Frequency response H(w) problem for rlc circuit

In summary, the conversation discusses using the method of complex impedance to compute the frequency response H(w) for a given circuit and finding the output signal y(t) when a specific input signal x(t) is given. It also addresses confusion about how to handle a sum of two sinusoidal signals in the frequency domain and explains the process of treating each signal separately and then adding the outputs together. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding the relationship between signals in the time and frequency domains and using appropriate methods for analysis.
  • #1

Homework Statement

for the circuit below, compute frequency response H(w) using method of complex impedence. then if x(t) is input signal (we have equation but, say it is A*sin(wt), find y(t).


Homework Equations

transfer function H(w)=vout/vin

The Attempt at a Solution

R || L = R*jwL/(R+jwL)
total impedence = (jwRL/(R+jwL))+ R + 1/jwC

H(w)=vo/in = (R+1/jwC) / (answer above)

then I'm confused about the 2nd part. if we have x(t), can I use this H(w) above just multiply it by Vin and that will get me Vout?
so H(w) * x(t)= y(t). sound right?
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  • #2
asdf12312 said:

Homework Statement

for the circuit below, compute frequency response H(w) using method of complex impedence. then if x(t) is input signal (we have equation but, say it is A*sin(wt), find y(t).


Homework Equations

transfer function H(w)=vout/vin

The Attempt at a Solution

R || L = R*jwL/(R+jwL)
total impedence = (jwRL/(R+jwL))+ R + 1/jwC

H(w)=vo/in = (R+1/jwC) / (answer above)

then I'm confused about the 2nd part. if we have x(t), can I use this H(w) above just multiply it by Vin and that will get me Vout?
so H(w) * x(t)= y(t). sound right?

First part is correct.
Second part, you are mixing time and frequency expressions in same equation. Cannot do that.

x(t) is time domain so you have to change to frequency domain: x(t) = Asin(wt) → A in freq. domain. So output in frequency domain is AH(w).

Now, do you know how to go back to time domain to get y(t)?
  • #3
If I use the inverse Fourier transform to convert freq-> time domain, I would have to do something like H(w) to h(t) first, so [itex]\frac{1}{2\pi}[/itex] -inf to inf∫H(w)*ejwt dw, but the problem is I can't do this with hand calculations, like I have to.
  • #4
asdf12312 said:
If I use the inverse Fourier transform to convert freq-> time domain, I would have to do something like H(w) to h(t) first, so [itex]\frac{1}{2\pi}[/itex] -inf to inf∫H(w)*ejwt dw, but the problem is I can't do this with hand calculations, like I have to.

You don't use the Fourier transform.
This transform is much simpler: Asin(wt + ø) transforms to Ae, not F{Asin(wt + ø)}. It is restricted to steady-state, sinusoidal quantities only.

And similarly with the inverse. You should be able to figure out the inverse based on the forward I just gave you.
  • #5
just to give a bit more information, the eq for x(t) is a DTMF signal, so A1*sin(w1t) + A2*sin(w2t) where A1=A2=10 and w1 and w2 also given. So I remember the transform (for circuits I guess) for A*sin(wt) is A, so X(w) would then be 20? I multiply H(w) by this value, how would I find the inverse h(t) that I need to? would I just need to work backword maybe, like L instead of jwL?
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  • #6
sorry double post (deleted)
  • #7
With two signals x1 and x2 of differing frequencies the transfer function H(jw)will also be different, and you have to deal with one signal at a time, get the output Y(jw) for each, then transform each back to the time domain and add.

H(jw) you just developed:

total impedence = (jwRL/(R+jwL))+ R + 1/jwC
H(jw)=vo/in = (R+1/jwC) / (answer above)

So H(jw) is still a complex number: H(jw1) = H(jw)|w=w1 for x1 and H(jw)|w=w2 for x2. How'd you get "20"??
  • #8
P.S. you might want to get comfy with a + jb = √(a2 + b2) e
where ø = tan-1(b/a). Retain the signs of a and b when coming up with ø.
  • #9
sorry i am getting confused. I meant x(t)=A1*sin(w1t)+A2*sin(w2t) (a sum of 2 sinusoids, different frequency w1 and w2 but I don't think its 2 different signals). I got 20 because A1+A2, I thought I just add up the amplitudes for the sines like you said (since there's no phase shift).
  • #10
asdf12312 said:
sorry i am getting confused. I meant x(t)=A1*sin(w1t)+A2*sin(w2t) (a sum of 2 sinusoids, different frequency w1 and w2 but I don't think its 2 different signals). I got 20 because A1+A2, I thought I just add up the amplitudes for the sines like you said (since there's no phase shift).

x(t) = x1(t) + x2(t)
x1(t) = A1 sin(w1t)
x2(t) = A2 sin(w2t)
Therefore, x(t) comprises two signals of differing frequencies: x1(t) and x2(t). You cannot just add their amplitudes.

