Frisbee flight in Matlab, can't run (Input argument x is undefined)

In summary: Ia= [ rad Ia deg] Ia_data=[-0.002352 -0.001219]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THE EQUATIONS OF MOTION %Inertial xyz coordinates = forward, right and down % %before executing code (as described below): %%1) specify value for "CoefUsed" %2) specify which values for the damping coefficients, use long flight or short
  • #1
Frisbee flight in Matlab, can't run (Input argument "x" is undefined)

I'm trying to use a frisbee flight simulation made by Sarah Hummel, but I'm having a hard time running it in Matlab.


I get the first message when I press run in the program and the one in red when running in the subroutine. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks!

Here's the code for the program:

%%  File:    simulate_flight.m
%%  By:      Sarah Hummel  
%%  Date:    July 2003 
%%  This MATLAB program allows the simulation of a single frisbee flight 
%%  given initial conditions and a set of aerodynamic coefficients. 
%%  Calls subroutine discfltEOM.m, the equations of motion for the frisbee. 
%%  Inertial xyz coordinates = forward, right and down 
%%   before executing code (as described below):  
%%  1) specify value for "CoefUsed"  
%%  2) specify which values for the damping coefficients, use long flight or short  
%%    flight values. 
%%  3) specify Simulation set of initial conditions: thetao, speedo, betao, and po 
%%  4) specify which "x0" command to use 
%%  5) specify values for "tfinal" and "nsteps" 
format short 
global m g Ia Id A d rho  
global CLo CLa CDo CDa CMo CMa CRr           
global CL_data CD_data CM_data CRr_rad CRr_AdvR CRr_data 
global CMq CRp CNr 
%%  Set "CoefUsed" = 1 OR 2  
%%  This chooses the values of coefficients (specifies a set of if/then statements) 
%%  to use for CLo CLa CDo CDa CMo CMa CRr. 
%%  CoefUsed = 1 ... choose for using estimated short flights lift, drag, moment coefficients 
%%  CoefUsed = 2 ... choose for using Potts and Crowther (2002) lift, drag, moment coefficients 
%%  define non-aerodynamic parameters 
m = 0.175;   % Kg 
g = 9.7935;  % m/s^2 
A = 0.057;   % m^2 
d = 2*sqrt(A/pi);  % diameter 
rho = 1.23; % Kg/m^3 
Ia  = 0.002352;  % moment of inertia about the spinning axis 
Id  = 0.001219; % moment of inertia about the planar axis'
%CMq= -0.005,     CRp =-0.0055,   CNr =  0.0000071       % short (three) flights 
 CMq= -1.44E-02 ; CRp =-1.25E-02; CNr = -3.41E-05;       % long flight f2302 
%%  THE seven COEFFICIENTS estimated from three flights   
CLo=  0.3331; 
CLa=  1.9124; 
CDo=  0.1769; 
CDa=  0.685; 
CMo= -0.0821;   
CMa=  0.4338; 
CRr=  0.00171;  % for nondimensionalization = sqrt(d/g), magnitude of CRr changes 
