Free Worldwide Energy - Nichola Tesla

In summary, Nikola Tesla was a brilliant inventor and scientist who had a vision of using the Earth's natural conductivity to provide free energy for all people. However, his ideas were ahead of his time and were not fully understood or accepted by the government and society. Despite this, Tesla's concepts and theories continue to be studied and explored today, with evidence suggesting that there may be a highly conductive layer in the lower mantle that could potentially support his ideas.
  • #36
Free Electron Pump - Obtaining the Earth's Electricity

It appears that Tesla and those who followed him might just have found a way of obtaining electricity power from the Earth itself. Is anyone able to explain the following construct that Nikola Tesla found long before the world was ready to understand.

The Magnifying Transmitter by Nikola Tesla : "...It is a resonant transformer with a secondary in which the parts charged to a high potential, are of considerable area and arranged in space along ideal enveloping surfaces of very large radii of curvature, and at proper distances from one another thereby insuring a small electrical surface density everywhere so that no leak can occur even if the conductor is bare. It is suitable for any frequency,from a few to many thousands of cycles per second, and can be used in the production of currents of tremedous volume and moderate pressure, or of smaller amperage and immense electro-motive force. The maximum electric tension is merely dependant on the curvature of the surfaces on which the charged elements are situated and the area of the latter." (1)

In the Tesla's Magnifying transmitter, the energy is countinuously bounced back and forth between the Earth and the reflecting capacitance at a rate timed to a natural rate of the earth...(5)

Nikola Tesla has said in a patent about improvements relating to the Transmission of Electrical energy (4) : "...Stated otherwise, the terrestrial conductor is thrown into resonance with the oscillations impressed upon it just like a wire. More than this, a number of facts ascertained by me clearly show, that the movement of electricity through it follows certain laws with nearly mathematical rigor. For the present it will be sufficient to state, that the Earth behaves like a perfectly smooth or polished conductor of inappreciable resistance, with capacity and self-induction uniformly distributed along the axis of symmetry of waves propagation and transmitting slow electrical oscillations without sensible distortion and attenuation. Besides the above, three requirements seem to be essential to the establishment of the resonating condition.

The Earth's diameter passing through the pole should be an odd multiple of the quarter wave-length, that is, of the ratio between the velocity of light and four times the frequency of the currents.

It is necessary to employ oscillations, in which the rate of radiation of energy into space in the form of Hertzians or electromagnetic waves is very small. To give an idea I would say, that the frequency should be smaller than twenty thousand per second, through shorter waves might be practicable. The lowest frequency would appear to be six per second, in which case there will be but one node, at or near the ground plate, and, paradoxical as it may seem, the opposite the transmitter. With oscillations still slower the earth, strictly speaking, will not resonate, but simply act as capacity, and the variation of potential will be more or less uniform over its entire surface.

The most essential requirement is, however, that irrespective of frequency, the wave or wave train should continue for a certain interval of time, which I have estimated to be not less than one twelfth-or probably 0.08484-of a second, and which is taken in passing to, and returning from the region diametrically opposite the pole, over the Earth's surface, with a mean velocity of about 471,240 kilometers per second..."
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Engineering news on
  • #37
An inverter and a neon light? Not all that exciting.
  • #38
Originally posted by russ_watters
An inverter and a neon light? Not all that exciting.

You see an inverter and a neon light bulb but you miss everything that Tesla did for all of us. Without Tesla's work, we wouldn't have computers, television, telephone and just about everything we use in our modern world.

Forget about the fact that the atmosphere can light a neon bulb. The whole world and atmosphere could possibly be powered by and operate everything on the Earth for free.
  • #39
Originally posted by onycho
You see an inverter and a neon light bulb but you miss everything that Tesla did for all of us. Without Tesla's work, we wouldn't have computers, television, telephone and just about everything we use in our modern world.

Forget about the fact that the atmosphere can light a neon bulb. The whole world and atmosphere could possibly be powered by and operate everything on the Earth for free.

Sorry Onycho, but that's bull. The only match I can make in that statement with authentic technological history is that Tesla did invent one kind of logic gate back in the 1890's. But when "computer time" came around in the 1940's, everyone who needed a logic gate had no trouble inventing one. Tesla's work was not rediscovered until computers were in being, and was insufficient in itself to generate computers.

As for telephones they were already in existence when Tesla worked (roughly 1885 - 1925). The invention of TV is a fraught story, but Tesla doesn't come into it.
  • #40
Originally posted by selfAdjoint
Sorry Onycho, but that's bull. The only match I can make in that statement with authentic technological history is that Tesla did invent one kind of logic gate back in the 1890's. But when "computer time" came around in the 1940's, everyone who needed a logic gate had no trouble inventing one. Tesla's work was not rediscovered until computers were in being, and was insufficient in itself to generate computers.

