Fréchet ideal and finitely additive measures

  • Thread starter liwi
  • Start date
In summary, we discussed the existence of a finitely additive measure on natural numbers whose null sets form the Fréchet ideal. It was shown that such a measure cannot exist due to a contradiction with certain properties of the measure, as described in Kunen's "Set Theory: An Introduction to Independence Proofs." We also looked at examples of uncountable families of subsets of a countable set with the desired properties.
  • #1
For every finitely additive measure [tex]\eta[/tex] on natural numbers, all [tex]\eta[/tex]-null sets obviously form an ideal.
Why there is no finitely additive measure on natural numbers whose null sets form the Fréchet ideal?
Thanks, liwi
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  • #2
Just to be clear, you define [itex]\eta[/itex] to be a finitely additive measure iff [itex]\eta : P(\mathbb{N}) \to \mathbb{R}[/itex] is defined for every subset of [itex]\mathbb{N}[/itex] and satisfies:

[tex]\eta (\emptyset ) = 0, \eta (\mathbb{N}) = 1[/tex]

[tex]X \subset Y \Rightarrow \eta (X) \leq \eta (Y)[/tex]

[tex]\forall n \in \mathbb{N}\ \eta (\{ n\} ) = 0[/tex]

[tex]X_1, \dots , X_n\ \mbox{pairwise disjoint} \Rightarrow \eta (\cup _{i=1}^n X_i) = \Sigma _{i=1} ^n \eta (X_i)[/tex]

And the Fréchet ideal is the one consisting of all finite subsets of [itex]\mathbb{N}[/itex]?
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  • #3
See Kunen's "Set Theory: An Introduction to Independence Proofs." By I Theorem 1.3 of that text, there is a family [itex]\mathcal{A}[/itex] of [itex]2^{\omega}[/itex] subsets of [itex]N[/itex] such that for all X, Y in [itex]\mathcal{A}[/itex], [itex]|X \cap Y| < \omega[/itex]. Define [itex]\mathcal{B}_n = \{ X \in \mathcal{A} : \eta (X) > 1/n\}[/itex]. By a simple counting argument, there exists n such that [itex]\mathcal{B} _n[/itex] is infinite. Fix such n, and take [itex]X_1, \dots , X_n \in \mathcal{B} _n[/itex]. Then it's easy to see that:

[tex]1 = \eta (\mathbb{N} ) \geq \eta (\cup X_i) = \Sigma \eta (X_i) > \Sigma 1/n = n(1/n) = 1[/tex]

1 > 1, contradiction.
  • #4
Thanks a lot!
I don't have Kunen's book, but for example [itex]\mathcal{A} = \{ \{f \restriction n; n \in \omega \}; f \in \, ^{\omega}2 \} [/itex] or [itex]\mathcal{A} = \{ s(i); s(i) [/itex] chosen sequence of rational numbers converging to [itex] i, i [/itex] irrational [itex] \} [/itex] is an uncountable family of subsets of a countable set, having the property you described. Is that correct?
thanks again,
  • #5
Yes, both are correct. Your first A is perhaps preferable because it doesn't requiring invoking choice, however the second one can be modified to eliminate choice. Just explicitly specify what the sequence s(i) should be for given i, for instance you could specify that it be the decimal expansion approximation sequence, e.g.

[tex]s(\pi ) = \{ 3, 3.1, 3.14, 3.141, \dots \}[/tex]

FAQ: Fréchet ideal and finitely additive measures

What is a Fréchet ideal?

A Fréchet ideal is a mathematical concept that represents a set of subsets of a given set that are "small" in some sense. In other words, it is a collection of subsets that satisfy certain properties, such as being closed under countable unions and containing the empty set.

What is the significance of Fréchet ideals?

Fréchet ideals have applications in various areas of mathematics, including measure theory, topology, and functional analysis. They provide a way to classify sets based on their size and can be used to construct useful mathematical objects, such as finitely additive measures.

What is a finitely additive measure?

A finitely additive measure is a function that assigns a non-negative real number to certain subsets of a given set. It satisfies certain properties, such as being finitely additive (i.e. the measure of a finite union of disjoint sets is the sum of their individual measures) and being countably subadditive (i.e. the measure of a countable union of sets is less than or equal to the sum of their individual measures).

How are Fréchet ideals and finitely additive measures related?

Fréchet ideals and finitely additive measures are closely related as the former is used to define the latter. Specifically, a finitely additive measure can be constructed using a Fréchet ideal by assigning a measure of 0 to sets in the ideal and extending it to other sets using certain properties.

What are some examples of Fréchet ideals and finitely additive measures?

Some examples of Fréchet ideals include the set of all finite sets and the set of all sets with Lebesgue measure 0. Examples of finitely additive measures include the counting measure on finite sets and the Lebesgue measure on the real line.

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