        % with nondimensionalization          
%%  THE seven COEFFICIENTS from Potts and Crowther (2002) 
%%  CL =[   rad     CL       deg]
CL_data=[  -0.1745 -0.2250 -10 
           -0.05236  0  -3 
            0     0.150  0 
            0.08727 0.4500 5 
            0.17453 0.7250 10 
            0.26180 0.9750 15 
            0.34907 1.2000 20 
            0.43633 1.4500 25 
            0.52360 1.6750 30]; 
%%  CD =[    rad      CD       deg]
CD_data=[  -0.1745 0.1500 -10 
           -0.05236  0.0800 -3 
            0      0.1000  0 
            0.08727 0.1500 5 
            0.1745   0.2600 10 
            0.26180 0.3900 15 
            0.3491 0.5700 20 
            0.4363   0.7500 25 
            0.5236   0.9200 30]; 
%%  CM =[      rad      CM       deg]
CM_data=[-0.174532925 -0.0380 -10 
        -0.087266463  -0.0220  -5 
        -0.052359878  -0.0140  -3 
        0             -0.0060  0 
        0.052359878     -0.0060  3 
        0.104719755     -0.0020 6 
         0.157079633    0.0000 9 
         0.20943951    0.0100 12 
        0.261799388    0.0220 15 
         0.34906585     0.0440 20 
        0.401425728    0.0600 23 
         0.453785606    0.0840 26 
        0.523598776     0.1100 30]; 
%%CRr_deg=[-5    -4     -3     -2     -1     0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7    8     9     10     11    12     13     14     15      30    ]
CRr_rad = [-0.0873 -0.0698 -0.0524 -0.0349 -0.0175 0.0000 0.0175 0.0349 0.0524 0.0698 0.0873 0.1047 0.1222 0.1396 0.1571 0.1745 0.1920 0.2094 0.2269 0.2443 0.2618 0.5236]; 
CRr_AdvR= [2 1.04 0.69 0.35 0.17 0];         
CRr_data =[
-0.0172 -0.0192 -0.0180 -0.0192 -0.0180 -0.0172 -0.0172 -0.0168 -0.0188 -0.0164 -0.0136 
-0.0100 -0.0104 -0.0108 -0.0084 -0.0080 -0.0080 -0.0060 -0.0048 -0.0064 -0.0080 -0.0030 
-0.0112 -0.0132 -0.0120 -0.0132 -0.0120 -0.0112 -0.0112 -0.0108 -0.0128 -0.0104 -0.0096
-0.0068 -0.0072 -0.0076 -0.0052 -0.0048 -0.0048 -0.0028 -0.0032 -0.0048 -0.0064 -0.003
-0.0056  -0.0064 -0.0064 -0.0068 -0.0064 -0.0064 -0.0052 -0.0064 -0.0028 -0.0028 -0.004
-0.002 -0.004 -0.002 -0.0016   0   0   0   0 -0.002 -0.0048 -0.003
-0.0012  -0.0016 -0.0004 -0.0028 -0.0016 -0.0016 -0.0004 0.0004 0.0004 0.0008 0.0004
0.0008 0.0012 0.0008 0.002 0.0028 0.0032 0.0024 0.0028 0.0004 -0.0012 -0.003
-0.0012  -0.0012 -0.0016 -0.0016 -0.0012 -0.0004 0.0004 0.0008 0.0008 0.0016 0.0004
0.0020 0.0004 0.0016 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.0012 0.0012   0    -0.0012 -0.003
-0.0012  -0.0012 -0.0004 -0.0008 -0.0008 -0.0008 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004 0.0008 0.0004
0.0008 -0.0004   0.0000   0.0000 0.0004   0.0000   0.0000 0.0004 -0.002 -0.0012 -0.003];