As for telephones they were already in existence when Tesla worked (roughly 1885 - 1925). The invention of TV is a fraught story, but Tesla doesn't come into it.

For a complete description, take a look at the following site.

Who is Nikola Tesla?
Tesla invented just about everything. As you work on a computer, remember Tesla. His Tesla Coil supplies the high voltage for the picture tube you use. The electricity for your computer comes from a Tesla-designed AC generator, is sent through a Tesla transformer, and gets to your house through 3-phase Tesla power.
Here's a short list of some of the stuff he invented:

The polyphase induction motor
The hydroelectric generator
Radio (also here)
Vacuum tubes
Fluorescent lights
Microwaves (search for microwave)
Radar (search for Tesla)
AC power (both 2-phase and 3-phase)
Broadcast power
The rotary engine
Oh, yeah - and
The Tesla Coil
And here's a short list of some of the other stuff he fooled around with:
Radio wave propagation
Missile science
Remote control
Beam weapons
Ball lightning
And then, of course, there's that mysterious "black box..."

Please check out:

The Tesla Wardenclyffe Project
The Tesla Memorial Society
Winghead's Top 100 Dinner Guests (of course, Tesla made the list!)

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  • #41
Nikolas Tesla may not have invented the Edison telephone but he did contribute the electrical current necessary to make it run.

When he learned in 1881 that a tele...y well understood American humor and Edison.)
  • #42
Like I said before, onycho, Tesla was a great scientist, but the mythology only serves to diminish his work. I'm sure he'd turn over in his grave if he knew about all the myths.
  • #43
Originally posted by russ_watters
Like I said before, onycho, Tesla was a great scientist, but the mythology only serves to diminish his work. I'm sure he'd turn over in his grave if he knew about all the myths.

The mythology of his work? The evidence points to the fact that his work was well reported in the papers of his day and his patents which also served to document that 'mythology!'

If you feel that his many patents filed with the US Patent office dimish his work, please explain?

For a look at Tesla's patents on-line in pdf format, take a look at the following site.
  • #44
Originally posted by onycho
The mythology of his work? The evidence points to the fact that his work was well reported in the papers of his day and his patents which also served to document that 'mythology!'
The patents are his work - the other things you and others erroneously attribute to him (both the real inventions actually invented by others and the imaginary inventions) are the mythology. Most of that list of yours is either misleading or just plain erroneous. And the things discussed earlier in the thread were pure fantasy.

I've often wondered where this comes from - I'm guessing its the fact that so much of his work was out on the fringe and hasn't resulted in practical applications (but was nevertheless good research). He had an unusual mixture of scientist/inventor whereas a guy like Edison was all inventor.
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  • #45
He was also a constant self-promoter. The famed Tesla coil was just one of the effects in an electrical "magic show" he used to put on for sponsors and reporters. He had a house in NYC all wired up to support these extravaganzas. It was all reported in the press, and in the self-help magazines of the day. It's no surpise he became a folk-hero with all kinds of phoney stroies about him. Some sociologist ought to do a study: Tesla the average American's magic technologist, comparison with Paul Bunyan and Johhny Appleseed.
  • #46
Originally posted by selfAdjoint
He was also a constant self-promoter. The famed Tesla coil was just one of the effects in an electrical "magic show" he used to put on for sponsors and reporters. He had a house in NYC all wired up to support these extravaganzas. It was all reported in the press, and in the self-help magazines of the day. It's no surpise he became a folk-hero with all kinds of phoney stroies about him. Some sociologist ought to do a study: Tesla the average American's magic technologist, comparison with Paul Bunyan and Johhny Appleseed.
Ahh, now that I didn't know (or maybe I learned it and forgot). Tesla: the PT Barnum of physics.
  • #47
Originally posted by russ_watters
Ahh, now that I didn't know (or maybe I learned it and forgot). Tesla: the PT Barnum of physics.


what about Edison's horrid demonstration of his 'powers'
(the Wizard of Menlo Park)

fryin a live Elephant to death!--and filming it...

btw: Edison made 1st movie version of "Frankenstein"
(would have been better though if he'd used Tesla's coil for special effects----they're really cool!

these guys were in fact super competitors-Telsa once worked for Edison you know-------what's best AC or DC?
who's going to get the 'contract' to power up the city...
Tom Terrific encouraged his "Wizard" image-Tesla responded
seriously,whata you going to do to raise money?

