From Gaussian Quadrature to Chebyshev Quadrature

In summary, Chebyshev quadrature is a numerical estimation method for integrals that is based on using Chebyshev polynomials. It is a simplification of Gaussian quadrature, where the weights are all equal and the integration domain is [-1, 1]. The abscissas used in Chebyshev quadrature can be found through the roots of the function G_n(x), derived from the Maclaurin series of s_n(y). This method is explained in more detail in the book "Introduction to Numerical Analysis" by F.B. Hildebrand.
  • #1

I'm studying about Chebyshev Quadrature and i found so little and confused information about this.
I don't know if Gauss-Chebyshev Quadrature is the same of Chebyshev Quadrature.
The only good information that i found was from Wolfram:

And there is write Chebyshev Quadrature is a simplification of Gaussian quadrature. So here is my question: How can i simplify from Gaussian Quadrature to Chebyshev Quadrature?
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  • #2
You ask an interesting question about terminology. I don't know the answer, but I think it would help to state the question explicitly rather than expecting readers to follow links.

The Wikipedia article on Gaussian Quadrature states:

An n-point Gaussian quadrature rule, named after Carl Friedrich Gauss, is a quadrature rule constructed to yield an exact result for polynomials of degree 2n − 1 or less by a suitable choice of the points [itex] x_i [/itex] and weights [itex] w_i [/itex] for i = 1,...,n. The domain of integration for such a rule is conventionally taken as [−1, 1], so the rule is stated as

[itex] \int_{-1}^{1} f(x) dx \approx \sum_{i=1}^n w_i f(x_i) [/itex]

...if the integrated function can be written as [itex] f(x) = W(x) g(x) [/itex], where [itex] g(x) [/itex] is approximately polynomial, and [itex] W(x) [/itex] is known, then there are alternative weights [itex] {w'}_i[/itex] such that

[itex] \int_{-1}^1 f(x)\,dx = \int_{-1}^1 W(x) g(x)\,dx \approx \sum_{i=1}^n w_i' g(x_i) [/itex]

Common weighting functions include [itex] W(x)=(1-x^2)^{-1/2} [/itex] (Chebyshev–Gauss)...

The question is whether that definition is equivalent to the one on the Wolfram site which defines Chebyshev Quadrature as:

A Gaussian quadrature-like formula for numerical estimation of integrals. It uses weighting function W(x)=1 in the interval [-1,1] and forces all the weights to be equal. The general formula is
[itex] \int_{-1}^1 f(x)dx=\frac{2}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(x_i)

where the abscissas x_i are found by taking terms up to [itex] y^n [/itex] in the Maclaurin series of
[itex] s_n(y)=exp(1/2n[-2+ln(1-y)(1-\frac{1}{y})+ln(1+y)(1+\frac{1}{y})]) [/itex]

and then defining
[itex] G_n(x)=x^n s_n(\frac{1}{x}) [/itex]

The roots of [itex] G_n(x) [/itex] then give the abscissas.

I had to do the LaTex manually instead of a straight cut-and-past. I hope I haven't introduced any typos.
  • #4
Thanks Stephen Tashi.

Finally i found the proof. Chebyshev quadrature is really hard to find because always when you google it other similar topics appears. So the book i found this information is: Introduction to Numerical Analysis - F. B. Hildebrand

FAQ: From Gaussian Quadrature to Chebyshev Quadrature

1. What is Gaussian quadrature?

Gaussian quadrature is a numerical integration technique used to approximate the definite integral of a function. It involves selecting a specific set of points (known as quadrature points) and corresponding weights, which are then used to approximate the integral with a high degree of accuracy.

2. How does Gaussian quadrature differ from other numerical integration methods?

Gaussian quadrature differs from other numerical integration methods in that it chooses the quadrature points and weights based on the specific function being integrated, rather than using a fixed set of points and weights for all functions. This allows for a more accurate approximation of the integral.

3. What is the main advantage of using Gaussian quadrature?

The main advantage of using Gaussian quadrature is its high accuracy. By carefully selecting the quadrature points and weights, it is possible to achieve a very accurate approximation of the integral, even for highly oscillatory or rapidly changing functions.

4. What is Chebyshev quadrature?

Chebyshev quadrature is another numerical integration technique that involves using the roots of Chebyshev polynomials as the quadrature points. These polynomials are known for their ability to evenly distribute points over a given interval, making them useful for numerical integration.

5. How does Chebyshev quadrature compare to Gaussian quadrature?

Chebyshev quadrature is generally less accurate than Gaussian quadrature, but it can be more efficient for certain types of functions. It is also less sensitive to the choice of interval and can handle singularities better than Gaussian quadrature. However, for most functions, Gaussian quadrature will provide a more accurate approximation of the integral.
