Frequency of small oscillations

In summary: As you say, one can use the standard method for such equations to write this as a second order equation with constant coefficients:B y"[t]+ A Sin[wt]y= -A Cos[wt]. That is an ODE in standard form with variable coefficients and is not (in general) solvable in terms of elementary functions.In summary, for small oscillations about y[t]= 0, the given expression can be approximated as B y''[t]+ A Sin[wt]y= -A Cos[wt], which cannot be solved in terms of elementary functions due to its variable coefficients.
  • #1
What is the frequency of SMALL oscillations about è[t] = 0 of the following expression: Assume that w t is a constant.

A Cos[w t - è[t]] + B è''[t]==0, where A and B are arbitrary constants?

If you expand the Cosine term, you get A Cos[w t] Cos[è[t]] + A Sin[w t] Sin[è[t]] +B è''[t] ==0, which can be approximated as:

B è''[t] + A Sin[w t] è[t]== -A Cos[w t]

So is the frequency of small oscillations just Sqrt[(A Sin[w t])/B]?
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  • #2
I cannot make head or tails of this post. Same is true of some of your posts on the College Help forum. If you use complicated formulas, please use the LaTeX typesetting described here .
  • #3
Krab, this forum (like all of the internet) is very international. I consider myself fortuate in that the ONE language I speak well (English) is the standard language of the internet and am very tolerant of those whose English is not so good (but far better than my ability at any other language!).

My understanding of the problem is that you have
A Cos[w t] Cos[y[t]] + A Sin[w t] Sin[y[t]] +B y''[t] =0.

This is a badly non-linear equation but for "small oscillations", that is, when y(t) remains small we can approximate Sin(y[t]) by its tangent line approximation at 0: Sin(y[t])~ y[t]. Similarly the tangent line approximation of Cos(y[t]) at 0 is Cos(y[t])~ 1.

The differential equation itself is then approximated by the linear equation: A Cos[wt]+ A Sin[wt]y+ B y"[t]= 0.

This has, however, variable coefficients and so still cannot be given a elementary solution.

FAQ: Frequency of small oscillations

1. What is meant by "frequency of small oscillations"?

The frequency of small oscillations refers to the number of times a system or object oscillates back and forth per unit of time when it is disturbed from its equilibrium position. It is also known as the natural frequency or resonant frequency of a system.

2. How is the frequency of small oscillations calculated?

The frequency of small oscillations can be calculated using the equation f = 1/(2π√(k/m)), where f is the frequency, k is the spring constant, and m is the mass of the object. This equation is derived from Hooke's Law and Newton's Second Law of Motion.

3. What factors affect the frequency of small oscillations?

The frequency of small oscillations is affected by the mass of the object, the spring constant of the system, and the amplitude of the oscillations. It is also influenced by external factors such as friction, air resistance, and other forces acting on the system.

4. Why is the frequency of small oscillations important in science?

The frequency of small oscillations is an important concept in science as it helps us understand the behavior of systems and objects when they are disturbed from their equilibrium positions. It is used in various fields such as physics, engineering, and biology to study and analyze the motion of objects.

5. How does the frequency of small oscillations relate to damping?

The frequency of small oscillations is inversely proportional to the amount of damping present in a system. This means that as damping increases, the frequency of oscillations decreases. Damping is a force that resists the motion of a system, and it affects the amplitude and frequency of small oscillations in a system.

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