Both of these guys have been honored with US stamps--of course,so's my buddy Mickey and that creep Donald;
(how the H did Frieda Karlo get 'stamped'-a commie from Mexico-i don't get it---but it's a strange world getting stranger everyday...

<<seems like a post has been removed from this thread-trying to find it-had link to 'Tom Bearden'?--wanted to investigate that further...>>>>>

anyone familiar with the Tesla experiment i mentioned? which really seems to be right on topic here--did he or not (cause the 5 state 'black out') ? is that a Myth?
  • #48
Originally posted by mouseonmoon
<<seems like a post has been removed from this thread-trying to find it-had link to 'Tom Bearden'?--wanted to investigate that further...>>>>>
Tom Bearden and his MEG were discussed in another thread. The gist though is that if it worked, it would be absolutely trivial to hook it up to the power grid.

My guess is they pulled a fast one on the USPTO (not as hard as you may think). The wording is such that you'll miss the free power claim if you aren't paying enough attention. And not seeing the free power claim means not demanding to see a working model of the device.
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  • #49
Great News! PBS Special April : they have set up a 'website '
cool intro:home

But see this article by him:
The Transmission Of Electric Energy Without Wires,

He relates being in Colorado in 1898 being 'helped by "my friend Leonard E. Curtis and the Colorado Springs Electric Company" to conduct these experiments-published in the Century Magazine of June, 1900...studying the electrical potential of the globe...

" Impossible as it seemed, this planet, despite its vast extent, behaved like a conductor of limited dimensions. The tremendous significance of this fact in the transmission of energy by my system had already become quite clear to me. Not only was it practicable to send telegraphic messages to any distance without wires, as I recognized long ago,... far more still, to transmit power, in unlimited amounts, to any terrestrial distance and almost without loss."

and describes his "magnifying transmitter"...

"...difficult to form an adequate idea of the marvelous power of this unique appliance, by the aid of which the globe will be transformed."

what happened? (will this program-from the notorious left wingers reveal all? expose JP Morgan's maniacle influence...the oil barron's then and now nefarious dealings...??

it's wild stuff--any comments?

i'm certainly looking forward to this PBS special (was hoping i'd find mention of that ol' show i saw:
you know, about the 'black out ' out west! Myth? , Legend?, TRUTH!

How synchronistic-serendipi-dipi-tideous!-- or mere coincidence...

from PBS site of special note:
more on Colorodo Springs

discussions with 4 Tesla experts

(thanks russ--------try to tape this show!-
i'm sure i'll have some ?'s 4 u
(that's "a-loga-rythmic" english-
Spanglish is coming soon-whono wat nex...

Don't forget the State of the Union tonight!
Fly yur Flag
  • #50
Originally posted by russ_watters

The patents are his work - the other things you and others erroneously attribute to him (both the real inventions actually invented by others and the imaginary inventions) are the mythology. Most of that list of yours is either misleading or just plain erroneous. And the things discussed earlier in the thread were pure fantasy. I've often wondered where this comes from - I'm guessing its the fact that so much of his work was out on the fringe and hasn't resulted in practical applications (but was nevertheless good research). He had an unusual mixture of scientist/inventor whereas a guy like Edison was all inventor.

Russ I often wonder where you come by your certainty of information and knowledge about Nikola Tesla and his crackpot inventions? Apparently Tesla like most of the world's great scientist/inventors had some degree of eccentricities. He like Einstein and many others were loners and atypical. Tesla was an inventor and naive.

Because of Tesla's peculiarities, his inventions apparently proved not to be crackpot or worthless but so valid that others like Marconi and Edison made vast fortunes that Tesla was unable to rectify becaue he had been defrauded. They simply misappropriated Tesla's work, like Marconi in 1943 lost his patent to Tesla in the US Patent office and like Edison who used Tesla's remarkable patents for practical saleable products leaving Tesla irrelevant and given no credit for his genius.

If you have any valid evidence that Tesla's inventions were for the most part half-baked, your enlightenment would be appreciated.
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  • #51
Originally posted by onycho
Russ I often wonder where you come by your certainty of information and knowledge about Nikola Tesla and his crackpot inventions?
I think you misunderstood me - Tesla cannot be considered a crackpot on the basis of inventions that other people erroneously attribute to him. The conspiracy theorist who attributes a city-wide blackout, an explosion over Tunguska, or an energy weapon to Tesla is the crackpot.
  • #52
here's a character 'inspired' by Tesla
one of the 'virtualy 'unknown'
Chapter 7

The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats*

[* Nature of World & of Man, Chicago Inst. of Technology]

Dr T. Henry Moray. S. Sc.

