Friction Force between the box and the floor?

In summary, the problem deals with finding the friction force between a heavy box (200.0 kg) and the floor, given a worker's force of 300.0 N and a coefficient of static friction of 0.6. Using Newton's first law, the net force is found to be 0, meaning the friction force is equal to the worker's force of 300.0 N. When a second box of the same weight is placed on top, the friction force remains the same due to the first law of motion.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A heavy box (200.0 kg) is sitting still on a warehouse floor, despite the efforts of a worker to push it (with a force of 300.0 N). If the coefficient of static friction between the box and the floor is 0.6, what is the friction force between the box and the floor? What is the frictional force between the box and the floor if another worker puts another box (also 200.0 kg) on top of the first box while the first worker continues to pull with 300.0 N?

Homework Equations

Not sure

The Attempt at a Solution

ok, so this problem deals with static friction. What is the equation for the friction force? I am assuming for the first part of the problem, you plug in the force and mass. Also, If you simply double the the weight in kg, doesn't the force quadruple?
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  • #2
Draw a free body diagram for this problem and include all of the relavent forces.

Friction force equals normal force times coefficiant of friction.
  • #3
so would that be 9.8 m/s2 times 0.6?
  • #4
Not quite. Hint: F=ma
  • #5
so 200kg(9.8) = 1960.. times that by 0.6 and you get 1176?
  • #6
Welcome to PF!

Hi IneedHelp:-)! Welcome to PF! :wink:
IneedHelp:-) said:
Also, If you simply double the the weight in kg, doesn't the force quadruple?

No, Fr = µN = µmg, so if you double m, then you double the maximum static friction force also. :smile:
  • #7
IneedHelp:-) said:
so 200kg(9.8) = 1960.. times that by 0.6 and you get 1176?

Yes! There is your answer for the first part. :biggrin:
  • #8
IneedHelp:-) said:
so 200kg(9.8) = 1960.. times that by 0.6 and you get 1176?
The problem is asking for the friction force between the box and floor when the worker pushes on it with a 300 N force (presumably in a horizontal direction), and it doesn't move. Using one of Newton's laws will help to solve for it.
  • #9
ok so if you double the mass, then you double 1176 and that is the second part of the answer correct?
  • #10
IneedHelp:-) said:
ok so if you double the mass, then you double 1176 and that is the second part of the answer correct?
No. You are not trying to determine in part 1 or 2 the max available static friction force. You are trying to determine the actual friction force. Hint: Use Newton 1.
  • #11
ah so would that mean the force is 0, bc there is no acceleration? that's the only thing i can come up without of the first law clue you are giving me
  • #12
IneedHelp:-) said:
ah so would that mean the force is 0, bc there is no acceleration? that's the only thing i can come up without of the first law clue you are giving me

No, it means the net force (the sum of all the forces) is 0. :wink:

So what are all the forces? :smile:

FAQ: Friction Force between the box and the floor?

What is friction force between the box and the floor?

The friction force between the box and the floor is the resistance that occurs when two surfaces come in contact and try to slide past each other. It is caused by the microscopic irregularities on the surfaces and the interlocking of these irregularities.

What factors affect the friction force between the box and the floor?

The friction force between the box and the floor is affected by the type of surfaces in contact, the weight of the box, the normal force between the surfaces, and the roughness of the surfaces. The force applied to the box and the direction of the movement also play a role.

How is the friction force between the box and the floor measured?

The friction force between the box and the floor can be measured using a spring scale or a force sensor. The force required to initiate the movement of the box or to keep it in motion is equal to the friction force.

What is the relationship between the friction force and the weight of the box?

The friction force between the box and the floor is directly proportional to the weight of the box. This means that as the weight of the box increases, the friction force also increases. This is because a heavier box exerts a greater normal force on the floor, resulting in a stronger friction force.

How can the friction force between the box and the floor be reduced?

The friction force between the box and the floor can be reduced by using a lubricant, such as oil or grease, on the surfaces in contact. Smoother surfaces or reducing the weight of the box can also decrease the friction force. Additionally, changing the direction of the movement or using wheels or rollers can reduce the friction force.

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