Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem for Modules - clarification

In summary, Dummit and Foote give the Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem for Modules. The theorem asserts a bijection between the sets: \mathcal{A} = \{ A \ | \ A \text{ is a submodule of } M \text{ and } A \text{ contains the submodule } N \}\mathcal{B} = \{ A/N \ | \ A/N \text{ is a submodule of } M/N \}and the correspondence is given by A \leftrightarrow A/N for all A \subseteq N. This correspondence commutes with the processes of taking sums and intersections.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
Dummit and Foote give the Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem for Modules on page 349.

The Theorem reads as follows: the Theorem stated above we read:

" ... ... There is a bijection between the submodules of \(\displaystyle M\) which contain \(\displaystyle N\) and the submodules of \(\displaystyle M/N\). ... ... "

Thus, as I see it, the theorem is asserting a bijection between the sets:

\(\displaystyle \mathcal{A} = \{ A \ | \ A \text{ is a submodule of } M \text{ and } A \text{ contains the submodule } N \}\)

\(\displaystyle \mathcal{B} = \{ A/N \ | \ A/N \text{ is a submodule of } M/N \}\)Is that correct?Then D&F write:

" ... ... The correspondence is given by \(\displaystyle A \leftrightarrow A/N\) for all \(\displaystyle A \subseteq N\). This correspondence commutes with the processes of taking sums and intersections ... ... "Can someone explain exactly (preferably in terms of symbols) what D&F mean when they say that the correspondence commutes with the processes of taking sums and intersections ...

Hope someone can help ... ...

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  • #2
Peter said:
Dummit and Foote give the Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem for Modules on page 349.

The Theorem reads as follows: the Theorem stated above we read:

" ... ... There is a bijection between the submodules of \(\displaystyle M\) which contain \(\displaystyle N\) and the submodules of \(\displaystyle M/N\). ... ... "

Thus, as I see it, the theorem is asserting a bijection between the sets:

\(\displaystyle \mathcal{A} = \{ A \ | \ A \text{ is a submodule of } M \text{ and } A \text{ contains the submodule } N \}\)

\(\displaystyle \mathcal{B} = \{ A/N \ | \ A/N \text{ is a submodule of } M/N \}\)Is that correct?

It's almost right. In the definition of $\mathcal{B}$, the $A/N$ should just be $A$.
Peter said:
Then D&F write:

" ... ... The correspondence is given by \(\displaystyle A \leftrightarrow A/N\) for all \(\displaystyle A \subseteq N\). This correspondence commutes with the processes of taking sums and intersections ... ... "Can someone explain exactly (preferably in terms of symbols) what D&F mean when they say that the correspondence commutes with the processes of taking sums and intersections ...

Hope someone can help ... ...


It means $(A\cap B)/N = A/N \cap B/N$ and $(A + B)/N = A/N + B/N$ for all $A, B\in \mathcal{A}$.
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  • #3
There are various possible ways to define a lattice.

One way is to define a partial order $\leq$ on a set $L$. We say, for subset $S \subseteq L$, that an element $u \in L$ that $u$ is an upper bound for $S$ if $s \leq u$ for all $s \in S$.

If there exists an element $u$ such that if for any $x \in L$ such that $s \leq x$ for all $s \in S$, we have $u \leq x$, then $u$ is said to be the least upper bound, or join of $S$. A subset of a partially-ordered set need not have any upper bounds, nor any least upper bounds, but if it has a least upper bound, it is unique.

If every two-element subset $\{s_1,s_2\}$ has a join, $L$ is said to be a join-semilatiice.

Dually, putting the bound on the left of the $\leq$ sign, and the elements of $S$ on the right, we obtain a similar definition of lower bound, and greatest lower bound, also called meet, and of a meet-semilattice.

A lattice is a partially-ordered set that is both a join-semilattice, and a meet-semilattice.

