Frictional Coefficient for Glass

In summary, the speaker is seeking assistance with their university assignment involving finite element analysis of a glass lifting body. They are specifically looking for the frictional coefficient of glass when in contact with rubber, but have had difficulty finding a reliable value online. They are hoping to receive help from the group as the assignment is due in 2 days.
  • #1
Rishi Saxena
Hi All!

I have an assignment from University that involves finite element analysis of a glass lifting body using Catia. Problem is in order to set the value for loading correctly, I need the frictional coefficient for glass when in contact with rubber.

I tried looking online and couldn't get anywhere with it. Different sites give different values, and I'm not confident about either of them.
I was hoping to find some help here. Please let me know soon if possible as the assignment is due in 2 days.

Thanks a lot everyone!

Engineering news on
  • #2
Depends on the glass, depends on the rubber, depends on humidity.

FAQ: Frictional Coefficient for Glass

1. What is a frictional coefficient for glass?

The frictional coefficient for glass, also known as the coefficient of friction, is a measure of the resistance to sliding between two surfaces in contact. It is a dimensionless number typically ranging from 0 to 1, with lower values indicating less friction and higher values indicating more friction.

2. How is the frictional coefficient for glass measured?

The frictional coefficient for glass can be measured by conducting a friction test, where a known force is applied to a block of glass and the resulting frictional force is measured. The frictional coefficient is then calculated by dividing the frictional force by the applied force.

3. What factors can affect the frictional coefficient for glass?

The frictional coefficient for glass can be affected by a variety of factors, including the smoothness of the glass surface, the type and amount of lubricant present, the temperature, and the pressure or load applied.

4. Why is the frictional coefficient for glass important?

The frictional coefficient for glass is important because it can impact the performance and function of products that involve glass surfaces, such as windows, mirrors, and lenses. It can also affect the efficiency and reliability of machines and equipment that use glass components.

5. Can the frictional coefficient for glass be changed?

Yes, the frictional coefficient for glass can be changed by altering the surface properties of the glass or by using lubricants to reduce friction. However, the inherent properties of the glass itself, such as its composition and surface roughness, will also play a role in the frictional coefficient.
