Fresher in programming.Advice needed

  • Thread starter samieee
  • Start date
In summary, to gain experience in programming, particularly in C, before starting a course, it is recommended to download a C compiler and practice with simple programs. There are many resources available online, such as and Wikibooks, which offer tutorials and information on C. It is also useful to gain some experience with command line programming, especially if interested in embedded programming. Focus on learning data types, type conversion, memory allocation, and file streams. Understanding pointers and arrays is also crucial for success in a first computer science course.
  • #1
Hi all

I am student of electrical engineering.Upcoming fall semester I have taken the course 'programming language 1' where the language C is taught.I have no earlier experience in programming.I want to gain some early experience in programming (especially C) before the class starts.Where from should I start? which books,tutorials could help me?How can I get a strong basic concept in it?Please give me suggestions.

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  • #2
I assume you have access to a computer? Download a C compiler (they are generally free) and start playing with simple programs. There are lots of web sites with tutorials and stuff to get you started. One good one is:
  • #3
Wikibooks has a pretty good C version:

If you are working on MSWidows I recommend getting a little UNIX style command line experience using the free fake-unix from cygwin. I believe this includes the GCC compiler so you don't have to go get more stuff:

If you think you might be doing embedded programming as an EE, then the command line stuff is very useful. Microchip has a good (free) C compiler for their PIC chips and some academic discounts too:
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  • #4
My daughter is starting her 2nd year as a CE major. She just went through her first CompSci course and they still do the same old stuff.

The other postings give some great resources.

What I would specifically focus on is learning each data type, and how C handles type conversion ( both implicit and explicit ).

Understand the difference between the stack and the heap, and how to allocate varaiables on each. ANd how variables are passed to functions and returned.
( the above will include pointers and malloc so it is a key learning experience ).

Learn file streams. Open a file, create a file. Write formatted data to a file ( fprintf ). Printf, sprintf, and fprintf , with scanf and such are all similiar. ( fprintf and printf are the same, except for the filestream). Learn the formattting specifiers.

THe above will pretty much cover your first course. If you can nail the above, then you will ace comp sci 101.
  • #5
OH I forgot, data structures.. learn struct. and how to allocate on the heap and on the stack. and how to pass one to a function that modifies the global copy.
  • #6
Pointers. Pointers. Pointers. And Arrays...

FAQ: Fresher in programming.Advice needed

What is the best programming language for beginners?

The best programming language for beginners is subjective and depends on personal preference and the type of programming you want to do. Some popular languages for beginners include Python, Java, and JavaScript.

How can I improve my programming skills as a fresher?

To improve your programming skills as a fresher, it is important to practice regularly, read and understand code written by experienced programmers, and work on personal projects. Also, attending coding workshops and joining online coding communities can help you learn from others and get feedback on your code.

What are some common mistakes made by fresher programmers?

Common mistakes made by fresher programmers include not properly planning and organizing their code, not understanding the fundamentals of programming, and not testing their code thoroughly. It is important to take the time to plan and understand your code before jumping into writing it, and to always test and debug your code to ensure it is functioning correctly.

How do I choose between web development and software development as a fresher?

Choosing between web development and software development as a fresher can depend on your interests, skills, and career goals. Web development typically involves creating websites and web applications using languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while software development involves creating computer programs and applications using languages like Java, C++, or Python. It may be helpful to explore both options and see which one you enjoy and excel at more.

What are some resources for fresher programmers to learn from?

There are many resources available for fresher programmers to learn from, including online tutorials, coding bootcamps, and free or paid courses. It can also be helpful to read programming books, attend coding conferences, and follow programming blogs and social media accounts for tips and updates. Additionally, joining online coding communities and seeking mentorship from experienced programmers can provide valuable learning opportunities.