Note that this endows $L$ with two binary operations: join and meet. These are usually denoted by $\vee$ and $\wedge$, respectively.

The $R$-submodules of a given $R$-module $M$ can be given a partial order, by set inclusion.

We have, for two such $R$-submodules $N_1$ and $N_2$:

$N_1 \vee N_2 = \langle N_1,N_2\rangle = N_1 + N_2$

(This is a consequence of the closure condition of an abelian group: any $R$-submodule which contains both $N_1$ and $N_2$ surely contains the sum-including the smallest such submodule, and just as clearly the sum is contained in any submodule of $M$ that contains each summand).

$N_1 \wedge N_2 = N_1 \cap N_2$

(Again clearly the intersection is maximal as a SET, and since it is a submodule itself, it is the maximal submodule contained in both $N_1$ and $N_2$).

The lattice-isomorphism theorem states that if we have an $R$-module homomorphism $\phi: M \to M'$ with $\text{ker }\phi = N$:

$L =$ the sublattice of the lattice of submodules of $M$ over $N$ (i.e. the submodules $A$ for which $N \leq A$, that is: $N \subseteq A$, for our submodule $N$ of $M$),

$L' = $ the lattice of submodules of $\phi(M)$.

then we have a lattice isomorphism:

$\psi: L \to L'$, given by: $\psi(A) = \phi(A)$.

It is not uncommon to state this in term of the binary operations, instead of the partial order:

$\psi(N_1 + N_2) = \psi(N_1) + \psi(N_2)$
$\psi(N_1 \cap N_2) = \psi(N_1) \cap \psi(N_2)$

that is: $\psi$ respects join and meet. It is not uncommon to use the "same letter" for $\psi$ and $\phi$ even though one is defined on $M$ and one is defined on $L$.

Given the FIRST isomorphism theorem, one can "suppress $\phi$", using instead the isomorphic modules $A/N$. Then the statements about $\psi$ above become the same statements about "sums and intersections commuting" found in Dummit and Foote.

Moreover, in any category where we have an analogue of the first homomorphism theorem (such a category necessarily possesses kernels), we obtain a similar lattice-isomorphism theorem:

Groups (kernels are normal subgroups)
Abelian groups (kernels are subgroups)
Rings (kernels are ideals)
Vector spaces (kernels are null spaces)

So, normally, in algebra, you have some "big ugly thing". To get a handle on this big ugly thing, you start to look at its pieces. There may be too many pieces to be able to sort out "what's what". So we filter out "the dull bits", and get a smaller thing that preserves "the interesting bits", but which is of a more manageable size.

Since we have an isomorphism (of some sort) we can "pull-back" what we learn to the big ugly thing. It's sleight-of-hand, in some sense, but it often helps.


Euge said:
It's almost right. In the definition of $\mathcal{B}$, the $A/N$ should just be $A$

Perhaps less confusingly:

$\mathcal{B} = \{B\ |\ B \text{ is a submodule of }M/N\}$

to avoid confusion with the $A$ used in the definition of $\mathcal{A}$.

It is clear that $A/N \in \mathcal{B}$, using $A/N$ in the definition of $\mathcal{B}$ presupposes we already know the map $A \to A/N$ is surjective, which actually needs to be shown.


This is, in fact, the same theorem as in:

but in the more general setting for modules. When you can see it as "obviously true" in several settings simultaneously, you have begun to make real progress (letting our ring be $\Bbb Z$ we obtain the same theorem for abelian groups as a corollary. If our module is, in fact $M = R$, and use the natural $R$ action on an $R/I$-module, we can also obtain the corresponding theorem for rings as a corollary. If $R$ is a field, we obtain the theorem for vector spaces as a corollary. Groups (and monoids, and semigroups) are sort of "the odd man out here", they aren't as "nice". So modules are just *that* cool.).
  • #4
Euge said:
It's almost right. In the definition of $\mathcal{B}$, the $A/N$ should just be $A$.

