- #1
ehild said:The solutions of the time dependent Schrödinger equation are waves both in free space and over the potential well. How are the parameters of the wave related to the energy of the electron and the depth of the well?
ehild said:That is all right, but E in your equation is E-Ub=8 eV really, is not it?
You could have approached the problem also by solving the Schrödinger equation.
The electron is free as it has positive energy. Its wave function is of the form A exp(ikx). Substituting into the Schrödinger equation,
But you know that k=2pi/lambda.
A free electron is an electron that is not bound to an atom or molecule and is therefore free to move and interact with other particles.
A potential well is a region of space where the potential energy of a particle is lower than in the surrounding areas, causing the particle to be attracted and trapped within the well.
When a free electron passes over a potential well, it will experience a force that pulls it towards the bottom of the well due to the difference in potential energy. The electron will oscillate back and forth until it eventually settles at the bottom of the well.
The behavior of a free electron passing over a potential well can be affected by the magnitude and shape of the potential well, the speed and direction of the electron, and any external forces or fields present.
Studying the behavior of free electrons passing over potential wells is important in understanding the behavior of particles in various systems, such as in semiconductors and superconductors. It also has applications in quantum computing, where controlling the movement of electrons in potential wells is crucial for information processing.