Four momentum of Photon in Center of Mass frame?

So, in summary, in the center of mass frame, the total momentum of the particles is zero but the energy is the sum of the energies of the original particles, which creates a discrepancy when trying to create only one photon. Therefore, it is not possible to create only one photon through electron-positron annihilation.
  • #1

I have just been pondering the problem of electron - positron annihilation into a single photon in the CM frame.

I was stuck at a discrepancy - that in the center of mass frame, the total momentum of the particles was zero, but the energy is the sum of the energies of the original particles.

Say in an annihilation process, with electrons 1 and 2 annihilating into a photon,

1+2 -> gamma

[tex]P^{\mu}_{1}+P^{\mu}_{2}= P^{\mu}_{\gamma}[/tex]

in CM frame,
[tex]P^{\mu}_{1}=(E*_{1}, p_{x}, p_{y}, p_{z})[/tex]
[tex]P^{\mu}_{2}=(E*_{2}, -p_{x}, -p_{y}, -p_{z})[/tex]
[tex]P^{\mu}_{\gamma}=(E*_{1}+E*_{2}, 0, 0, 0)[/tex]
but for photon, isn't
[tex]P=(hf, hf, 0, 0)[/tex]?

How do you reconcile these facts?

Thanks in advance for the help.
Physics news on
  • #3
You have proved that particles cannot annihilatr il\nto a single photon.

FAQ: Four momentum of Photon in Center of Mass frame?

1. What is a photon's four-momentum in the center of mass frame?

The four-momentum of a photon in the center of mass frame is given by (E, px, py, pz), where E is the energy and px, py, and pz are the momentum components in the x, y, and z directions, respectively. The magnitude of the photon's momentum, p, is equal to its energy divided by the speed of light, c.

2. How does the four-momentum of a photon change in different reference frames?

The four-momentum of a photon is a relativistic quantity and therefore changes when observed from different reference frames. However, the magnitude of the photon's momentum, p, remains constant in all reference frames, while the energy and momentum components may vary depending on the relative velocity between the observer and the photon.

3. What is the significance of the four-momentum of a photon in the center of mass frame?

The four-momentum of a photon in the center of mass frame is significant because it allows us to accurately describe the behavior of particles in high-energy collisions. By measuring the energy and momentum of a photon in the center of mass frame, we can determine the properties of other particles involved in the collision, such as their masses and momenta.

4. How is the four-momentum of a photon related to its wavelength and frequency?

In the center of mass frame, the four-momentum of a photon is related to its wavelength and frequency by the famous equation E=hc/λ, where h is the Planck constant, c is the speed of light, and λ is the wavelength of the photon. This equation shows that the energy and momentum of a photon are directly proportional to its frequency and inversely proportional to its wavelength.

5. Can the four-momentum of a photon be used to determine its spin?

Yes, the four-momentum of a photon can be used to determine its spin. Photons are spin-1 particles, meaning they have an intrinsic angular momentum of ħ, which is related to their spin by the equation S=ħm, where m is the photon's spin projection along a given axis. By analyzing the momentum components of a photon, we can determine its spin projection and therefore its spin.

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