Freshman HS student working on a scanning tunneling microscope

In summary, the freshman high school student is looking for help building a vacuum for her scanning tunneling microscope project. She doesn't have any demanding time constraints, but she needs to build the vacuum by April or May. She expects to spend around $1000 for the vacuum and the electronics needed to control it. If anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated.
  • #1
I am a freshman high school student working on a scanning tunneling microscope for a science fair project. I need to build a vacuum for bottom up capabilities. If anyone can help with the STM or the vacuum it would be greatly appreciated.:rolleyes:
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  • #2
What's your time limit (deadline for completion) and total budget?
  • #3
There arent any really demanding time constraints, april or may i would guess. I am hoping to apply for and receive a grant to cover the cost, if you have any suggestions f where to apply.
  • #4
I hope you have the design and cost analysis worked out (do you have any source that told you this was possible). I can't imagine building an ambient (no or low-vacuum) low-end STM for less than $1000 (probably will come closer to $2000 - much more if you want medium to high vacuum), and I don't think it can be done over 4-5 months unless you're got lots and lots of spare time.

And in addition to all this, there's the whole knowledge thingy. You'd better be pretty good at designing and debugging electronics (pre-amps, ADCs, etc.) and writing data acquisition codes (unless there's something out there that you can steal). The vibration isolation is far from trivial - you need to know a good bit of vibration theory.

I'd say this project is far beyond the scope of the typical high-school freshman. I'm not trying to discourage you, because I don't really know anything about you to make a specific judgement, but this is my honest opinion.
  • #5
I tend to agree with Gokul. The whole reason to build an STM is the fine resolution that one can achieve with the atomic-scale tip. To be able to do that, one then needs a lot of things: ultra-high vacuum, vibration isolation, electrical/thermal isolation, etc... These are neither cheap nor easy to do.

If you want to simply build a "bad" STM, then you might as well simply build a generic tunneling junction, since all the ability of an STM will be washed out.

  • #6
It is not necessary to have a vacuum just for normal scanning with a stm. A vacuum would only be required for bottom up capabilities or to reduce oxidation of the tungsten tips if that is what you choose to use. As for the electronics i have a bit of expirence and outside of school i have lots of spare time, and the project doesn't necessarily have to be done in a few months, i will be continuing this project for a few years making improvements each year.
  • #7
I have noticed all of the people who have viewed the post, please if you have the time please respond.

  • #8
baconbits423 said:
I have noticed all of the people who have viewed the post, please if you have the time please respond.

Well, since you asked, I also fail to see any point in trying to make something that really won't work. Why not devote the energy to something that you can make work well, given your resources. There exists no shortage of interesting projects you could build (though I won't bother listing those that I am interested in, I'm sure there are other projects, or stepping-projects, that you could become even more enthusiastic about).
  • #9
what other projects can you think of?
  • #10
Why won't my stm project work well by the way??
  • #11
Baconbits: do you know of anyone that has built an STM with the capabilities that you envision, within the budget and time limit that you've got?
  • #12
Not someone who has built one but i am working in cooperation with a professor at umsl center for molecular electronics and he has done something similar, and for now i only need to be able to see with atomic resolution.
  • #13
please anyone who can offer any assistance please write something!

FAQ: Freshman HS student working on a scanning tunneling microscope

What is a scanning tunneling microscope (STM)?

A scanning tunneling microscope is a scientific instrument that uses electrons to create images of surfaces at the atomic level. It works by scanning a very sharp probe over the surface of a sample and measuring the tunneling current that flows between the probe and the surface. This allows for the visualization and manipulation of individual atoms and molecules.

What are the applications of using an STM?

STMs have a wide range of applications in various fields of science. They are commonly used in materials science, nanotechnology, and surface science to study the properties of materials at the atomic level. They can also be used in biological and medical research to analyze and manipulate biological molecules and cells.

What is the role of a freshman high school student in working on an STM?

A freshman high school student can play a crucial role in working on an STM by assisting in the setup and operation of the instrument. They can also help with data analysis and interpretation, as well as conducting research projects using the STM. This hands-on experience can provide valuable skills and knowledge for future scientific endeavors.

What are the challenges of working on an STM?

Working on an STM can be challenging due to its high level of precision and sensitivity. The instrument must be carefully calibrated and maintained to produce accurate results. Additionally, the sample preparation process can be complex and time-consuming. The data collected also requires advanced analysis techniques, which can be a challenge for beginners.

What are the benefits of using an STM for scientific research?

The use of an STM allows for the visualization and manipulation of matter at the atomic level, providing valuable insights into the properties and behavior of materials. It also allows for the study of processes that occur on a nanoscale, which is crucial in understanding numerous scientific phenomena. Overall, the STM is a powerful tool that contributes to advancements in various fields of science.

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