[This was the original Chapter 1 in a book called Beyond the Light Rays, which is out-of -print and no longer available. The last known copy was stolen from Dr moray's laboratory…]
A New Era In Energy: Power from the Cosmos and the Earth.

Dr Nikola Tesla said over 60 years ago: "Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point if the universe… throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic? If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic --- and this we know it is, for certain --- then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature."**

[** Nikola Tesla: Experiments with Alternating Currents of High Potential & High Frequency, 1904]

Nikola Tesla was not referring to atomic or nuclear energy, but to the energy which is continually bombarding the Earth from outer space.

Enough energy is coming to the Earth to light over 1.5 million (1,693,600) 100-watt lamps for every human being on the Earth today. No fuel of any kind need be taken as a dead load as this energy can be "picked-up" directly by ocean liners, railroads, airplanes, automobiles, or any form of transportation. Heat, light and power can be made available for use in all kinds of buildings and for all kinds of machinery. An example would be to pump water onto the desert lands, the power source being only a fraction of the weight of any steam plant or any kind of engine in use today and all this at a fraction of the current cost.

A wild dream? No! It's a proven practical reality, as hundreds of people know who have witnessed the Moray Radiant Energy invention --- powered from the cosmos. This is cosmic energy. ***

[*** Dr Moray was not referring to Cosmic Rays. One must read further and contemplate his hypothesis regarding energy from within the atom.]

anyway, you may find this interesting
and curiously
" 161] The original patent application was first filed in 1931. This application was rejected on a number of bases. First (Figure 17),_ "Because no means was provided for causing the cathode to emit an appreciable number of electrons, the current produced in the cathode by the antenna will not heat the cathode to a temperature at which an appreciable number of electrons per second are emitted"_ (In other words, according to Thomas E. Robinson, Commissioner of Patents, a solid state device, a transistor, cannot possible work). Second, because "No natural source of electric wave energy is known to the Examiner and proof of the existence of such a source is required". In other words, it was not enough for Moray to demonstrate the effect of the energy source; he also had to identify it, which he could not do…

[p. 190] In fact, we have recently been informed that none of the original patent applications that Henry made are any longer available at the US Patent Office. Although their file jackets are there, the contents and applications themselves are gone…"
I've been to the 'Patent Office' (Crystal City)-would have been very easy to have taken anything----i'm guessing, but i doubt they'll let 'ordinary citizenz' do their own 'research' these days...
  • #53
Originally posted by russ_watters
I think you misunderstood me - Tesla cannot be considered a crackpot on the basis of inventions that other people erroneously attribute to him. The conspiracy theorist who attributes a city-wide blackout, an explosion over Tunguska, or an energy weapon to Tesla is the crackpot.

Russ I must have misunderstood you as I do agree with your assertions that many have given Tesla credit for undocumented things or events that could not have happened as a result of his work.

What he actually did was significant but he died a pauper because of the greed so notable in the character flaws of many as we see today.
  • #54
Originally posted by mouseonmoon

here's a character 'inspired' by Tesla
one of the 'virtualy 'unknown'...

Yes I believe that there are things yet unknown to be discovered such as abundant energy for all mankind's purposes. If Einstein's famous formula (E=mc>2)is valid, all matter is nothing more than condensed energy. The challenge is to convert, store and use this universal energy safely unlike nuclear power sources.

The mere fact that Tesla's original patents are missing from the US Patent Office while patent copies do exist on-line indicates that someone was very interested in his copious works shortly after his death in 1943. Such infringement of Tesla's patents by others is common but in his case, there were no relatives to fight for his genius.
  • #55
I personally think that Tesla was a crackpot. Now I didn't personally know the man, and what I form my opinions on are the writings and descriptions of others. But, there is always SOME truth to be found in such writings. The latter day crackpots that worship Tesla probably worship him because he really did have some wacked out ideas. His wierdness may just have been exaggerated by all of the Tesla worshipping fools, but I still believe he was a bit off kilter.
  • #56
Originally posted by Averagesupernova

I personally think that Tesla was a crackpot. Now I didn't personally know the man, and what I form my opinions on are the writings and descriptions of others. But, there is always SOME truth to be found in such writings. The latter day crackpots that worship Tesla probably worship him because he really did have some wacked out ideas. His wierdness may just have been exaggerated by all of the Tesla worshipping fools, but I still believe he was a bit off kilter.

Yep that is exactly what many believed about Albert Einstein and Marie Curie. They were considered crackpots, had their share of worshipping idols and of course they both were a bit off kilter.

Only later when Tesla's ideas are found in almost everything the world's population uses each day, many forget that they were his ideas and concepts which were stolen from this very human being.

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