What Is the Frictional Force Acting on a Skydiver at Constant Velocity?

In summary, a skydiver with a mass of 70kg jumps from an airplane and experiences a constant velocity of 2m/s. Using the formula F = ma, the magnitude of the air's frictional force acting on the skydiver and his equipment can be calculated by multiplying the mass by the acceleration of gravity (9.8N/kg), resulting in a value of 686N. The distance and time of the fall are not necessary to determine the magnitude of the frictional force.
  • #1
A skydiver jumps from an airplane and descends at a constant velocity of 2m/s. The mass of the skydiver and his equipment is 70kg. Calculate the magnitude of the air's frictional force acting on the skydiver and his equipment.

F = 70kg x 9,8N/kg = 686N

I'm lost
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Can anyone please help me with this one real quick.

I know that Fnet is Fa - Ff = MA
His mass is 70kg and velocity 2m/s. But since i don't have the distance of his fall or the time i can't calculate the acceleration. So how do I figure out the magnitude of the air's frictional force which would be Ff?

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • #3
frigid said:
But since i don't have the distance of his fall or the time i can't calculate the acceleration.
Reread the problem statement carefully: the acceleration is given.

FAQ: What Is the Frictional Force Acting on a Skydiver at Constant Velocity?

1. What is frictional force?

Frictional force is the resistance force that acts between two surfaces that are in contact with each other. It is caused by the microscopic irregularities on the surfaces that interlock when in contact, resulting in a force that opposes motion.

2. What is the role of frictional force in skydiving?

In skydiving, frictional force plays a crucial role in slowing down the descent of the skydiver. As the skydiver falls through the air, the air molecules exert a force on the skydiver's body, creating air resistance or drag. Frictional force acts in the opposite direction of the air resistance, helping to balance it out and slow down the skydiver's descent.

3. How does the surface area of the skydiver affect the frictional force?

The surface area of the skydiver does not directly affect the frictional force. However, a larger surface area means that there is more air resistance, which in turn increases the frictional force acting on the skydiver. This is why skydivers wear suits that reduce their surface area to minimize air resistance and increase their freefall speed.

4. Is frictional force constant during a skydive?

No, frictional force is not constant during a skydive. As the skydiver falls, their speed increases, causing the frictional force to also increase. However, when the skydiver reaches terminal velocity, the air resistance and frictional force balance out, resulting in a constant speed.

5. How does the weight of the skydiver affect the frictional force?

The weight of the skydiver does not affect the frictional force directly. However, a heavier skydiver will experience a greater air resistance force and therefore a greater frictional force. This means that a heavier skydiver will reach terminal velocity at a faster speed than a lighter skydiver.
