Fourier transform of tent signal

In summary, the student is struggling with using Parseval's Equation to find the energy of a given signal. They have attempted to use the CTFT analysis equation, but it becomes difficult with integration by parts. They are wondering if they should use the tent property and apply it to the question. Another student suggests trying a partial fraction decomposition and keeping in mind the time shifting property of convolution.
  • #1
Hello, I'm having an issue with a given problem.

Homework Statement

Using Parseval's Equation find the energy of the signal [tex]z(t)=\frac{4}{4+t^{2}}[/tex]

Homework Equations

The book solves that problem by using the tent signal CTFT and duality property (i.e ). However that properly isn't in the formula sheet, and the book derives it inversely!

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to develop it by plugging [tex]z(t)[/tex] into the CTFT analysis equation, but it becomes a serious mess with integration by parts.

So what should I do? Take the tent property as it is and apply it to the question?

Thank you.
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  • #2
Neutronium said:
Hello, I'm having an issue with a given problem.

Homework Statement

Using Parseval's Equation find the energy of the signal [tex]z(t)=\frac{4}{4+t^{2}}[/tex]

Homework Equations

The book solves that problem by using the tent signal CTFT and duality property (i.e ). However that properly isn't in the formula sheet, and the book derives it inversely!

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to develop it by plugging [tex]z(t)[/tex] into the CTFT analysis equation, but it becomes a serious mess with integration by parts.

So what should I do? Take the tent property as it is and apply it to the question?

Thank you.

I would suggest you try doing a partial fraction decomposition on z(t). That should simplify things a little (also keep in mind the time shifting property of the convolution). I believe this works, but I haven't done a Fourier transform in a few years...

EDIT: And welcome to PhysicsForums!
  • #3


It seems like you are trying to find the energy of the signal z(t)=\frac{4}{4+t^{2}} using Parseval's Equation. It is important to note that Parseval's Equation can only be used for signals with finite energy, meaning that the integral of the squared magnitude of the signal must converge.

In this case, the tent signal has infinite energy, so Parseval's Equation cannot be directly applied. However, you can still use the duality property to solve this problem. The duality property states that the Fourier transform of a function is equal to the Fourier transform of its time-reversed version. In other words, the Fourier transform of z(t) is equal to the Fourier transform of z(-t).

Using this property, you can rewrite z(t) as z(t)=\frac{4}{4+t^{2}}=\frac{4}{4+(-t)^{2}}=z(-t). Then, you can apply Parseval's Equation to z(-t) to find its energy. This energy will be the same as the energy of z(t) since they have the same Fourier transform.

I hope this helps! Good luck with your problem.

FAQ: Fourier transform of tent signal

1. What is a Fourier transform of a tent signal?

The Fourier transform of a tent signal is a mathematical tool used to decompose a signal into its individual frequency components. It represents the signal in terms of a series of complex numbers, each representing the amplitude and phase of a specific frequency component.

2. How is the Fourier transform of a tent signal calculated?

The Fourier transform of a tent signal is calculated using the Fourier transform formula, which involves integrating the signal with respect to time and multiplying it by a complex exponential function. This process is repeated for each frequency component to obtain the complete representation of the signal.

3. What is the significance of the Fourier transform of a tent signal?

The Fourier transform of a tent signal is significant because it allows us to analyze the frequency content of a signal, which can provide valuable insights into the underlying physical processes that generated the signal. It is also used in various applications such as signal processing, image reconstruction, and data compression.

4. What are the key properties of the Fourier transform of a tent signal?

The key properties of the Fourier transform of a tent signal include linearity, time and frequency shifting, convolution, and modulation. These properties allow us to manipulate and analyze signals in the frequency domain and then transform them back to the time domain to obtain the final output.

5. How does the Fourier transform of a tent signal differ from other types of Fourier transforms?

The Fourier transform of a tent signal differs from other types of Fourier transforms, such as the discrete Fourier transform, in that it is a continuous function in the frequency domain. This means it can represent signals with a continuous range of frequencies, whereas the discrete Fourier transform can only represent signals with a finite number of discrete frequencies.

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