It means $(A\cap B)/N = A/N \cap B/N$ and $(A + B)/N = A/N + B/N$ for all $A, B\in \mathcal{A}$.

Thanks for the help, Euge ...


- - - Updated - - -

Deveno said:
There are various possible ways to define a lattice.

One way is to define a partial order $\leq$ on a set $L$. We say, for subset $S \subseteq L$, that an element $u \in L$ that $u$ is an upper bound for $S$ if $s \leq u$ for all $s \in S$.

If there exists an element $u$ such that if for any $x \in L$ such that $s \leq x$ for all $s \in S$, we have $u \leq x$, then $u$ is said to be the least upper bound, or join of $S$. A subset of a partially-ordered set need not have any upper bounds, nor any least upper bounds, but if it has a least upper bound, it is unique.

If every two-element subset $\{s_1,s_2\}$ has a join, $L$ is said to be a join-semilatiice.

Dually, putting the bound on the left of the $\leq$ sign, and the elements of $S$ on the right, we obtain a similar definition of lower bound, and greatest lower bound, also called meet, and of a meet-semilattice.

A lattice is a partially-ordered set that is both a join-semilattice, and a meet-semilattice.

Note that this endows $L$ with two binary operations: join and meet. These are usually denoted by $\vee$ and $\wedge$, respectively.

The $R$-submodules of a given $R$-module $M$ can be given a partial order, by set inclusion.

We have, for two such $R$-submodules $N_1$ and $N_2$:

$N_1 \vee N_2 = \langle N_1,N_2\rangle = N_1 + N_2$

(This is a consequence of the closure condition of an abelian group: any $R$-submodule which contains both $N_1$ and $N_2$ surely contains the sum-including the smallest such submodule, and just as clearly the sum is contained in any submodule of $M$ that contains each summand).

$N_1 \wedge N_2 = N_1 \cap N_2$

(Again clearly the intersection is maximal as a SET, and since it is a submodule itself, it is the maximal submodule contained in both $N_1$ and $N_2$).

The lattice-isomorphism theorem states that if we have an $R$-module homomorphism $\phi: M \to M'$ with $\text{ker }\phi = N$:

$L =$ the sublattice of the lattice of submodules of $M$ over $N$ (i.e. the submodules $A$ for which $N \leq A$, that is: $N \subseteq A$, for our submodule $N$ of $M$),

$L' = $ the lattice of submodules of $\phi(M)$.

then we have a lattice isomorphism:

$\psi: L \to L'$, given by: $\psi(A) = \phi(A)$.

It is not uncommon to state this in term of the binary operations, instead of the partial order:

$\psi(N_1 + N_2) = \psi(N_1) + \psi(N_2)$
$\psi(N_1 \cap N_2) = \psi(N_1) \cap \psi(N_2)$

that is: $\psi$ respects join and meet. It is not uncommon to use the "same letter" for $\psi$ and $\phi$ even though one is defined on $M$ and one is defined on $L$.

Given the FIRST isomorphism theorem, one can "suppress $\phi$", using instead the isomorphic modules $A/N$. Then the statements about $\psi$ above become the same statements about "sums and intersections commuting" found in Dummit and Foote.

Moreover, in any category where we have an analogue of the first homomorphism theorem (such a category necessarily possesses kernels), we obtain a similar lattice-isomorphism theorem:

Groups (kernels are normal subgroups)
Abelian groups (kernels are subgroups)
Rings (kernels are ideals)
Vector spaces (kernels are null spaces)

So, normally, in algebra, you have some "big ugly thing". To get a handle on this big ugly thing, you start to look at its pieces. There may be too many pieces to be able to sort out "what's what". So we filter out "the dull bits", and get a smaller thing that preserves "the interesting bits", but which is of a more manageable size.

Since we have an isomorphism (of some sort) we can "pull-back" what we learn to the big ugly thing. It's sleight-of-hand, in some sense, but it often helps.

