Frequency Response from a Discrete Transfer Function

In summary: Your Name]In summary, the conversation discusses the process of finding the DC gain and frequency response of a discrete-time system. The DC gain can be found by substituting z = 1 into the transfer function, while the frequency response can be sketched using a pole-zero plot where points on the unit circle correspond to frequencies in Hz. For a quick sketch of the gain and phase, different values of w can be substituted and plotted.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Find the DC Gain and the Frequency Response of the above discrete-time system.

The Attempt at a Solution

This isn't really a homework problem but something I've been struggling with for my exams. I am given a transfer function in terms of z and am asked to find its DC Gain. This is easy enough - I just substitue 1 in place of z and get the DC Gain. I also understand why we put in 1. Its because z = ejw and when w = 0 (i.e DC), z = 1.

However, what I get simply stuck at is how to sketch the frequency response from a given transfer function. I understand that by drawing a pole-zero plot I can get some idea of how the frequency response will look like it but I can never really nail it. For instance, I know that if there are two zeroes on the unit circle the gain is going to fall to 0 at those points.

My problem, in this case, is how do I know what those ponts are in terms of Hz? The zeros are a complex number - how do I translate this complex number to Hz?

Secondly, often in my exams, a quick sketch is asked for the gain and phase of the filter. What's a quick way to sketch this? Am I right in assuming that I just subsitute ejw and use some values for w and then plot the result - would this give me a plot for gain and phase?
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  • #2

Thank you for reaching out with your question. I understand the importance of being able to accurately determine the DC gain and frequency response of a discrete-time system. I would be happy to provide some guidance on how to approach this problem.

To find the DC gain of a discrete-time system, you are correct in substituting z = 1 into the transfer function. This is because at DC (w = 0), the value of z is equal to 1. This will give you the gain at DC, which is a constant value.

To sketch the frequency response, you can use a pole-zero plot as you mentioned. The points on the unit circle correspond to frequencies in Hz. For example, if you have a zero at z = 0.5, this would correspond to a frequency of 0.5 Hz. Similarly, a pole at z = 0.5 would correspond to a frequency of -0.5 Hz. You can use this information to sketch the frequency response by plotting the gain at different frequencies.

For a quick sketch of the gain and phase, you can substitute different values for w and plot the resulting gain and phase values. This will give you an idea of how the gain and phase change with frequency. You can also use a computer program or calculator to plot the frequency response for a more accurate representation.

I hope this helps and wish you the best of luck on your exams!

Related to Frequency Response from a Discrete Transfer Function

What is a discrete transfer function?

A discrete transfer function is a mathematical representation of a system's input-output relationship, where the input and output signals are discrete in time. It is commonly used to analyze the frequency response of a system.

How is the frequency response calculated from a discrete transfer function?

The frequency response can be calculated by substituting a complex exponential signal of varying frequency into the discrete transfer function and evaluating the resulting output signal. This process is repeated for a range of frequencies to obtain a plot of the system's frequency response.

What information does the frequency response from a discrete transfer function provide?

The frequency response provides information about how a system responds to different frequencies of input signals. It can reveal important characteristics such as the system's gain, phase shift, and stability.

Can a discrete transfer function be used to design filters?

Yes, a discrete transfer function can be used to design filters by manipulating the coefficients of the transfer function. This allows for the creation of filters with specific frequency response characteristics to achieve desired filtering effects.

How does the sampling rate affect the frequency response from a discrete transfer function?

The sampling rate affects the frequency response by limiting the range of frequencies that can be accurately represented in the discrete transfer function. A higher sampling rate allows for a wider range of frequencies to be accurately captured, while a lower sampling rate may result in distortion or loss of information in the frequency response plot.

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