Friction and Rolling Analytical Question

In summary: But if you are just trying to move the wood by hand up the slope, you would barely need to use any force at all. This is because the wood has already started moving from the force you applied when you started moving it. So friction opposes the initial movement [of the object], but does not help with the continued movement.
  • #1
I found this question in HRW (sixth edition), one of the 'checkpoints' (checkpoint 2, to be precise) in chapter 12 on 'rolling, torque, and angular momentum':

Homework Statement

Disks A and Bare identical and roll across a floor with equal speeds. The disk A roll up an incline, reaching a maximum height h, and the disk B moves up an incline that is identical except that it is frictionless. Is the maximum height reached by disk B greater than, less than, or equal to h?

Homework Equations

Work - Kinetic Energy Theorem
Concept of External Forces and Energy Changes (Potential and Kinetic) in a System
Newton's Second Law for Rotation

The Attempt at a Solution

I assumed the disks to lose all their kinetic energy at the maximum height (no more rotation, and no more translation).
So, for disk A, the (negative) work done by gravity (which comes out to be equal to mgh), and the (positive) work done by friction will equal the change in kinetic energy (which should be equal to 0.5{I[w]^2 + m[v]^2}, the rotational and translational kinetic energy.
For disk B, the equation will be [mgh = rotational + translational kinetic energy].
Because of the term pertaining to friction in A's equation, A's height comes out to be greater.

But, in the sample problem immediately after that, it explains that frictional force cannot do any work on a body rolling smoothly down an incline (what?!). But if this is true, friction would never make any difference to a body's rolling motion, so both should reach the same height...yet, the correct answer is that A will reach a greater height.


Please help.
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  • #2
modulus said:
I found this question in HRW (sixth edition), one of the 'checkpoints' (checkpoint 2, to be precise) in chapter 12 on 'rolling, torque, and angular momentum':

Homework Statement

Disks A and Bare identical and roll across a floor with equal speeds. The disk A roll up an incline, reaching a maximum height h, and the disk B moves up an incline that is identical except that it is frictionless. Is the maximum height reached by disk B greater than, less than, or equal to h?

Homework Equations

Work - Kinetic Energy Theorem
Concept of External Forces and Energy Changes (Potential and Kinetic) in a System
Newton's Second Law for Rotation

The Attempt at a Solution

I assumed the disks to lose all their kinetic energy at the maximum height (no more rotation, and no more translation).
So, for disk A, the (negative) work done by gravity (which comes out to be equal to mgh), and the (positive) work done by friction will equal the change in kinetic energy (which should be equal to 0.5{I[w]^2 + m[v]^2}, the rotational and translational kinetic energy.
For disk B, the equation will be [mgh = rotational + translational kinetic energy].
Because of the term pertaining to friction in A's equation, A's height comes out to be greater.

But, in the sample problem immediately after that, it explains that frictional force cannot do any work on a body rolling smoothly down an incline (what?!). But if this is true, friction would never make any difference to a body's rolling motion, so both should reach the same height...yet, the correct answer is that A will reach a greater height.


Please help.

When you say

"So, for disk A, the (negative) work done by gravity (which comes out to be equal to mgh), and the (positive) work done by friction will equal the change in kinetic energy"

I am not sure why you said one work was positive, and one was negative? Surely the disc stops because it does work against gravity [by going up] and friction will ALWAYS be work against what ever you are try to do. Friction will NEVER do work to help you along - friction opposes all changes.
  • #3
Rolling happens when static friction is great enough to keep the point in contact with ground in momentary rest. The translational speed of the rolling body is equal to the linear speed of the rim. If the body stops, both rotation and translation are stopped. But static friction does not do any work, as there is no displacement for the force.
Without friction, there is no rolling. The disk reaching the slope rotating, will rotate with the original angular velocity, as there is no torque to change it.
  • #4
PeterO said:
Surely the disc stops because it does work against gravity [by going up] and friction will ALWAYS be work against what ever you are try to do. Friction will NEVER do work to help you along - friction opposes all changes.

It is a bit strange to say that the disk does work against gravity. On what does it do work? There is only one thing it is contact with: the slope and as it is fixed to the Earth, the disk does work on Earth.

As for friction to be help or not, think of a heavy load on the plate of a lorry, and the vehicle accelerating. What would happen to the load without friction?

  • #5
Thank you so much, ehild and PeterO. Your help, along with this amazingly helpful module I found on the net:
have clarified my doubts.

Ehild, you wrote:
"Without friction, there is no rolling. The disk reaching the slope rotating, will rotate with the original angular velocity, as there is no torque to change it."
I believe this is with reference to disk B, right? If so, then I've got everything right...thank you so much, again!
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  • #6
modulus said:
Ehild, you wrote:
"Without friction, there is no rolling. The disk reaching the slope rotating, will rotate with the original angular velocity, as there is no torque to change it."
I believe this is with reference to disk B, right? If so, then I've got everything right...thank you so much, again!

Yes, it refers to disk B. The whole KE of A will transform into PE, but only the translational KE transforms into PE in case of disk B.
When disk A rolls uphill, both its translational and rotational motion decelerates. The force of static friction (Fs) provides a torque that opposes rotation, that means it points upward along the slope, so it is an accelerating force for the translational motion opposite to the component of gravity. Therefore the deceleration is slower than without friction, the disk moves longer and travels a longer distance than disk B.



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FAQ: Friction and Rolling Analytical Question

1. What is friction and how does it affect rolling objects?

Friction is a force that resists the relative motion between two surfaces in contact. In the context of rolling objects, it is the force that resists the rotation of the object and causes it to slow down. Friction can also cause wear and tear on the rolling object and the surface it is rolling on.

2. How does the surface texture affect friction and rolling?

The surface texture of both the rolling object and the surface it is rolling on can greatly affect the amount of friction. A smoother surface will generally have less friction, while a rougher surface will have more friction. This is because a smoother surface allows for less contact between the two surfaces, reducing the amount of friction.

3. What is the difference between static and kinetic friction?

Static friction is the force that resists the motion of an object that is not moving yet. It is typically greater than kinetic friction, which is the force that resists the motion of an object that is already in motion. This is why it is often harder to get a stationary object to start moving than to keep a moving object in motion.

4. How does the weight of an object affect friction and rolling?

The weight of an object can affect the amount of friction and rolling in two ways. Firstly, a heavier object will have more inertia, making it harder to get it moving and overcome static friction. Secondly, a heavier object will exert more force on the surface it is rolling on, increasing the amount of friction. However, this can also depend on the surface texture and other factors.

5. How can we reduce friction and improve rolling efficiency?

Some ways to reduce friction and improve rolling efficiency include using materials with lower coefficients of friction, keeping surfaces clean and well-lubricated, and using bearings or other mechanisms to reduce direct contact between surfaces. Additionally, reducing the weight of the rolling object can also improve rolling efficiency by decreasing the force of friction.

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