Do you know how to use Excel? Pick two different frequencies, assign column A to t, column B to w1*t, column C to w2*t, column D to sin(w1t), column E to sin(wt2), and finally column F to sin(w1t) + sin(w2t). Pick w1 = 1, w2 = 1.3, t increments of 0.05, and use at least 500 rows. Then graph column A on the x-axis and D, E and F on the y axis. You will see what x1(t), x2(t) and x(t) look like and why you can't assign an amplitude to x(t).

I will say again: you must treat each signal separately. x1(t) → A1 → A1|H(jw1)|e → y1(t). y1(t) will look like B1sin(w1t + ø).
& same for x2(t)
Then output y(t) = y1(t) + y2(t).
  • #11
yes I'm sorry.. this was explained in my book but I didn't know to look for it. it shows using the Fourier trasnform for sin but when they inverse it (I guess Y(w)-> y(t)) it becomes a simple function, A *| H(jw0)| * sin(w0t + ang(H(jw0))). the x(t)=A1*sin(w1t)+A2*sin(w2t) would become y(t)=A1*|H(jw0)|*sin(w0t + ang(H(jw0))) + A2*|H(jw1)|*sin(w1t + ang(H(jw1))). so I was able to figure this out by using the values for magnitude/phase of H(jw) at those 2 frequencies. thanks for the help.
  • #12
asdf12312 said:
yes I'm sorry.. this was explained in my book but I didn't know to look for it. it shows using the Fourier trasnform for sin but when they inverse it (I guess Y(w)-> y(t)) it becomes a simple function, A *| H(jw0)| * sin(w0t + ang(H(jw0))). the x(t)=A1*sin(w1t)+A2*sin(w2t) would become y(t)=A1*|H(jw0)|*sin(w0t + ang(H(jw0))) + A2*|H(jw1)|*sin(w1t + ang(H(jw1))). so I was able to figure this out by using the values for magnitude/phase of H(jw) at those 2 frequencies. thanks for the help.

Good going! But you should still not invoke the Fourier transform even though of course it works.

E.g. the Fourier transform for Asin(w0t) is A(jπ)[δ(ω + ω0) - δ(ω - ω0],

j = √(-1) and δ is the Dirac delta function.

That's a lot messier than simply A! And if your voltage had been Asin(ωt + ø) it would have been even messier:

F{Asin(ωt + ø)} = πA{cosø[δ(ω - ω0) + δ(ω + ω0] + jAsinø[δ(ω + ω0) - δ(ω - ω0]}

as opposed to just Ae.

Related to Frequency response H(w) problem for rlc circuit

What is the frequency response of an RLC circuit?

The frequency response of an RLC circuit is a measure of how the circuit responds to different frequencies of an input signal. It is expressed as a function of frequency, denoted by H(w). The frequency response can be plotted on a graph, with frequency on the x-axis and gain or magnitude on the y-axis.

What is the significance of H(w) in an RLC circuit?

H(w) represents the transfer function of an RLC circuit, which describes the relationship between the input and output signals in terms of frequency. It is an important factor in understanding the behavior of an RLC circuit and is used to analyze and design circuits for specific frequency responses.

How is the frequency response H(w) calculated for an RLC circuit?

The frequency response H(w) can be calculated using the transfer function of the circuit, which is determined by the values of the circuit components (resistance, inductance, and capacitance). The transfer function is a complex number that is dependent on frequency, and its magnitude and phase can be calculated using mathematical equations.

What factors affect the frequency response of an RLC circuit?

The frequency response of an RLC circuit is affected by the values of the circuit components as well as the input signal frequency. The type and number of components, their values, and the arrangement of the circuit can all impact the frequency response. Additionally, the frequency range of the input signal can also affect the response.

What are the practical applications of analyzing the frequency response of an RLC circuit?

The frequency response of an RLC circuit is commonly used in the design and analysis of electronic filters and amplifiers. It is also important in understanding the stability and performance of communication systems, audio equipment, and other electronic devices. Additionally, analyzing the frequency response can help identify and troubleshoot issues with a circuit's performance at different frequencies.

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