%%  angle and angular velocities in rad and rad/sec respectively
%%  phi   = angle about the x-axis  phidot       = angular velocity
%%  theta = angle about the y-axis    thetadot    = angular velocity
%%  gamma = angle about the z axis   gd(gammadot)   = angular velocity  
%%  For reference, two sets of previously used initial conditions... 
%%  Long flight (f2302) release conditions: 
%%      thetao = 0.211;  speedo = 13.5;  betao = 0.15;  gd=54  
%%  Common release conditions:  
%%    thetao = 0.192;  speedo = 14; betao = 0.105; gd=50  
%%  Define Simulation set initial conditions, enter your choosen values here: 
      thetao =  .192;    % initial pitch angle 
      speedo = 13.7;  % magnitude, m/sec 
      betao  = .105;     % flight path angle in radians between velocity vector and horizontal 
      gd=50;            % initial spin 
alphao = thetao - betao;          % inital alpha 
vxo = speedo * cos(betao);        % velocity component in the nx direction
vzo = -(speedo * sin(betao));     % velocity component in the nz direction  
                                 %    (note: nz is positive down) 
%%  x0= vector of initial conditions 
%%  x0= [   x    y     z  vx  vy  vz   phi theta   phidot  thetadot gd   gamma]  
%%  Specify the set of inital conditions to use: 
%%    the first set of conditions is for a disc released: 
%%      theta, speed, and spin as specified above (thetao, speedo, gd),  
%%        1 meter above the ground, forward and right 0.001,  
%%        no roll angle, no velocity in the the y direction 
%%        and for positive alpha, disc is pitched up, with a neg. w component 
%%    the second set is the long flight f2302 estimated initial conditions 
%%  First set:
%x0= [ 0.001 0.001 -1  vxo 0   vzo  0   thetao  0.001   0.001    gd  0    ]
%%  Second set: 
x0=[-9.03E-01 -6.33E-01 -9.13E-01 1.34E+01 -4.11E-01 1.12E-03 -7.11E-02 2.11E-01 -1.49E+01 -1.48E+00 5.43E+01 5.03E+00];
%%  Enter values for tfinal and nsteps: 
tfinal = 1.46;  % length of flight 
nsteps = 292;   % number of time steps for data 
%options = odeset('AbsTol', 0.000001,'RelTol', 0.00000001,'OutputFcn','odeplot');  
%%  Calls the ODE and integrate the frisbee equations of motions in the  
%%    subroutine, discfltEOM.m  
%%  Remaining commands are associated with creating plots of the output. A "v"  
%%  is put at the end of the variable to differentiate it from the variable  
%%  calculated in discfltEOM.m
%%  give states names  ... v for view for making plots 
vxv = x(:,4); 
vyv = x(:,5); 
vzv = x(:,6); 
fv  = x(:,7); 
thv = x(:,8); 
stv = sin(thv); 
ctv = cos(thv); 
sfv = sin(fv); 
cfv = cos(fv); 
fdv = x(:,9); 
thdv= x(:,10);
pv  = x(:,11);
velv = [vxv vyv vzv]; %expressed in N 
omegaD_N_inCv = [fdv.*ctv thdv  fdv.*stv + pv]; % expressed in c1,c2,c3 
for i=1:size(t)
    vmagv(i) = norm(velv(i,:)); % a nx1 row vector 
    %% T_c_N=[ct      st*sf           -st*cf;  
    %%         0       cf               sf;  
    %%         st     -ct*sf            ct*cf]
    T_c_N=[  ctv(i)   stv(i)*sfv(i)   -stv(i)*cfv(i);  
             0        cfv(i)            sfv(i); 
             stv(i)  -ctv(i)*sfv(i)    ctv(i)*cfv(i)]; 
