Free Software for Visualizing Data

In summary, someone who is not very computer savvy wants to create graphs and animations from data using a free substitute for Mathematica. Several suggestions for possible substitutes for Mathematica were given, including R, Octave, and Python.
  • #1
I just graduated, and one of my last classes in school was computational physics. We would write programs using C++ to simulate all sorts of physical situations, write a bunch of data to a text file, and then import that data into Mathematica, where we would use the data to create graphs, animations, manipulations, etc.

I really enjoyed this class, and I wanted to keep messing around with these sorts of problems on my own. The problem is, I'm not very computer savvy outside of Mathematica, and now that I've graduated I don't have access to that. I can still program and generate data, but I was wondering if anyone knows of a free substitute for Mathematica when it comes to producing visualizations from .txt data. It obviously doesn't have to do all the other stuff Mathematica does, I just want to make pretty graphs and animations from my data (something like manipulations would be a nice perk as well, but that seems like it would be harder to find).

Any suggestions?
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  • #2
You might want to check out R. It is a free graphing and data analysis package that is very popular. I have used it enough to recommend it. It is well supported and documented. There are many extension packages available, including an animation package. I have no experience with the animation package.
  • #3
And there is SciLab - a freeware Matlab
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  • #4
BvU said:
And there is SciLab - a freeware Matlab
I am very interested in a free MATLAB-like tool. When I saw your SciLab recommendation, it lead me to a similar tool set, Octave. ( ) It looks like Octave is even more MATLAB-like. I am going to investigate it.
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  • #5
I would just recommend using Python with the matplotlib library. You can easily learn how to generate just about any type of graph. It's not quite as easy as Mathematica, but close. And it's free.
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  • #6
FactChecker said:
I am very interested in a free MATLAB-like tool. When I saw your SciLab recommendation, it lead me to a similar tool set, Octave. ( ) It looks like Octave is even more MATLAB-like. I am going to investigate it.
I'm using Octave right now. Only a few hours in, but it works so far.
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  • #7
outside the more useful realm of programming languages with a "real goal" there are also programming languages like just in case you want something that is the fancy pants version of a graphical library .

you could also try something like love which is a framework written in lua , and since it is a framework written for making all sort of multimedia software it has some physics and rendering technologies too .
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  • #8
There is also Julia ( which promises to be a better MATLAB than matlab. You'll have to use it with the iPython notebook which comes packaged with Julia in the Anaconda distro ( One key difference in julia from MATLAB is in the use of [] for array indexing vs matlabs use of (). Julia can interface well with Python, Fortran and R too so its poised to be integrated into legacy systems.

And for the more casual user of Matlab there Freemat ( which is easier to setup and run than any of the other MATLAB clones. However, again the clones can't alway run MATLAB code referencing stuff beyond the MATLAB core functions and the functions may not be mapped one to one.
  • #9
If you're into javascript, d3 is probably the go to data visualization thing out there. It's a bit of a mess to learn but what in javascript isn't...
  • #10
Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I've settled into using Octave for now, and that's working well. My next goal is to learn Python and start exploring some of the Python-specific options suggested here. I'll be coming back to this thread for ideas, so feel free to keep adding suggestions for me and others.
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Related to Free Software for Visualizing Data

What is "Free Software for Visualizing Data"?

"Free Software for Visualizing Data" refers to software tools that are available for use at no cost and are specifically designed to help users create visual representations of data sets. These tools can range from simple graphing and charting software to more complex data analysis and visualization platforms.

Why is "Free Software for Visualizing Data" important for scientists?

"Free Software for Visualizing Data" is important for scientists because it allows them to easily and effectively communicate their research findings to others. With visual representations of data, scientists can better identify patterns, trends, and relationships within their data, making it easier to draw conclusions and share their findings with others.

Are there any limitations to using "Free Software for Visualizing Data"?

While "Free Software for Visualizing Data" can be a useful tool for scientists, there may be some limitations to its use. For example, some platforms may have limited capabilities or may not be suitable for handling large or complex data sets. It is important for scientists to carefully evaluate the capabilities and limitations of any software before using it for their research.

Can "Free Software for Visualizing Data" be used for any type of data?

Yes, "Free Software for Visualizing Data" can be used for a wide range of data types, including numerical, categorical, and textual data. However, some software may be more suited for certain types of data or may have specific features designed for particular data types. It is important to research and select the right software for the specific data being analyzed.

Are there any open source "Free Software for Visualizing Data" options available?

Yes, there are many open-source "Free Software for Visualizing Data" options available. Open-source software is developed and maintained by a community of users and developers, and the source code is freely available for anyone to use and modify. This makes it a popular choice for scientists who want to customize their visualization tools to suit their specific needs.

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