From Planck's law to derive the stefan Boltzman constant.

In summary, the conversation discusses Planck's derivation for black body radiation and its connection to the Stefan-Boltzmann law. The equation 1 shows the relationship between radiative energy and frequency, while the integral represents the density of radiative energy. The final result, ##I(v,T)##, is derived from Planck's law and involves the constant ##\sigma##, which is derived by Reif in his Statistical Physics book.
  • #1
The following is the Planck's derivation for black body radiation
$${\rho}({\lambda}) d{\lambda}=E({\lambda})*f({E(\lambda}))*D({\lambda})d{\lambda}------equation 1$$
$$\int_0^\infty{\rho}({\lambda})d{\lambda}$$ is the density of radiative energy.

"... is the amount of energy per unit surface area per unit time per unit solid angle emitted at a frequency by a black body at temperature T." From Wikipedia .
How should I derive the I(v,T) from Planck's law? Please help .thanks
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  • #2
## \frac{\sigma T^4}{\pi}=\int\limits_{0}^{+\infty} L_{\lambda}(\lambda,T) \, d \lambda ##, where ## L_{\lambda}(\lambda,T)=\frac{2hc^2}{\lambda^5 (exp^{(hc)/(\lambda k_B T)}-1)} ##.
##\\ ## ## \sigma=\frac{\pi^2 k_B^4}{60 \hbar^3 c^2} ##.
## \\ ## This last result is not straightforward, but Reif derives it in an Appendix of his Statistical Physics book.
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Related to From Planck's law to derive the stefan Boltzman constant.

1. What is Planck's law?

Planck's law is a fundamental equation in physics that describes the emission of electromagnetic radiation from a black body. It states that the energy per unit time and per unit area emitted by a black body is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature and inversely proportional to the wavelength of the radiation.

2. How is Planck's law related to the Stefan-Boltzmann constant?

The Stefan-Boltzmann constant is a proportionality constant that relates the total energy emitted by a black body to its temperature. It is derived from Planck's law by integrating over all possible wavelengths and then solving for the constant.

3. What is the significance of the Stefan-Boltzmann constant?

The Stefan-Boltzmann constant is a crucial value in thermodynamics and radiative heat transfer. It is used to calculate the total amount of energy radiated by a black body at a given temperature and is also used in the calculation of the effective temperature of stars and planets.

4. How is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant experimentally determined?

The Stefan-Boltzmann constant can be experimentally determined by measuring the total amount of energy emitted by a black body at different temperatures and then fitting the data to a curve. The slope of the curve will give the value of the constant.

5. Can the Stefan-Boltzmann constant be applied to objects other than black bodies?

Yes, the Stefan-Boltzmann constant is a universal constant that can be applied to any object that emits thermal radiation. However, it will only give accurate results for objects that closely resemble a black body, as they have a perfect absorption and emission of radiation.
