Friction force on a ball falling through a body of water

  • #1
Homework Statement
A squash ball is dropped vertically into a body of water. The balls mass is m=22,4 g and the buoyancy acting on it is ##F_{buoyancy} = 0,338 N##. The attached file shows the ball's velocity after time t.
Find the magnitude and direction of the frictional force at time t = 0,070 s.
Relevant Equations
Energetic approach: ##A_{ext} = \Delta E_{mech} = F_{ext}*s##
Dynamic approach: ##F_{res}=ma##; ##F_{res} = F_{grav} - F_{buoyancy} - F_{friction}##
I first attempted to solve the problem by ##A_{ext} = \Delta E_{mech} = F_{ext}s##. Here, ##F_{ext} = F_{friction}## and ##\Delta E_{mech} = E_{k2} + E_{p2} - E_{k1}##. We obtain then the following equation: $$F_{friction} = (m((v_2)^2 - (v_1)^2))/2h + mg,$$where ##v_1## is the velocity at time ##t = 0 s##, ##v_2## is the velocity at time ##t = 0,070 s## and ##h = s##.
Now, we only have to find ##h## which I did by plotting the dataset into a program (I use Logger Pro), where I choose a fitting model/function to describe the set. Then, I let the program integrate the function from ##t_0 = 0s## to ##t = 0,070s##, upon which we obtain ##h = 0,1145 m##.
The following end result is then found: $$F_{friction} = -0,41 N$$.

Now, using the Dynamic method, I get a different answer for the frictional force, and I struggle to identify what potential differences in assumption there are between the two approaches. Using this method, the resultant force on the ball at time ##t = 0,070 s## can be found: $$F_{res} = ma_{t = 0,070 s}$$. To this end, we must find the acceleration at the given time, which I did by letting Logger Pro differentiate the function, which yields ##a_{t = 0,070 s} = -14,389 m/s^2##. The resulting force is then calculated to be ##F_{res} = -0,35 N##.
The resulting force can also be expressed by $$F_{res} = F_{grav} - F_{buoyancy} - F_{friction}$$. We can calculate the gravitational force, and know the buoyancy, so we get: $$F_{friction} = 0,25 N$$

How is the difference in results to be explained? It seems to me that both approaches are correct. Also, does the negative frictional force in found in the second method not contradict the assumption that the ball is continuously sinking deeper, until it eventually reaches the bottom. Or is this assumption wrong?

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  • #2
What do you get for the weight force of the ball?
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Likes berkeman and scottdave
  • #3
NikolasLund said:
Relevant Equations: Energetic approach: ##A_{ext} = \Delta E_{mech} = F_{ext}*s##
You realize that this formula assumes that the relevant force (and, therefore, acceleration) is constant over the given displacement?

Given the provided data, can you determine whether the net external force is actually constant?

You had Logger Pro do a numerical integration on a function fitted to the data. The fact that you did so suggests that you knew quite well that you were not integrating a linear function of time.
  • #4
jbriggs444 said:
You realize that this formula assumes that the relevant force (and, therefore, acceleration) is constant over the given displacement?

Given the provided data, can you determine whether the net external force is actually constant?

You had Logger Pro do a numerical integration on a function fitted to the data. The fact that you did so suggests that you knew quite well that you were not integrating a linear function of time.T
I can't help it but feel stupid now, having overlooked this very basic assumption. But still, thank you, I will be more mindful next time.
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  • #5
erobz said:
What do you get for the weight force of the ball?
Yeah. @NikolasLund -- Is there maybe a typo in these numbers?
NikolasLund said:
The balls mass is m=22,4 g and the buoyancy acting on it is ##F_{buoyancy} = 0,338 N##.
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Likes jbriggs444
  • #6
berkeman said:
Yeah. @NikolasLund -- Is there maybe a typo in these numbers?
No, I thought so myself as well, but the mass is 22,4 g, which yields a gravitational force smaller than the buoyancy, so the ball, i guess, will reach some point where it's donward velocity is 0 and will from there ascend to the surface.
  • #7
Ah, I had assumed the ball was dropped at the surface, but I see now in your table that it does have an initial velocity when it hits the water and slows down from there. I guess it would have helped if the problem statement said more like:
A squash ball is dropped from some height vertically into a body of water.
Next time I'll read the table more carefully. :wink:
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Likes NikolasLund
  • #8
berkeman said:
Ah, I had assumed the ball was dropped at the surface, but I see now in your table that it does have an initial velocity when it hits the water and slows down from there. I guess it would have helped if the problem statement said more like:

Next time I'll read the table more carefully. :wink:
And I will attempt to translate it more clearly. Sorry. :)
  • #9
No worries, not your fault. :smile:
  • #10
jbriggs444 said:
Given the provided data, can you determine whether the net external force is actually constant?
So @NikolasLund -- if we call the force an "opposing force" instead of friction, do you have a new calculation you can share with us?