From birth to post-schooling: It’s all Spin

  • Thread starter coberst
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In summary, From birth to post-schooling, we are shaped by the world around us. As infants, we learn to adapt to our environment and follow the values taught to us by our parents and educational institutions. As we reach adulthood, we continue to hold these values sacred and enter into other forms of spin and thought. However, the modern world often does not align with our biological nature, leading to issues such as stress, obesity, and boredom. It is important for us to become learners and use our mental faculties to make the world a better place. It is also crucial for us to become critical thinkers in order to bring about necessary changes for the survival of our civilization.
  • #1
From birth to post-schooling: It’s all Spin

The infant enters into the world that is amazing, frightening, and totally alien in form and content. The infant recognizes that Mom is the life-raft on troubled waters and that to lose Mom is the most terrible experience possible. The infant wants to respond to its natural biological urges but Mom shows the infant that some are acceptable and some are not. The infant does all it can to do those that Mom likes and not to do those that Mom does not like. Like all creatures the infant learns to adjust and adapt to its environment.

One significant difference here is that the human creature becomes a creature of a world of symbols rather than a world of Mother Nature. The infant learns to set aside its animal urges and to accept symbolic meaning and values as the guide to ‘fitting in’.

The infant quickly recognizes that it is an actor on a stage and that the better it adapts itself to the requirements set by the social culture the more likely it will remain safely cuddled within that environment. The infant becomes a social creature ready to play whatever role is necessary to ‘fit in’.

The child grows into adulthood clutched in the embrace of the family and the school or college. The educational institutions educate the growing child in the knowledge that child needs to fit in. Should the child go onto ‘higher education’ then the young person grows more accomplished at becoming knowledgeable of all the symbols of a well structured life within the bosom of the social environment. By observing other creatures within that environment that youngster grows into adulthood fortified with the values that were taught by family and educational institutions.

]b]What happens to this adult who has been raised in this world of spin after school days are over? Almost unanimously this adult holds as sacred all the lessons learned from all the spin doctors of childhood and enters into other spin laced forms of thought.[/b]

From birth to post-schooling we absorb reality as others present it to us. After our schooling is completed we must become learners. After schooling our time has come to prepare our self to learn and from that learning we must make judgments and consider how to make the world a little better than it was given to us.
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  • #2
We seem to agree on many points Coberst!

I have often attempted to point out how the modern world is not condusive to the biological nature of human beings. Humans are capable of astounding feats, yet physical and mental potential are far to often never realized.

Example: Stress mechanisms do nothing but make ones life shorter; mental strain, useless adrenaline burst, excess hormonal activity ect... The mechanisms are to allow ones escape from imminent danger. In a modern world, it is really very rarely needed.

Example: unlimited variety of easily attainable sustenance. Many do not have the ability to overcome the biological drive to feed as often as possible, and thus we have an epidemic of obesity.

Example: Boredom. Masses and masses of people who have all the processing power to accomplish a near unbounded amount of learning and memorization. Yet so many waste away in front of modern modes of entertainment never giving a second thought to anything but their social status and frivolous acts of mindless occupation.

I would say, however, that many humans are able to recognize the facetiousness of the spin created by society. But not nearly as many as there should be.
  • #3
robertm said:
Example: Boredom. Masses and masses of people who have all the processing power to accomplish a near unbounded amount of learning and memorization. Yet so many waste away in front of modern modes of entertainment never giving a second thought to anything but their social status and frivolous acts of mindless occupation.

I wouldn't say near unbounded memory or learning. We most certainly have limitations in our mental faculties. Not a single person on Earth can tell you exactly all the things that make the computers you and I are communicating on, work. In fact, you would find it impossible to recall all the things you've learned in your lifetime in detail. It seems, if you don't use it, you lose it with memory.

[Whats quite amazing though, is something can trigger a flurry of memory to return to you when moments before the information was completely inaccessible. I suspect our brains are using something akin to RAID in our computers :-p]

As far as learning is concerned, I lament every now and then that I cannot learn all that there is to know from what we as human beings have discovered so far. I wish I could have every idea we have thought of so far pass through my brain at least once :smile:

I don't think the impossibility of such a feat should stop one from learning and committing to memory as much as you enjoy though.

As far as being distracted by modern shenanigans, imagine if everyone engaged their mental faculties all the time. That we all lived deep and meaningful mental lives. I wonder, would the world be better than it currently is? Better how?
  • #4
Eidos said:
As far as being distracted by modern shenanigans, imagine if everyone engaged their mental faculties all the time. That we all lived deep and meaningful mental lives. I wonder, would the world be better than it currently is? Better how?

Would we do better if we were all taught to be Critical Thinkers? I think so but I suspect our time is rapidly running out. It appears that our species is a dead end. I think that we must make drastic changes or our civilization will not last another 200 years.

FAQ: From birth to post-schooling: It’s all Spin

1. What does "From birth to post-schooling: It's all Spin" refer to?

"From birth to post-schooling: It's all Spin" is a phrase that refers to the idea that our experiences, education, and societal influences shape our beliefs and perspectives on the world. It suggests that from the moment we are born, we are constantly influenced by external factors that shape our thoughts and behaviors.

2. How does this concept relate to the field of science?

This concept is relevant to the field of science because it highlights the importance of considering the influence of societal and cultural factors on scientific research and discoveries. It reminds scientists to be critical of their own biases and to strive for objectivity in their work.

3. Can you provide an example of how "From birth to post-schooling: It's all Spin" affects our perceptions?

One example of this concept in action is the influence of media and advertising on our perceptions of beauty. From a young age, we are bombarded with images of what society deems as "beautiful", which can shape our beliefs and behaviors towards body image.

4. How can we combat the effects of "From birth to post-schooling: It's all Spin"?

One way to combat the effects of this concept is to be aware of our own biases and actively seek out diverse perspectives and information. It's also important to critically analyze the sources of information we are exposed to and to question societal norms and beliefs.

5. Does this mean that our thoughts and beliefs are not our own?

While external factors do play a significant role in shaping our thoughts and beliefs, it's important to recognize that we still have agency and the ability to think for ourselves. We can actively challenge and question the information and influences that shape us, and ultimately, form our own unique perspectives and beliefs.

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