Freudian Explanations of Swearing

  • Thread starter eNtRopY
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In summary, the swearing order for different countries is organized from most offensive insult to least offensive. In the USA, the most offensive insults include fvck and sh:t associations. In the UK, blood association, fvck association, and sh:t association are considered more offensive. In the Netherlands, disease association, sh:t association, and fvck association are highly offensive. In Germany, sh:t association and fvck association are the strongest swear words. In Finland, insults involving cvnt and ol'factory associations are considered the most offensive. According to Freud, these differences in swearing habits may reflect certain psychological tendencies within each culture.
  • #1
Here is the swearing order for different countries, organized from most offensive insult to least offensive.

USA: fvck association (e.g. fvcker, cvnt, d:ck), sh:t association

UK: blood association, fvck association, sh:t association

the Netherlands: disease association (e.g. go get cancer, you are a sufferer of typhus), sh:t association, fvck association

Germany: sh:t association, fvck association

Finland: cvnt association (e.g. horse's cvnt (means bull sh:t), go pull a cvnt over your head (means fvck off), go smell cvnt (means fvck you)), ol'factory association (e.g. go smell cvnt, go smell sh:t)

According to Freud, I think we could savely say that the Germans must have an anal fixation... how weird!

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  • #2
im not too sure what your talking about at all
  • #3
Originally posted by einsteinian77
im not too sure what your talking about at all

I'm saying that different cultures swear differently. For instance, in America, when a person is really angry he will call someone a fvcker. If he/she is less angry, he/she might use the term sh:thead instead. In America, the word fvck is more offensive than the word sh:t. In Germany, the words sh:t and @ss are considered more offensive than the word fvck. In England, the most offensive names to use involve the word blood. In the Netherlands, the most offensive names involve a disease like cancer or typhus. In Finland, most insults somehow involve the word cvnt.

So, my point is that Freud would probably say these trends reflect something about the psychology of the group. Perhaps, he would say that Germans have an anal fixation, or the Finns have issues with the female anatomy, or the English are a bunch of repressed psycho-killers. Who knows? I'm just pointing out the facts.

  • #4
i find it interesting, but you might want to check your sources. i mean, how can "blood" assosiation by the worst in england? in the harry potter movies the friends always say "BLOODY HELL!".
  • #5
Blood association isn't the strongest form of swearing in the UK. A lot of people say "bloody" and hardly anyone takes offence. We also use sodomy swear words such as "bugger" and "sod" (as in "sodomite"). These are kind of on the same level as blood association. From my experience of life here, it would be sexual swear words, followed by faecal swear words, and then blood/sodomy.
  • #6
Okay, perhaps I was wrong concerning the English swear words.

Anyone from Germany, the Netherlands, or Finland want to dispute my claims about the swearing habits in your country?

  • #7
I like the Finnish ones. Very tasteful.

FAQ: Freudian Explanations of Swearing

What is the basis of Freudian explanations of swearing?

Freudian explanations of swearing are based on Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory, which suggests that the use of swear words is a manifestation of unconscious desires and repressed emotions.

Why do people swear according to Freudian theory?

According to Freudian theory, people swear as a way to release pent-up emotions and express their unconscious desires, particularly those related to aggression and sexuality. Swearing is seen as a form of catharsis and a way to cope with inner conflicts and frustrations.

Is there a specific type of person who is more likely to swear according to Freudian theory?

Freudian theory suggests that individuals who are more prone to swearing are those who have experienced trauma or repression in their childhood, leading to the development of an aggressive or rebellious personality. However, this is not a definitive factor and other psychological and environmental factors may also play a role.

How do Freudian explanations of swearing differ from other psychological theories?

Freudian explanations of swearing focus on the unconscious motivations behind the use of swear words, while other psychological theories may attribute swearing to social and cultural influences, or as a means of communication and expression.

Can Freudian theory be applied to all forms of swearing?

While Freudian theory can provide insights into the underlying motivations behind swearing, it may not fully explain all forms of swearing, such as casual or habitual swearing. Other factors, such as social norms and personal experiences, may also play a role in the use of swear words.

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