Fourier series coefficients: proof by induction

In summary, the given conversation discusses the problem of proving a formula for the coefficients of a function and its derivative using induction. The first part is easily shown by taking the derivative of the function, while the second part proves to be more challenging. The teacher's hint suggests using integration by parts, but the speaker finds it more efficient to use the derivative. After some consideration, the speaker realizes that the pattern for the coefficients is actually an(k+1) = nkbn(k), and struggles with how to prove this using induction. The teacher's intention is likely for the speaker to use the Fourier coefficients and integrate by parts to evaluate the integrals in the formula.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

Given f = a0 + sum(ancos(nx) + bnsin(nx))
and f' = a0' + sum(an'cos(nx) + bn'sin(nx))
The sums are over all positive integers up to n.

show that a0' = 0, an' = nbn, bn' = -nan

Then prove a similar formula for the coefficients of f(k) using induction.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

OK I showed the first part (for the first derivative coefficients) by taking the derivative of f, that was easy enough. I have to confess that the teacher's question also said HINT: (Integrate by parts) but it was much simpler to just take the derivative of f.

I don't know if that's part of the reason I'm having trouble with the induction part or not, but it seems inefficient to integrate backward when it's such a simple thing to show these coefficients with the derivative. I have not had a lot of experience with induction, and I haven't had to do much as an engineering (as opposed to math) major.

So induction works like this: prove it for a single case, assume something is true for some integer k, then use that assumption to show it is also true for k+1. (This is to the best of my understanding)

After considering the problem for some time, i don't think it's too much to show that for any k, a0(k) = 0, since the derivative of 0 is 0, and I've shown that the derivative of a0 = 0.

It's the other coefficients that trip me up, because every time the derivative is taken, the coefficients will take on a value related to its opposite (in terms of functionally odd or even, i mean) coefficient. For example an' = nbn, notice that the derivative an' relies on the value of bn.

I guess I'm just not sure how to start. I feel like I could just do the derivative a bunch of times and look for a pattern, but I feel like that defeats the purpose of proof by induction.

Ok, I wrote out f(k), then took the derivative and got that an(k+1) = nbn(k), but this isn't actually true, because, I did the bunch of derivatives and found that the pattern is actually

an(k+1) = nkbn(k)

How can I show that by induction? I can see that every time the function is differentiated it's going to cause another multiplication by n because of the chain rule, I'm just not quite sure how to show it mathematically.

EDIT2: I integrated f(k+1) but it didn't seem to really add anything new as far as a solution goes... also the HINT was to integrate by parts but looking at the expression, I don't really see anything to integrate by parts even if i wanted to.
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  • #2
I think your teacher wants you to calculate the Fourier coefficients for f' using the usual integral formulas for the coefficients. You'll get integrals of the form
$$\int_0^T f' \sin nx\,dx \\ \int_0^T f'\cos nx\,dx $$ which you can evaluate by integrating by parts.

FAQ: Fourier series coefficients: proof by induction

1. What is a Fourier series coefficient?

A Fourier series coefficient is a number that represents the contribution of a specific frequency component in a Fourier series. It is calculated by integrating the function over one period and dividing by the period.

2. What does "proof by induction" mean in relation to Fourier series coefficients?

"Proof by induction" is a mathematical technique used to prove that a statement is true for all values of a variable. In the case of Fourier series coefficients, it is used to prove that the formula for calculating the coefficients is valid for all frequencies.

3. Why is proof by induction necessary for Fourier series coefficients?

Proof by induction is necessary for Fourier series coefficients because it allows us to prove that the formula for calculating the coefficients is true for all frequencies, rather than just a few specific cases. This ensures that the formula is valid for any function that can be represented as a Fourier series.

4. How is proof by induction used to prove the formula for Fourier series coefficients?

To prove the formula for Fourier series coefficients, we first show that it is true for a specific value of the frequency. Then, we assume that the formula is true for a general value of the frequency, and use this assumption to show that it must also be true for the next value of the frequency. This process is repeated until we have shown that the formula is true for all frequencies.

5. Are there any limitations to using proof by induction for Fourier series coefficients?

While proof by induction is a powerful tool for proving the formula for Fourier series coefficients, it is not suitable for proving all mathematical statements. In some cases, alternative methods may be needed to prove the validity of the formula for certain functions.

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