Freewill: A Path to Spiritual Evolution

  • Thread starter Entheos
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of free will and its limitations. While some believe that we have complete free will, others argue that our free will is limited by physical, societal, and spiritual constraints. Some suggest that true free will is the ability to create and control our own universe, while others believe that even the concept of free will is an illusion. The conversation also touches on the idea that our choices are influenced by external factors and may not truly be free.
  • #36
Cyfin is right. We have the freewill do to anything, but lack the ability to do so.
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  • #37
cyfin said:
Freewill pertains only to the mind. You have the will to jump out the window and fly, but you lack the ability. We were given free will to will anything we want. But we were placed in a world of limited abilities and confined to the laws of this world. From this we get the popular phrase "The mind is willing, but the body is weak". What freewill means, at least to me, is that we can think anything we want. There is no force in this world shaping or directing the path of my thoughts. Though it can be argued that outside effects often do shape that, it is only because I allow them. Insane people are a great example of freewill. Some of them think they are birds. Their mind is completely convinced of this. Does that change their physical form into that of a bird? Of course not. Free will is that which we have over animals. When an animal, such as a dog, makes a dicition, its instinct tells it what to do. I am away. I am hungy...go eat. I am horny...go have sex. It is because of our free will that we can choose logic over instinct. We have total and complete freedom to think whatever we want.

i don't totally agree with that, the sentence which i bolded...and its only now that i am bringing it up because it is only now that I've been introduced to Henri D'Holbach. i don't really familiar with him or not. i'll refresh anyone who isnt. D'holbach said that man is NEVER a free agent. we're never truly free. as hard as that is to accept. we weren't free to choose whether or not we wanted to be born, and even still, now when we think ourselves to be independant, free adults, we are not. This is because everything we think, everything that comes to our minds, every single decision is influenced by something. therefore, in the end, the decision which we made, the decision which we think we made out of our own free will was not our own decision at all. we made that choice because we were influenced to do so, whether we are consciously aware of it or not.
Example: a woman goes shopping with her friend. she looks at two different dresses , one red and one black, and cannot decide which to buy. she can only buy one. she tries them both on and asks her friend which one looks better. her friend says the black one because it makes her look slimmer. the woman thinks a bit and finally decides on the black one.

that is a really really basic example. its really simple. however, look deeper into this and from now on in her life, that woman will be affected by that decision. from now on she will look slimmer in black. she will refer back to that decision from then on. whenever buying clothes she will think "this is a nice colour, but black makes me look slimmer." and even if she does choose the red one, its because she thinks she looks better in it. but that is still not her free will decision. why? because she is defining what looks good by what society tells her looks good. therefore she is influenced by society.

all in all, memories, past decisions, past cravings, and present cravings, etc all make our decisions for us. as hard as that is to believe.

and one more thing i'd like to comment on is the whole "When an animal, such as a dog, makes a dicition, its instinct tells it what to do." in many ways humans are like that can dangle a treat in front of a dog and it will jump for it. dangle a bill in front of a human and i guarantee they will jump for it too.many people act on instinct rather then logic as well.
  • #38
Alkatran said:
My insides tell me free will is true but physics tell me it is not.
This seems incorrect to me. Physics has nothing at all to say about freewill. Physicists, of course, have a great deal to say, since they generally plump for theories based on its non-existence. However there is no scientific evidence that freewill is an illusion as yet. It is perfectly possible, as far as the scientific evidence goes, that freewill is just what 'folk-psychology' leads us think that it is.

To turn this around the other way, if it is reasonable to argue that freewill is an illusion then it is reasonable to argue that consciousness is an illusion, and many argue that the phenomeneal world and sentient beings are an illusion. Once you make the illusion argument for one thing you have to have to make it for all.

I suppose one question that arises is whether we are free to make up our own minds on this issue. If not then there's not much point in discussing it.

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