From Environmental Engineering/Biotechnology to Physics?

In summary, the person in this conversation is in their final year at university and regrets not majoring in physics. They are currently studying biotechnology but still feel unsatisfied and are considering switching to physics. However, they are concerned about the time and effort it would take to catch up in the field and the potential for their current degrees to become worthless. They are also considering a master's program in Neuroinformatics as an alternative. They acknowledge that this is their last chance to switch and that funding and academic performance will be important factors in their decision.
  • #1
'Sup guys,

I'm in my final year at the ETH Zurich. For some very short-sighted reasons, in the days of my youth when I was choosing my major, I narrowly chose environmental engineering over physics. After 1.5 / 2 years at the very latest (basically as soon as the STEM common core classes got out of the way), I realized I hated it and had made a huge mistake. Without a doubt, not majoring in physics is the biggest regret/mistake of my life so far. BUT I'd been accepted to a super cool exchange for my third year, and besides, the program itself was only three years initially, so it seemed as if it didn't make a lot of sense to quit then and I might as well go on exchange and make the switch come after I got back. Switching is difficult in Europe, and I could probably have transferred very few credits to physics.

Coming back from my exchange, however, not all my credits transferred, and so I was stuck with another semester to wrap things up. I found out that if I took on some extra classes this semester and then kept going next semester, I could additionally graduate with a degree in biotechnology by summer. Figuring if there was even the slightest chance biotechnology was the thing for me it would be worth trying it just in case (because 1 sem is much shorter than 2-3 years), I opted for it, and that is basically where I am now, almost done with the first semester of my final year before graduating with both degrees. If I pull it off, it certainly would be no mean feat -- I don't know anybody who is in the position of graduating with two degrees from the ETH at 22.

Biotechnology is better than environmental engineering, but I still feel somewhat... unsatisfied. I still think physics would be far more fulfilling to me.

Given that it would mean another 2-3 years to complete a physics program as well, however, at some point, I really need to start weighing costs and benefits. 6-7 degrees before moving to master's programs is a lot. And if you really put biotechnology and environmental engineering together, I feel as if the easiest way to most any career path is forward, not backward. The only thing I can't do is physics.

I think a career in astrophysics or something of the sort would definitely be interesting to me, but then the question is how difficult it is to get a fairly theoretical physics position if I'm that late to the game -- I wouldn't graduate with my BSc Physics until 24-25, then finish my MSc 26-27, then PhD 30-31, and only then would I be able to really start looking for jobs/working. That's assuming I never lose time or waste time and manage to get good enough grades in the first place. Not unheard of, but late.

And in the meantime, I'd be giving up a lot -- the two bachelor's degrees I already basically have would become worthless, and I'd be moving from a field where I feel I am ahead of most of my competitors or at least well in the game to a highly competitive field where I'm basically 3-4 years behind everyone. And I'd probably still be haunted by regrets that I'll never be as good as I could have been if I'd done physics straightaway.

What do you think, is pursuing a passion -- albeit a far-off one -- by switching to physics a good idea, even if I'd be far behind? Or is switching completely unrealistic, and I should just go forward as best I can despite everything, running the risk that I'll always be slightly unsatisfied with it? There is a master's degree program in Neuroinformatics here I could hopefully get into that would probably be my first choice if I were not to switch.

I'm well aware that this is definitively my last chance to switch, however.
Physics news on
  • #2
Time is not the issue if you can pay the bills along the way and perform well enough in physics to reach your goals.

The challenge for most students who want to switch is paying the bills until you can finish the required education.

Related to From Environmental Engineering/Biotechnology to Physics?

1. How are environmental engineering/biotechnology and physics related?

Environmental engineering/biotechnology and physics are closely related because both fields involve the study of natural phenomena, systems, and processes. Environmental engineers and biotechnologists use principles of physics to understand and manipulate the physical properties of materials and energy in order to improve and protect the environment.

2. Can a background in environmental engineering/biotechnology be beneficial for studying physics?

Yes, a background in environmental engineering/biotechnology can be highly beneficial for studying physics. Both fields require a strong foundation in math, chemistry, and biology, and environmental engineering/biotechnology also incorporates elements of physics such as fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and transport phenomena. Additionally, the problem-solving and critical thinking skills developed in environmental engineering/biotechnology can be applied to physics research and experiments.

3. What are some potential career paths for someone with a background in both environmental engineering/biotechnology and physics?

There are several potential career paths for someone with a background in both environmental engineering/biotechnology and physics. These may include working in research and development, consulting, or government agencies to develop sustainable solutions for environmental issues. Other options may include working in the energy sector, aerospace industry, or in medical physics.

4. How can environmental engineering/biotechnology be used in the study of physics?

Environmental engineering/biotechnology can be used in the study of physics in a variety of ways. For example, biotechnology techniques can be used to study and manipulate biological systems for medical or environmental purposes. Environmental engineering principles can also be applied to the design and construction of sustainable energy systems, which involves understanding and utilizing principles of physics.

5. How can a combination of environmental engineering/biotechnology and physics contribute to solving global issues?

A combination of environmental engineering/biotechnology and physics can contribute to solving global issues by providing a multi-disciplinary approach to problem-solving. Environmental engineers and biotechnologists can use their knowledge of physics to develop innovative solutions for environmental problems, such as clean energy production and waste management. Additionally, the integration of these fields can lead to advancements in medical treatments and technologies, as well as more sustainable and efficient use of resources.

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