Frequency of Circular Motion in Ring Rolling Inside a Cone

In summary, a small ring of radius ##r## rolls on a surface with friction and the point of contact between the ring and a cone moves in a circle at height ##h## above the tip. The plane of the ring remains perpendicular to the line joining the point of contact and the tip of the cone. The frequency of the circular motion can be approximated by taking into account the motion in the vertical direction and considering the torque about the center of mass of the ring, where the only contributing torque is due to the frictional force along the slant height of the cone. This torque causes the ring to precess, allowing it to move in a circular path around the cone. The magnitude of the spin remains constant, so the
  • #1

Homework Statement

(See attachment)

Assume that the surface has friction and a small ring of radius ##r## rolls on the surface without slipping.

Assume conditions have been set up so that (1) point of contact between the ring and the cone moves in a circle at height ##h## above the tip and (2) the plane of ring is at all times perpendicular to the line joining the point of contact and the tip of the cone.

What is the frequency of this circular motion?

You may work in the approximation where ##r## is much smaller than radius of circular motion.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

The attachment 2 shows the side view snapshot of the motion.

The CM of ring rotates in a circle of radius ##r_e=h\tan\theta-r\cos\theta##. The force acting on it are shown in the attachment. The frictional force can be resolved into two components. One along the slant height of cone (f) and the other along the tangent to the point of contact (not shown).

Now I am confused at this point. If I take torque about the CM of ring, the only contributing torque is due to the two components of friction mentioned above. The torque due to friction along the slant height would tend to rotate the ring and not allow the circular motion to take place, doe this mean I have to assume that component to be zero? But doing that doesn't make sense to me. :confused:

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


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  • #2
Pranav-Arora said:
The torque due to friction along the slant height would tend to rotate the ring and not allow the circular motion to take place
Are you sure about that? It seems to me that's exactly torque needed in order for the rotation to take place.
  • #3
dauto said:
Are you sure about that? It seems to me that's exactly torque needed in order for the rotation to take place.
Quite so. The ring's axis of rotation is changing, and that requires a torque. This is a gyroscope precessing.
OTOH, I very much doubt there is a tangential frictional force.
  • #4
haruspex said:
Quite so. The ring's axis of rotation is changing, and that requires a torque. This is a gyroscope precessing.
OTOH, I very much doubt there is a tangential frictional force.

A tangential frictional force would do work increasing the system's energy. That can't happen.
  • #5
haruspex said:
Quite so. The ring's axis of rotation is changing, and that requires a torque. This is a gyroscope precessing.
OTOH, I very much doubt there is a tangential frictional force.

Agreed that there will be no tangential frictional force but what about ##f## acting along the slant height of cone? :confused:

As I mentioned earlier, if I take torque about CM, the only torque acting is due to the frictional force along the slant height and this torque would make the ring fall toward the tip of the cone which should not happen. What's wrong with my argument?
  • #6
Pranav-Arora said:
Agreed that there will be no tangential frictional force but what about ##f## acting along the slant height of cone? :confused:

As I mentioned earlier, if I take torque about CM, the only torque acting is due to the frictional force along the slant height and this torque would make the ring fall toward the tip of the cone which should not happen. What's wrong with my argument?

The torque makes the ring precess which is necessary. It won't necessarily fall towards the tip, though it might if it wasn't moving fast enough.
  • #7
dauto said:
The torque makes the ring precess which is necessary. It won't necessarily fall towards the tip, though it might if it wasn't moving fast enough.

But which torque balances it then? There is only one torque about CM and i.e due to friction along the slant height. There must be some other torque (about CM) which has to balance this. :confused:
  • #8
Pranav-Arora said:
But which torque balances it then? There is only one torque about CM and i.e due to friction along the slant height. There must be some other torque (about CM) which has to balance this. :confused:

No, the torque is not balanced. There is a net torque that causes angular momentum to change forcing the disk to precess as needed for it to move in a circular path around the cone.
  • #9
dauto said:
No, the torque is not balanced. There is a net torque that causes angular momentum to change forcing the disk to precess as needed for it to move in a circular path around the cone.

Yes, I understand that the direction of angular momentum changes, so there must be a torque but how do I calculate it?
  • #10
Use τ = dL/dt
  • #11
dauto said:
Use τ = dL/dt

Erm...I know I have to use this but about what point should I evaluate the expression for ##\vec{L}##. I am sorry if this sounds stupid but this is the first time I am trying to solve a problem where the direction of L changes.
  • #12
Pranav-Arora said:
Erm...I know I have to use this but about what point should I evaluate the expression for ##\vec{L}##. I am sorry if this sounds stupid but this is the first time I am trying to solve a problem where the direction of L changes.
The magnitude of the spin does not change, so you just want the magnitude multiplied by the rate at which its direction changes. In a small time dt, how far does the ring move around the cone? What is therefore the change in direction of the spin?
  • #13
haruspex said:
In a small time dt, how far does the ring move around the cone?
##\omega r_e\,dt##?
What is therefore the change in direction of the spin?
##L\sin\theta \omega\,dt##?
  • #14
Pranav-Arora said:
##\omega r_e\,dt##?