    c3v(i,:)=T_c_N(3,:);                 % c3 expressed in N frame
    vc3v(i,:)=dot(velv(i,:),c3v(i,:));   % velocity (scalar) in the c3 direction 
    vpv(i,:)= [velv(i,:)-vc3v(i,:).*c3v(i,:)];  % subtract c3 velocity component to get the 
    %                                          velocity vector projected onto the plane  
    %                                         of the disc, expressed in N 
    vpmagv(i) = norm(vpv(i,:)); 
    ulatv(i,:)=cross(c3v(i,:)',uvpv(i,:)')'; % unit vector perp. to v and c3, points right 
    alphav(i) = atan(vc3v(i,:)/norm(vpv(i,:))); 
    omegaD_N_inNv(i,:) = (T_c_N'*omegaD_N_inCv(i,:)')';       % expressed in n1,n2,n3 
    omegavpv(i,:) = dot(omegaD_N_inNv(i,:),uvpv(i,:));         %omega about vp axis 
    omegalatv(i,:) = dot(omegaD_N_inNv(i,:),ulatv(i,:));       
    omegaspinv(i,:)= dot(omegaD_N_inNv(i,:),c3v(i,:)); 
end   %for i=1:size(t) 
    Adpv = A*rho*vmagv.*vmagv/2; 
if    CoefUsed==1 % using short flights coefficients 
    alphaeq= -CLo/CLa;  % this is angle of attack at zero lift 
   CLv = CLo*ones(size(alphav)) + CLa*alphav; 
CDv = CDo*ones(size(alphav)) + CDa*(alphav-alphaeq*ones(size(alphav))).*...
    CMv = CMo*wuns + CMa*alphav; 
    %CRrv= CRr*d*omegaspinv/2./vmagv';
    %CRrv= CRr*sqrt(d/g)*omegaspinv;     
    % above line produces NaN, so leave it in Mvp equation 
    %Mvp = Adp*d* (CRrv*d*omegaspin/2/vmag  + CRp*omegavp)*uvp;         % expressed in N 
    Mvpv = Adpv*d* (sqrt(d/g)*CRrv*omegaspinv  + CRp*omegavpv)*uvpv;    % Roll moment 
end   % if    CoefUsed==1 % using short flights coefficients  
if     CoefUsed==2 % using Potts and Crowther (2002) coefficients 
    %% interpolation of Potts and Crowther (2002) data 
    CLv  = interp1(CL_data(:,1), CL_data(:,2), alphav,'spline');     
   CDv  = interp1(CD_data(:,1), CD_data(:,2), alphav,'spline');     
     CMv = interp1(CM_data(:,1), CM_data(:,2), alphav,'spline');      
    CRrv = interp2(CRr_rad,CRr_AdvR,CRr_data,alphav,AdvRv','spline');  
    Mvpv = Adpv'*d.* (CRrv'  + CRp*omegavpv);                           % Roll moment 
end   % CoefUsed==2 % using potts coefficients    
Mlatv = Adpv'*d.* (CMv' + CMq*omegalatv);   % Pitch Moment 
Mspinv= [CNr*(fdv.*stv +pv)] ;              % Spin Down Moment 
%%  Plot four subplots in one figure, the force and moments of the simulations 
    title(' Mvpv, Mlatv') 
    title(' Mspinv') 
    veloc=sqrt(x(:,4).^2 +x(:,5).^2 +x(:,6).^2);  
    mechenrgy=m*(-2*g*x(:,3) + x(:,4).^2 +x(:,5).^2 +x(:,6).^2) /2; 
    Ho = mechenrgy/m/g; 
    title('Angle of Attack, \alpha')
%%  Plot four subplots in one figure, the states 
        %xlabel('Time (sec)')
         ylabel('position (m)') 
            %axis tight 
             %Ylim([-2 16])
            %xlabel('Time (sec)')
         ylabel('velocity (m/sec)')
         %title('Velocity of CM')
            %axis tight 
    %Ylim([-2 14])
            xlabel('time (sec)')
         ylabel('orientation (rad)')
            %title('Phi, Theta') 
%title('Disc plane orientation') 
            xlabel('time (sec)')
         ylabel('angular velocity (rad/sec)')
         %title('Angular velocities') 

