Help!

I added some comments where I think you're going wrong. My comments look like this: ! ***
In one comment, you have three assignment statements where you are using array variables, but without indexes. This is wrong. Everywhere you have an array variable in a calculation, it should have an index. E.g., it should be Ct(i), not just Ct.

In my other comments, you have a line of code that might be wrong. It looks like you commented it out, but I'm not sure what you did.

Your variable names are terrible! For example, Aa,Ab,Ba,Bb,h1a,h1b. Can't you come up with some names that are self-explanatory? Also, why does your code meander all across the page? This makes it harder to see which statements are inside IF blocks and DO loops and such.

FAQ: Fortran77 woes- single parameter least squares minimisation stuck

1. What is Fortran77?

Fortran77 is a programming language commonly used in scientific and engineering fields for numerical computation. It was first developed in the 1950s and has since undergone several updates.

2. What is single parameter least squares minimisation?

Single parameter least squares minimisation is a mathematical method used to find the best fit line or curve through a set of data points. It minimises the sum of the squared distances between the data points and the line or curve.

3. What are the common issues with Fortran77 and single parameter least squares minimisation?

Fortran77 is an older programming language and may not have all the features and capabilities of newer languages. This can make it challenging to implement complex algorithms, such as single parameter least squares minimisation. Additionally, Fortran77 has strict syntax rules that can be difficult to navigate.

4. Why am I experiencing issues with stuck single parameter least squares minimisation in Fortran77?

There could be several reasons for this issue. It could be due to errors in the code, such as incorrect syntax or logic errors. It could also be a result of limitations in the Fortran77 language that make it difficult to implement this type of algorithm. Finally, it could be an issue with the data being used or the chosen minimisation method.

5. How can I overcome Fortran77 woes in single parameter least squares minimisation?

To overcome these challenges, it may be helpful to seek assistance from a more experienced Fortran programmer or utilize resources such as online forums and documentation. It may also be beneficial to consider using a different programming language that may have more advanced capabilities for implementing single parameter least squares minimisation.

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