##L\sin\theta \omega\,dt##?
If ω is the rate at which the centre of the ring moves around the axis of the cone, yes.
  • #15
haruspex said:
If ω is the rate at which the centre of the ring moves around the axis of the cone, yes.

What next? :redface:
  • #16
Pranav-Arora said:
What next? :redface:

There should be an equation connecting the torque and the rate of change of angular momentum.
  • #17
haruspex said:
There should be an equation connecting the torque and the rate of change of angular momentum.

Yes, but what to fill in for the moment of inertia?

The equation would be:
$$I\alpha=L\sin\theta \omega$$
About what point should I calculate ##I##? Should ##I## be about CM? If so, I don't see why. :confused:
  • #18
Pranav-Arora said:
Yes, but what to fill in for the moment of inertia?

The equation would be:
$$I\alpha=L\sin\theta \omega$$
No, the torque is ##\vec F \times \vec r##. And the rate of change of ##\vec L## can be written ##\vec L \times \vec \omega##. (Could have the signs wrong.). Note that both these vector products produce a vector parallel to the motion of the ring's centre.
  • #19
haruspex said:
No, the torque is ##\vec F \times \vec r##. And the rate of change of ##\vec L## can be written ##\vec L \times \vec \omega##. (Could have the signs wrong.). Note that both these vector products produce a vector parallel to the motion of the ring's centre.

Thanks haruspex!

I did a force balance and got:
$$f=mg\cos\theta-m\omega^2 r_e\sin\theta$$
$$mg\cos\theta r-m\omega^2 r_e\sin\theta r=L\sin\theta \omega \,\,\, (*)$$
where ##\omega'## is the angular velocity of ring about its own axis.

I need a relation between ##\omega'## and ##\omega##. I think for that, I should use the fact that point of contact has zero velocity. So that gives:
$$v_{cm}+\omega' h\tan\theta=\omega r$$
$$\Rightarrow \omega r_e+\omega h\tan\theta=\omega' r$$
$$\Rightarrow \omega'=\frac{\omega (r_e+h\tan\theta)}{r}\approx \frac{\omega h\tan\theta}{r}$$
Using ##r_e \approx h\tan\theta## and plugging everything in (*), I get:
$$mg\cos\theta r-m\omega^2h\tan\theta\sin\theta=mr^2\omega\sin\theta \frac{\omega h\tan\theta}{r}$$
$$\Rightarrow mg\cos\theta r=2m\omega^2 rh\tan\theta \sin\theta$$
$$\Rightarrow \omega=\frac{1}{\tan\theta}\sqrt{\frac{g}{2h}}$$
which is the correct answer, thanks a lot haruspex! :smile:
  • #20
Sorry for the bump but I was going through the thread again and found an error in my working in #19. I wrote:
$$\omega'=\frac{\omega(r_e+h\tan\theta)}{r} \approx \frac{\omega h\tan\theta}{r}$$
but I feel this is incorrect, rather it should be:
$$\omega' \approx \frac{2\omega h\tan\theta}{r}$$
and this gives an incorrect answer. :confused:
  • #21
haruspex, can you please help me spot the error?
  • #22
Pranav-Arora said:
I need a relation between ##\omega'## and ##\omega##. I think for that, I should use the fact that point of contact has zero velocity. So that gives:
$$v_{cm}+\omega' h\tan\theta=\omega r$$
$$\Rightarrow \omega r_e+\omega h\tan\theta=\omega' r$$
I get ##\omega r_e=\omega' r##
##v_{cm} = \omega r_e##, and the velocity of the point of contact is ##v_{cm} - \omega' r = 0##.
  • #23
haruspex said:
##v_{cm} - \omega' r = 0##.

Why? :confused:

The point of contact moves around the cone with velocity ##\omega h\tan\theta##, why don't you take that into account?
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  • #24
Pranav-Arora said:
Why? :confused:

The point of contact moves around the cone with velocity ##\omega h\tan\theta##, why don't you take that into account?