Perhaps less confusingly:

$\mathcal{B} = \{B\ |\ B \text{ is a submodule of }M/N\}$

to avoid confusion with the $A$ used in the definition of $\mathcal{A}$.

It is clear that $A/N \in \mathcal{B}$, using $A/N$ in the definition of $\mathcal{B}$ presupposes we already know the map $A \to A/N$ is surjective, which actually needs to be shown.


This is, in fact, the same theorem as in:

but in the more general setting for modules. When you can see it as "obviously true" in several settings simultaneously, you have begun to make real progress (letting our ring be $\Bbb Z$ we obtain the same theorem for abelian groups as a corollary. If our module is, in fact $M = R$, and use the natural $R$ action on an $R/I$-module, we can also obtain the corresponding theorem for rings as a corollary. If $R$ is a field, we obtain the theorem for vector spaces as a corollary. Groups (and monoids, and semigroups) are sort of "the odd man out here", they aren't as "nice". So modules are just *that* cool.).

Thanks for the extensive help Deveno ... just working carefully through what you have said ...

Definitely agree that, indeed, modules are cool ...

  • #5

The Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem for Modules, as stated in Dummit and Foote on page 349, establishes a bijection between the submodules of a given module M that contain a submodule N, and the submodules of the quotient module M/N. This means that for every submodule A of M that contains N, there is a corresponding submodule A/N of M/N, and vice versa.

To clarify further, this bijection is defined as a mapping between two sets, \mathcal{A} and \mathcal{B}, where \mathcal{A} is the set of all submodules of M that contain N, and \mathcal{B} is the set of all submodules of M/N. This mapping is denoted as A \leftrightarrow A/N, meaning that for every submodule A in \mathcal{A}, there is a corresponding submodule A/N in \mathcal{B}.

Furthermore, Dummit and Foote state that this correspondence "commutes" with the processes of taking sums and intersections. This means that the mapping A \leftrightarrow A/N preserves these operations, i.e. if A_1, A_2 \in \mathcal{A}, then (A_1 \cap A_2)/N = (A_1/N) \cap (A_2/N) and (A_1 + A_2)/N = (A_1/N) + (A_2/N). In other words, the sum and intersection of submodules in \mathcal{A} result in the sum and intersection of their corresponding submodules in \mathcal{B}.

Overall, the Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem for Modules provides an important result in the study of module theory, allowing for a better understanding and manipulation of submodules within a given module.

Related to Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem for Modules - clarification

1. What is the Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem for Modules?

The Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem for Modules is a fundamental result in abstract algebra that relates the structure of a module to its submodules and quotient modules. It states that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the submodules of a module and the quotient modules of its factor module, and this correspondence preserves the lattice structure of both sets.

2. How is the Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem for Modules different from the First Isomorphism Theorem?

The First Isomorphism Theorem states that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the subgroups of a group and the cosets of its normal subgroup, and this correspondence preserves the group structure. The Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem extends this concept to modules, which are more general algebraic structures than groups. Additionally, the Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem applies to both submodules and quotient modules, while the First Isomorphism Theorem only deals with one of these types of modules.

3. What is the significance of the Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem for Modules?

The Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem is a powerful tool in abstract algebra, as it allows for a better understanding of the structure and relationships between different types of modules. It also has many applications in other areas of mathematics, such as in the study of rings and fields.

4. Can the Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem be applied to non-commutative modules?

Yes, the Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem can be applied to non-commutative modules, as long as the modules involved are over a commutative ring. This is because the theorem relies on the concept of factor modules, which require the underlying ring to be commutative.

5. How can the Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem be used in practical applications?

The Fourth or Lattice Isomorphism Theorem has various practical applications in fields such as linear algebra, group theory, and representation theory. It can also be used in the study of algebraic structures and their representations, which have many real-world applications in areas such as coding theory, cryptography, and data compression.

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