Free expansion of a real gas vs Joule-Thomson effect

In summary, the two equations that can be used to calculate the Joule-Thomson effect are the dU=C_VdT-\left[P-T\left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial T}\right)_V\right]dV and dH=C_PdT+\left[V-T\left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial T}\right)_P\right]dP equations. These equations were derived from the first law of thermodynamics which states that the change in U (work done) in a system is equal to the change in S (heat added) minus the change in V (heat removed). The two equations are equivalent if the
  • #1
I am writing a document on the Joule-Thomson effect. But in my research for it I have come across something that I am not completely clear on. In my document I explained the free expansion of an ideal gas and am trying to transition/segue into the Joule-Thomson effect. However now I am having trouble differentiating between the two (free expansion and J-T effect).

I understand that there is no change of temperature in the free expansion of an ideal gas because the internal energy does not change and the internal energy of an ideal gas is solely a function of temperature, therefore temperature doesn't change

But what about the free expansion of a real gas? The existence of inter molecular forces in a real gas means that the temperature will change. Can someone explain to me how this is different from the Joule-Thomson effect? Or are they essentially the same and the free expansion of a real gas will inevitably produce the Joule-Thomson effect?

Any clarification is much appreciated!
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  • #2
pacgcrosss said:
I am writing a document on the Joule-Thomson effect. But in my research for it I have come across something that I am not completely clear on. In my document I explained the free expansion of an ideal gas and am trying to transition/segue into the Joule-Thomson effect. However now I am having trouble differentiating between the two (free expansion and J-T effect).

I understand that there is no change of temperature in the free expansion of an ideal gas because the internal energy does not change and the internal energy of an ideal gas is solely a function of temperature, therefore temperature doesn't change

But what about the free expansion of a real gas? The existence of inter molecular forces in a real gas means that the temperature will change. Can someone explain to me how this is different from the Joule-Thomson effect? Or are they essentially the same and the free expansion of a real gas will inevitably produce the Joule-Thomson effect?

Any clarification is much appreciated!
The starting equations to use for the two-chamber JT effect and the porous plug JT effect are as follows:
$$dU=C_VdT-\left[P-T\left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial T}\right)_V\right]dV$$
and $$dH=C_PdT+\left[V-T\left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial T}\right)_P\right]dP$$
Are you familiar with these equations?
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  • #3
I am not unfortunately. I assume these are the ones that can be derived from closed and open forms (respectively) of the first law of thermodynamics? I think I can see how I can work with the dH equation to get the formula for dT/dP which is defined as the J-T coefficient.

edit: just checked that the form for the J-T coefficient got from your second formula is correct.
I was able to get the same J-T formula from dH = (dH/dp)dp + (dH/dT)dT. Is this formula and the one you showed me equivalent?
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  • #4
pacgcrosss said:
I am not unfortunately. I assume these are the ones that can be derived from closed and open forms (respectively) of the first law of thermodynamics? I think I can see how I can work with the dH equation to get the formula for dT/dP which is defined as the J-T coefficient.

edit: just checked that the form for the J-T coefficient got from your second formula is correct.
Actually, these equations were derived from $$dU=TdS-PdV$$and$$dH=TdS+VdP$$. The closed system version of the first law of thermodynamics is used to show that, for the two-chamber system, $$\Delta U=0$$ The open system version of the first law of thermodynamics issued to show that, for the porous plug continuous flow system, $$\Delta H=0$$where, in this case H is the enthalpy permit mass of gas passing through the plug.

Now, for free expansion. In the two-chamber situation, if the volume of the 2nd (vacuum) chamber is made very large, you approach free expansion. I don't quite know how to relate the porous plug system to free expansion.
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FAQ: Free expansion of a real gas vs Joule-Thomson effect

1. What is the difference between free expansion of a real gas and the Joule-Thomson effect?

The free expansion of a real gas refers to the process in which a gas expands into a vacuum without any external work being done on the gas. This results in no change in temperature or internal energy of the gas. On the other hand, the Joule-Thomson effect is a process in which a gas is allowed to expand through a porous plug or valve, causing a change in temperature due to the gas doing work on its surroundings.

2. How does the molecular structure of a gas affect free expansion and the Joule-Thomson effect?

The molecular structure of a gas plays a significant role in both free expansion and the Joule-Thomson effect. In free expansion, the molecules of a gas are able to move freely without any external forces acting on them, leading to no change in internal energy. In the Joule-Thomson effect, the molecular interactions within the gas determine whether the temperature will increase or decrease during expansion.

3. Can real gases exhibit both free expansion and the Joule-Thomson effect?

Yes, real gases can exhibit both free expansion and the Joule-Thomson effect. However, the conditions under which these processes occur may vary. Free expansion typically occurs at low pressures and high temperatures, while the Joule-Thomson effect is more prominent at higher pressures and lower temperatures.

4. How does the Joule-Thomson coefficient relate to the Joule-Thomson effect?

The Joule-Thomson coefficient is a measure of how much a gas's temperature changes when it undergoes the Joule-Thomson effect. A positive coefficient indicates that the gas cools upon expansion, while a negative coefficient indicates that the gas will warm up. The magnitude of the coefficient is also related to the nature of the gas's molecular interactions.

5. What practical applications does the Joule-Thomson effect have?

The Joule-Thomson effect has several practical applications, including refrigeration and natural gas processing. In refrigeration, the Joule-Thomson effect is utilized to cool gases, such as in air conditioners or refrigerators. In natural gas processing, the Joule-Thomson effect is used to control the temperature of natural gas as it is transported through pipelines, preventing it from freezing and obstructing the flow.