The point of contact moves, but I'm considering a point of the ring. Instantaneously that is at rest.
  • #25
haruspex said:
The point of contact moves, but I'm considering a point of the ring.
But how does it explain that ##\omega h\tan\theta## doesn't come in play. I mean, if the point of contact is at rest, its net velocity must be zero i.e
$$v_{cm}+\omega h\tan\theta=\omega' r$$
I understand that the above is supposed to be incorrect but I just don't see why.
  • #26
Pranav-Arora said:
But how does it explain that ##\omega h\tan\theta## doesn't come in play. I mean, if the point of contact is at rest, its net velocity must be zero i.e
$$v_{cm}+\omega h\tan\theta=\omega' r$$
I understand that the above is supposed to be incorrect but I just don't see why.
Need to distinguish between the point of contact and a point X on the ring that's currently in contact.
The velocity of X is the velocity of the centre of the ring plus the velocity of X relative to that. The velocity of the centre of the ring is ωre; the velocity of X relative to that is -ω'r. But X is instantaneously stationary, so the sum of these is zero.
The point of contact, on the other hand, travels faster than the centre of the ring, in the ratio h tan θ to re.
  • #27
haruspex said:
Need to distinguish between the point of contact and a point X on the ring that's currently in contact.
Sorry if this sounds silly but aren't you talking about the same point? I don't see the difference between "point of contact" and "point X on the ring that's currently in contact". :confused:
  • #28
Pranav-Arora said:
Sorry if this sounds silly but aren't you talking about the same point? I don't see the difference between "point of contact" and "point X on the ring that's currently in contact". :confused:
If a wheel rolls along level ground, the point of contact is always below the centre of the wheel, so moves at the same speed. The point on the wheel which is in contact with the ground at some instant is stationary at that instant; it is the instantaneous centre of rotation.
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  • #29
haruspex said:
If a wheel rolls along level ground, the point of contact is always below the centre of the wheel, so moves at the same speed. The point on the wheel which is in contact with the ground at some instant is stationary at that instant; it is the instantaneous centre of rotation.

I honestly don't see the difference yet. I have attached a sketch.

Is the blue part "the point of contact" or "the point X"? :confused:


  • point on wheel.png
    point on wheel.png
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  • #30
Pranav-Arora said:
I honestly don't see the difference yet. I have attached a sketch.

Is the blue part "the point of contact" or "the point X"? :confused:
The "point of contact" of one object on another does not refer to a fixed piece of the first object; it refers dynamically to that part of the first object which is contact with the second at any given instant. When a wheel rolls along a road, the point of contact is always on the road directly under the centre of the wheel. Thus, it moves along at the same speed as the wheel.
If the blue part you have marked is intended as a mark on the wheel, that will descriibe a cycloid. When it makes contact with the road (becoming, transiently, the point of contact) it is instantaneaously at rest.
The equation you wrote taking the velocity of the centre of the ring, then adding to that the relative velocity of a point on the ring, gave you the velocity of that piece of the ring which was instantaneously in contact with the cone. That velocity was therefore zero.
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  • #31
haruspex said:
The "point of contact" of one object on another does not refer to a fixed piece of the first object; it refers dynamically to that part of the first object which is contact with the second at any given instant. When a wheel rolls along a road, the point of contact is always on the road directly under the centre of the wheel. Thus, it moves along at the same speed as the wheel.
If the blue part you have marked is intended as a mark on the wheel, that will descriibe a cycloid. When it makes contact with the road (becoming, transiently, the point of contact) it is instantaneaously at rest.
The equation you wrote taking the velocity of the centre of the ring, then adding to that the relative velocity of a point on the ring, gave you the velocity of that piece of the ring which was instantaneously in contact with the cone. That velocity was therefore zero.

Ok, I see it now, thanks haruspex for your patience! :smile:

Related to Frequency of Circular Motion in Ring Rolling Inside a Cone

1. What is the concept of circular motion in ring rolling inside a cone?

Circular motion in ring rolling inside a cone refers to the movement of a ring along the surface of a cone, following a circular path. This motion is caused by the rotation of the cone, which creates a force that pulls the ring towards the center of the cone.

2. How does the frequency of circular motion in ring rolling inside a cone affect the speed of the ring?

The frequency of circular motion in ring rolling inside a cone is directly proportional to the speed of the ring. This means that as the frequency increases, the speed of the ring also increases. Conversely, a decrease in frequency results in a decrease in speed.

3. What factors affect the frequency of circular motion in ring rolling inside a cone?

The frequency of circular motion in ring rolling inside a cone is affected by several factors, including the radius of the cone, the mass of the ring, and the coefficient of friction between the ring and the cone's surface. Additionally, the rotational speed of the cone and the angle of the cone's slope can also impact the frequency.

4. How is the frequency of circular motion in ring rolling inside a cone related to the stability of the system?

The frequency of circular motion in ring rolling inside a cone is inversely proportional to the stability of the system. This means that as the frequency increases, the stability of the system decreases. This is because a higher frequency results in a faster and less controlled motion of the ring, making it more difficult to maintain a stable position on the cone.

5. Can the frequency of circular motion in ring rolling inside a cone be controlled?

Yes, the frequency of circular motion in ring rolling inside a cone can be controlled by adjusting the factors that affect it, such as the rotational speed of the cone or the angle of the cone's slope. By manipulating these factors, the frequency can be increased or decreased to achieve a desired speed and stability for the system.

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