And here's the code for the function:

%%  File:    discfltEOM.m
%%  By:      Sarah Hummel  
%%  Date:    July 2003 
function xdot=discfltEOM(~,x,CoefUsed) 
% Equations of Motion for the frisbee 
% The inertial frame, xyz = forward, right and down
global m g Ia Id A d rho  
global CLo CLa CDo CDa CMo CMa CRr           
global CL_data CD_data CM_data CRr_rad CRr_AdvR CRr_data 
global CMq CRp CNr 
% x = [ x y z vx vy vz f th  fd  thd  gd gamma]
%       1 2 3 4  5  6  7  8   9   10  11  12 
%% give states normal names 
vx = x(4); 
vy = x(5); 
vz = x(6); 
f  = x(7); 
th = x(8); 
st = sin(th); 
ct = cos(th); 
sf = sin(f); 
cf = cos(f); 
fd = x(9); 
thd= x(10);
gd  = x(11); 
%% Define transformation matrix 
%% [c]=[T_c_N] * [N]
T_c_N=[ct st*sf -st*cf; 0 cf sf; st -ct*sf ct*cf]; 
%% [d]=[T_d_N] * [N] 
%T_d_N(1,:)=[cg*ct  sg*cf+sf*st*cg  sf*sg-st*cf*cg];
%T_d_N(2,:)=[ -sg*ct cf*cg-sf*sg*st sf*cg+sg*st*cf];
%T_d_N(3,:)=[ st -sf*ct cf*ct]
c1=T_c_N(1,:);      % c1 expressed in N frame
c2=T_c_N(2,:);      % c2 expressed in N frame
c3=T_c_N(3,:);      % c3 expressed in N frame
%% calculate aerodynamic forces and moments 
%% every vector is expressed in the N frame
vel = [vx vy vz];   %expressed in N 
vmag = norm(vel); 
vc3=dot(vel,c3);     % velocity (scalar) in the c3 direction 
vp= [vel-vc3*c3];     % subtract the c3 velocity component to get the velocity vector  
% projected onto the plane of the disc, expressed in N 
alpha = atan(vc3/norm(vp)); 
Adp = A*rho*vmag*vmag/2; 
uvel  = vel/vmag;            % unit vector in vel direction, expressed in N 
uvp   = vp/norm(vp);      % unit vector in the projected velocity direction, expressed in N 
ulat  = cross(c3,uvp); % unit vec perp to v and d3 that points to right, right? 
%% first calc moments in uvp (roll), ulat(pitch) directions, then express in n1,n2,n3 
omegaD_N_inC = [fd*ct thd  fd*st+gd];       % expressed in c1,c2,c3 
omegaD_N_inN = T_c_N'*omegaD_N_inC';      % expressed in n1,n2,n3 
omegavp   = dot(omegaD_N_inN,uvp);         
omegalat  = dot(omegaD_N_inN,ulat);        
omegaspin = dot(omegaD_N_inN,c3);            % omegaspin = p1=fd*st+gd 
AdvR= d*omegaspin/2/vmag ;                    % advanced ration 
if    CoefUsed==1   % using short flights coefficients 
    CL  = CLo + CLa*alpha; 
    alphaeq = -CLo/CLa;    % this is angle of attack at zero lift 
    CD  = CDo + CDa*(alpha-alphaeq)*(alpha-alphaeq); 
    CM=CMo + CMa*alpha; 
    %CRr= CRr*d*omegaspinv/2./vmagv';
    %CRr= CRr*sqrt(d/g)*omegaspinv;    % this line produces NaN, so leave it in Mvp equation 
    %Mvp = Adp*d* (CRr*d*omegaspin/2/vmag  + CRp*omegavp)*uvp;   % expressed in N 
    Mvp = Adp*d* (sqrt(d/g)*CRr*omegaspin  + CRp*omegavp)*uvp;   % expressed in N 
end   % if    CoefUsed==1 % using short flights coefficients  
if     CoefUsed==2 % using potts coefficients 
%% interpolation of Potts and Crowther (2002) data 
    CL  = interp1(CL_data(:,1), CL_data(:,2), alpha,'spline');
    CD  = interp1(CD_data(:,1), CD_data(:,2), alpha,'spline');       
    CM  = interp1(CM_data(:,1), CM_data(:,2), alpha,'spline');       
    CRr = interp2(CRr_rad,CRr_AdvR,CRr_data,alpha,AdvR,'spline');    
    Mvp = Adp*d* (CRr*  + CRp*omegavp)*uvp;   % Roll moment, expressed in N        
end   % if    CoefUsed==2 % using potts coefficients 
lift  = CL*Adp; 
drag  = CD*Adp; 
ulift = -cross(uvel,ulat);          % ulift always has - d3 component 
udrag = -uvel;
Faero = lift*ulift + drag*udrag;     % aero force in N 
FgN   = [ 0 0 m*g]';                 % gravity force in N 
F = Faero' + FgN; 
Mlat  = Adp*d* (CM + CMq*omegalat)*ulat;    % Pitch moment expressed in N 
Mspin = [0 0 +CNr*(omegaspin)];              % Spin Down moment expressed in C 
M = T_c_N*Mvp' + T_c_N*Mlat' + Mspin';     % Total moment expressed in C 
% set moments equal to zero if wanted... 
% M=[0 0 0];       
% calculate the derivatives of the states 
xdot = vel'; 
xdot(4)  = (F(1)/m);     %accx 
xdot(5)  = (F(2)/m);     %accy
xdot(6)  = (F(3)/m);     %accz 
xdot(7)  = fd;
xdot(8)  = thd;
xdot(9)  = (M(1) + Id*thd*fd*st - Ia*thd*(fd*st+gd) + Id*thd*fd*st)/Id/ct; 
xdot(10) = (M(2) + Ia*fd*ct*(fd*st +gd) - Id*fd*fd*ct*st)/Id; 
xdot(11) = (M(3) - Ia*(fdd*st + thd*fd*ct))/Ia; 
xdot(12) = x(11); 
% calculate angular momentum
H = [Id 0 0 ; 0 Id 0; 0 0 Ia]*omegaD_N_inC';
format long; 
magH = norm(H); 
format short; 
Physics news on
  • #2
Which version of MATLAB are you attempting to run them in? In 2003 when this code was written, the release was R13SP2 (Release 13 with Service Pack 2).

