Fourier Series of an Odd Piecewise function

In summary, the Fourier series of the given function f(x) is b_{n} = \frac{2}{πn}sin(nπ), where L is half the period and the function is odd. The solution involves using the given formula for b_{n} and simplifying the resulting expression to find the final answer. Mathematica can be used to check the solution and confirm that there are terms for values where b_{n} should be zero.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Fourier Series of the following function f(x).

f(x) is -1 for -.5<x<0
f(x) is 1 for 0<x<.5

Homework Equations

b[itex]_{n}[/itex] = [itex]\frac{1}{L}[/itex][itex]\int[/itex][itex]^{L}_{-L}[/itex]f(x)sin(nπx/L)dx
Where L is half the period.

The Attempt at a Solution

Graphing the solution, I know that it is odd, which is why I didn't include the given function for the "even" cos(nπ) portion of the Fourier series.
Since the period is 1, L would be .5. So the function would look like this:

2[itex]\int[/itex][itex]^{0}_{-.5}[/itex](–sin(2nπx)dx) + 2[itex]\int[/itex][itex]^{.5}_{0}[/itex](sin(2nπx)dx)

To cut some work short, I get to:
[itex]\frac{1}{πn}[/itex] - [itex]\frac{cos(nπ}{πn}[/itex] - [itex]\frac{cos(nπ}{πn}[/itex] + [itex]\frac{1}{πn}[/itex]

Which becomes:

I check my solution on Mathematica using these commands:
a = If[-.5 < x < 0, -1, If[0 < x < .5, 1]]
FourierTrigSeries[a, x, 5]

And see that there are terms for values where my b[itex]_{n}[/itex] should be zero.

EDIT: I was looking at another attempt I had made to this problem, so I corrected for that.
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  • #2
I didn't realize that the powers of sin were different. My answer should be:b_{n} = \frac{2}{πn}sin(nπ)

FAQ: Fourier Series of an Odd Piecewise function

What is a Fourier Series?

A Fourier Series is a mathematical representation of a periodic function as an infinite sum of sine and cosine functions. It is used to analyze and understand the behavior of periodic functions and can be applied to various fields such as physics, engineering, and signal processing.

What is an Odd Piecewise function?

An Odd Piecewise function is a function that is defined by different equations for different parts of its domain. Each piece is defined on a specific interval and the function is continuous at the boundary points where the pieces meet. An odd function is a function that satisfies the property f(-x) = -f(x) for all values of x.

What is the significance of using a Fourier Series for an Odd Piecewise function?

The Fourier Series of an Odd Piecewise function allows us to approximate the function using a finite number of terms, making it easier to analyze and understand its behavior. It also allows us to use the properties of sine and cosine functions to simplify the calculations and obtain a more concise representation of the function.

How is a Fourier Series of an Odd Piecewise function calculated?

The Fourier Series of an Odd Piecewise function is calculated by finding the coefficients of the sine and cosine terms through integration. The coefficients are then used to construct the infinite sum that represents the function. The number of terms needed in the series depends on the complexity of the function and the desired level of accuracy.

Can a Fourier Series of an Odd Piecewise function be used to approximate any function?

No, a Fourier Series can only approximate periodic functions. If a non-periodic function is represented by a Fourier Series, it will result in a periodic function with the same period as the original function. However, in some cases, a periodic extension of the function can be used to obtain a valid Fourier Series approximation.
