Friction/spring/inclined plane problem

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a 1kg block connected by a horizontal spring to a 5kg block resting on an inclined plane. The system is subject to a force of 200N pushing the 5kg block upwards. The equations used to solve for the spring length at equilibrium include F=m*a, F=k*spring length, and Friction W= (reaction force R)*f. After making corrections to the equations, the correct solution is found to be a spring elongation of 7cm.
  • #1

Homework Statement

There is a block of 1kg (m1) resting frictionless on another block of 5kg (m2). m1 is connected by a horizontal spring to m2. m2 is resting on an inclined plane of 45°. Between m2 and the plane there is friction.
A force of 200N is applied on m2, pushing it upwards.

F=200N, m1=1kg, m2=5kg, f=0.2, k=100N/m, initial spring length= 0.20m, g=10m/s²

What is the spring length at equilibrium?

Homework Equations

F=k*spring length
Friction W= (reaction force R)*f

The Attempt at a Solution

Increase in spring length = l
I start with 4 equations:
F - w*cos45 - R*cos45 - k*l = (m1+m2)*a
m1*g + m2*g - w*sin45 - R*sin45 = 0

Solving this i get a=20m/s² which can't be right.


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  • #2
Why do you add k*l in 1st equation ??

You should be writing 1st equation considering both blocks together as one system . You will then not get k*l in the equation .

The rest seems fine .
  • #3
Alex.malh said:
F - w*cos45 - R*cos45 - k*l = (m1+m2)*a
m1*g + m2*g - w*sin45 - R*sin45 = 0
As qwertywerty notes, that kl term should not be there. That is internal to the two-mass system.
But the second equation looks wrong too. Check the signs, and consider what the vertical acceleration is.
  • #4
You're right - my bad . So you would have to consider some net acceleration and write horizontal and vertical accelarations in it's terms .
  • #5
haruspex said:
As qwertywerty notes, that kl term should not be there. That is internal to the two-mass system.
But the second equation looks wrong too. Check the signs, and consider what the vertical acceleration is.
Thanks for the quick reply.
New equations:
F - w*cos45 - R*cos45 = (m1+m2)*ah
(m1+m2)*g + w*sin45 - R*sin45 = (m1+m2) *av

Now to solve this I'm still missing a relationship between ah and av.
I've taken av = ah ( angle is 45°, if the block has moved 1m to the right, it will have moved the same distance vertically, xv = xh -> av = ah)
Now i end up with R=495N and a=36.7m/s²

Not possible imo.
Do you guys see where i go wrong?


  • #6
Would you check your calculations ?
  • #7
In your second equation, you have the wrong sign on the ma term. The blocks are accelerating vertically upward. The way you have it, av = - ah

  • #8
Chestermiller said:
In your second equation, you have the wrong sign on the ma term. The blocks are accelerating vertically upward. The way you have it, av = - ah


Ah yes of course. Well, I've got it now. 7cm spring elongation :)
Thx a lot!

FAQ: Friction/spring/inclined plane problem

1. What is friction and how does it affect objects on an inclined plane?

Friction is the force that acts against the motion of an object. On an inclined plane, friction acts in the opposite direction of the object's motion, making it more difficult for the object to move up or down the slope.

2. How does the spring force play a role in the inclined plane problem?

The spring force is a type of elastic force that is exerted by a compressed or stretched spring. In the inclined plane problem, the spring force can either aid or oppose the motion of the object depending on the direction in which the spring is attached to the object.

3. What is the relationship between the angle of the inclined plane and the amount of friction?

The steeper the angle of the inclined plane, the greater the amount of friction. This is because more of the object's weight is acting parallel to the surface, resulting in a larger frictional force.

4. How does the mass of the object affect its motion on an inclined plane?

The mass of the object affects its motion on an inclined plane by determining how much force is needed to overcome the force of gravity pulling it down the slope. The larger the mass, the more force is needed to move the object up the slope.

5. Can you use the equations for friction, spring force, and inclined plane to calculate the final velocity of the object?

Yes, by using the appropriate equations for each force and taking into account the mass and initial velocity of the object, you can calculate the final velocity at any point on the inclined plane. However, this calculation may be more complex if there are multiple forces acting on the object.