Functionality and syntax changes from release to release. Your best bet is to run the program in the version it was written for, else you'll have to make updates to the code to get it to run.
  • #3
kreil said:
Which version of MATLAB are you attempting to run them in? In 2003 when this code was written, the release was R13SP2 (Release 13 with Service Pack 2).

Functionality and syntax changes from release to release. Your best bet is to run the program in the version it was written for, else you'll have to make updates to the code to get it to run.

Thank you for the response! Yeah, I figured syntax was the problem, I actually fixed a big chunk, but I'm having problems to fix this one. My school has the 2010 version and I have the 2011 version. Is there a way for me to get that release?

If not, does anyone know how to fix this error in the code?
  • #4
Well, I don't know matlab, but I will throw a thought your way, anyway.

By the look of the code, function ode45() seems to take another function as its first argument; because all it takes is a name, I presume that it is your responsibility to make sure that you have defined discfltEOM with the exact same signature that ode45 expects it to be and will call it with...have you double check this? In your own version of matlab?

Say, what is that about where the first argument to discfltEOM is just ' ~ ' ? is that code for something?
  • #5
hey readinglevelup, i just made it recently work on my laptop win7 MATLAB R2010a. There was problem with the interp2 arguments: the code is in the attachments. By the way why do you need it? I am just curious.


  • simulate_flight.m
    13.5 KB · Views: 726
  • discfltEOM.m
    4.6 KB · Views: 650
  • #6
flokain said:
hey readinglevelup, i just made it recently work on my laptop win7 MATLAB R2010a. There was problem with the interp2 arguments: the code is in the attachments. By the way why do you need it? I am just curious.

Hmm, I'm using a macbook pro, but I doubt that was the problem. But thank you!

Actually, I've been working on a Frisbee Launcher and a flight simulator this semester at university. The project started with just a Launcher, but I decided at some point to try and simulate the flight in Matlab.

I have to give my project today, but I think there's something wrong with my code somewhere. At this point, I'm just going to give my project like it is because the simulation was just a bonus. But I really want to figure out the problem if anyone wants to help me? I've attached both M-files used (the comments are in French, sorry!).

TrajectoirefrisbeeV2.m is the function and graphique.m is the output graphs.

What I'm trying to do is find out what is the farthest length you can throw a Frisbee at a given initial speed and initial angle of attack. graphique.m takes 1 velocity and and changes the angle of the Frisbee compared to the ground from 0 to whatever.


  • TrajectoirefrisbeeV2.m
    4.7 KB · Views: 587
  • graphique.m
    1.1 KB · Views: 578

Related to Frisbee flight in Matlab, can't run (Input argument x is undefined)

1. Why am I getting an "Input argument x is undefined" error when trying to run my Frisbee flight simulation in Matlab?

This error usually occurs when the variable "x" has not been defined or assigned a value before it is used in the code. Make sure to define and assign a value to "x" before using it in any calculations or functions.

2. How can I fix the "Input argument x is undefined" error in my Frisbee flight simulation?

To fix this error, you can either define and assign a value to "x" before using it, or you can use a different variable name that has already been defined and assigned a value.

3. I have defined and assigned a value to "x" in my code, why am I still getting the "Input argument x is undefined" error?

Make sure that the "x" variable is defined and assigned a value in the specific function or calculation where it is being used. If it is defined and assigned a value in a different function, it may not be accessible in the current function and will result in the error.

4. Can the "Input argument x is undefined" error be caused by a typo?

Yes, if you have a typo in the variable name "x" or in the code where it is being defined and assigned a value, it can result in the "Input argument x is undefined" error. Double check your code for any typos or spelling errors.

5. Are there any other reasons why I might be getting the "Input argument x is undefined" error in my Frisbee flight simulation?

Another possible reason for this error could be that the "x" variable is defined and assigned a value in a different workspace or script that is not accessible in the current workspace. Make sure that all relevant variables are defined and assigned values in the same workspace.
