Four Questions I Would Like To Live To See The Answers To

  • Thread starter mugenshiyo
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In summary: Space is not infinitely divisible, there is a smallest possible unit of space. The universe is also finite in terms of observable matter and energy.In summary, the speaker has four main questions about physics that have driven their interest in the subject. These include wondering what is around or containing the universe, where everything came from, whether the past is infinite, and if space is infinite. The speaker discusses various theories and concepts related to these questions, such as the expansion of the universe, the origin of matter and energy, the concept of time, and the possibility of infinite space. However, the speaker acknowledges that these questions still remain unanswered and that speculation about gods or untestable theories is not a satisfactory answer.
  • #1
I'm not sure if there are answers to these questions or just more theories, but these are the four main questions that I have that have driven my recent interest in physics.

1. What is around, contains, or what is the universe expanding into?

If the universe/physical existence is not infinite than there is only a certain amount of...everything. But what is around all this everything. If I represent all of everything with a marble, what is the marble suspended in? Is it a void of utter nothingness? I'm not sure if there is even a telescope that can see to the ends of the universe. I always wondered on that to because if light bends around matter, and we are seeing the light of objects exponentially far distances away, wouldn't their be a distortion in who we are receiving that light and how it actually is? But...what is ultimately around us.

2. Where did everything come from?

You have people that says matter came from energy. You have others saying matter and energy came from God? My question is where did the energy come from? Where did God come from? If there is a thing...any was that created? If there was a creator, who created Him...It? No matter what you have, logic says there must be a predecessor. Or is it possible that something could have simply existed with no creation. That nothing was created and all things we see around us is simply all that has always been changing between various forms known and unknown to us?

3. If the future is infinite, then shouldn't the past be?

The year is 2012 ad. Time is not dependent on the existence of matter or energy. If there was a point at which both were destroyed, time would still move on. For instance, 2 trillion years after the destruction of matter and energy. Time is an infinite measurement, just like units of distance. For every foot, there can be another foot added to it. For every triilion years, another trillion will follow. But what about the past. Just like a number line, if there was an instance in time, there was a time before it, and a time before that. That would mean that the past continues to progress along with the future. It's a wild thought but one I could never shake.

4. Is space infinite.

Fractions sum this up pretty nicely. Just like numbers, you can have infinitely smaller and smaller fractions. Today, we are realizing the existence of particles much, much smaller that the atom. If the atom represented a fraction of the size of a cubic inch, perhaps inside one atom we may find an entire universe of inconceivably smaller objects. And in that utterly small universe, one picks a grain of sand and finds still ten more universes. If you can infinitely divide a unit of space into itself, is it not possible that there are always...things...that exist at these infinitely smaller levels? Inversely, space might actually be infinitely large. It's hard to imagine a border to all physical existence.
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  • #2
mugenshiyo said:
1. What is around, contains, or what is the universe expanding into?
The universe is not expanding into anything. See the balloon analogy (or do a forum search) for more info.
mugenshiyo said:
2. Where did everything come from?
At one point ~14 billion years ago everything was compacted together, then it wasn't. We don't know how it got there yet and unfalsifiable/unevidenced speculation on gods is not a satisfactory answer.
mugenshiyo said:
3. If the future is infinite, then shouldn't the past be?
No. Numbers are infinite but they have a starting point for example. At the moment it's not known if time "started" or is infinite.
mugenshiyo said:
4. Is space infinite.
See Zeno's paradox and Planck scale.

Related to Four Questions I Would Like To Live To See The Answers To

1. What are the four questions you would like to live to see the answers to?

The four questions are: 1) What is the meaning of life? 2) Are we alone in the universe? 3) How does the human brain work? 4) What is the ultimate fate of the universe?

2. Why are these questions important?

These questions are important because they have been pondered by humans for centuries and have yet to be definitively answered. They touch on the fundamental aspects of our existence and understanding them would greatly impact our perspective on life and the world around us.

3. Do you think these questions will ever be answered?

As a scientist, I believe that with continued research and advancements in technology, we may eventually find answers to these questions. However, it is also possible that some questions may never be fully answered, as they may be beyond our current understanding or the limitations of science.

4. How would finding the answers to these questions impact society?

If these questions were to be answered, it would likely have a profound impact on society. It could change our beliefs, values, and the way we live our lives. It could also lead to new discoveries and advancements in science and technology, improving our understanding of the world and our place in it.

5. What are some current theories or research related to these questions?

There are many theories and ongoing research related to these questions. Some theories suggest that the meaning of life is subjective and differs for each individual, while others propose that it may be linked to our purpose or contribution to society. In terms of the existence of extraterrestrial life, there are ongoing efforts to search for signs of life on other planets. As for the human brain, there are numerous studies and research projects aimed at understanding its complexity and functions. Finally, theories on the fate of the universe range from the Big Bang theory to the possibility of a multiverse.

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