From the nature of light unit.

In summary: In fact, in a vacuum the speed of all electromagnetic radiation is the same, so the color does not matter. (The only reason for the difference in colors is the different frequencies required to make the same speed in different media.)In summary, the frequency of the given electromagnetic radiation is 5.00 x 10^14 Hz. Its wavelength is 6.00 x 10^-7 m or 600 nm in a vacuum and 4.4 x 10^-7 m or 440 nm in water. This radiation is within the visible range and appears as orange light with a range of 590-610 nm. The index of refraction for a medium with a speed of 2.54 x 10
  • #1
Hi and thank you for viewing this post.
I'll begin with the question from the textbook;

Q: An electromagnetic radiation has a frequency of 5.00 x 10^14 Hz.
a) Calculate its wavelength in a vacuum, in meters and nanometers.
b) Calculate its wavelength in water.
c) Is this radiation visible? If so, what is its colour?
d) What is the index of refraction of a medium in which the speed of this radiation
is 2.54 x 10^8 m/s?
e) Where would you encounter this radiation in your daily life?

and here are my attempts to the above questions;

A: a) given that the speed of light in "vacuum" is 3.00 x 10^8 m/s,
(not sure how to type-in the wavelength sign)
wavelength = 3.00 x 10^8 m/s / 5.00 x 10^14 Hz
Then it comes out to be, 6.00 x 10^-17 m which also equals to 600nm.
b) given that the speed of light in "water" is 2.2 x 10^8 m/s,
wavelength = 2.2 x 10^8 m/s / 5.00 x 10^14 Hz
which turns out to be 4.4 x 10^-7 m, and 440 nm.
c) I had a confusion because I wasn't really sure whether the question was asking
about the radiation in vacuum or in water (Sorry this is an independent study course
so there aren't any teachers whom I can contact). So, I gave the answer for both
situations. Orange(590-610nm) for a), and Violet(400-450nm) for b).
d) Again, confusion from the question c.. not really sure whether to use
orange(neon gas) or violet(mercury vapour) as the source. According to the textbook
the equation looks like this, n=c/v (n=absolute index of refraction, c=speed of light,
v=speed of light in substance) so am I looking to solve for the variable n?
e) Our ordinary main way to gather information about the world.

So it would be greatly appreciated if anyone could read this over
and correct me any wrongs. Any suggestions or advice are also appreciated,
Thanks again!
Physics news on
  • #2
nblu said:
A: a) given that the speed of light in "vacuum" is 3.00 x 10^8 m/s,
(not sure how to type-in the wavelength sign)
wavelength = 3.00 x 10^8 m/s / 5.00 x 10^14 Hz
Then it comes out to be, 6.00 x 10^-17 m which also equals to 600nm.
b) given that the speed of light in "water" is 2.2 x 10^8 m/s,
wavelength = 2.2 x 10^8 m/s / 5.00 x 10^14 Hz
which turns out to be 4.4 x 10^-7 m, and 440 nm.
Good. (Small typo in part a: -7, not -17.) You could also just have used the index of refraction for water.
c) I had a confusion because I wasn't really sure whether the question was asking
about the radiation in vacuum or in water (Sorry this is an independent study course
so there aren't any teachers whom I can contact). So, I gave the answer for both
situations. Orange(590-610nm) for a), and Violet(400-450nm) for b).
Color depends on frequency, not wavelength. (You don't see color until it hits your eye, so it doesn't matter what happened to it along the way as long as the frequency hasn't changed.)
d) Again, confusion from the question c.. not really sure whether to use
orange(neon gas) or violet(mercury vapour) as the source. According to the textbook
the equation looks like this, n=c/v (n=absolute index of refraction, c=speed of light,
v=speed of light in substance) so am I looking to solve for the variable n?
The source doesn't matter as you are given the speed in the medium.
e) Our ordinary main way to gather information about the world.
  • #3
Doc Al said:
Good. (Small typo in part a: -7, not -17.) You could also just have used the index of refraction for water.

Color depends on frequency, not wavelength. (You don't see color until it hits your eye, so it doesn't matter what happened to it along the way as long as the frequency hasn't changed.)

The source doesn't matter as you are given the speed in the medium.


Thank you Doc Al,
I have read the textbook over again and I've realized that my prediction was incorrect.
I'm aware of the fact that the frequency range of visible light is 10^14 Hz to 10^15 and therefore, saying "Yes" to question c) is correct, however I'm not sure which colour I
should put down as my answer.
I have this chart called "Visible Spectrum" and it has all the colours listed with respect
to their "Range of wavelength in a vacuum".
I was thinking "Orange(590nm - 610nm)" is the only answer to write down because
the chart is discussing only about the wavelength in a vacuum.

Am I correct?

Thanks again Doc!
  • #4
You are correct!

Related to From the nature of light unit.

What is light?

Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye. It is made up of tiny particles called photons that travel in waves.

How does light travel?

Light travels in straight lines at a constant speed of 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum. When it passes through a medium, such as air or water, it may be bent or slowed down.

What is the nature of light?

The nature of light has been a subject of scientific study for centuries. It is described as both a wave and a particle, known as the wave-particle duality. This means that light exhibits properties of both a wave and a particle depending on how it is observed.

How is light created?

Light can be created through a variety of processes, including thermal radiation, chemical reactions, and electrical discharges. One of the most common ways light is created is through the excitation of atoms, where electrons jump to a higher energy state and release energy in the form of light when they return to their original energy level.

What are the applications of the study of light?

The study of light has numerous applications in our daily lives, including in technology, medicine, and communication. It has also led to advancements in fields such as astronomy, optics, and quantum mechanics. Additionally, the understanding of light has allowed us to harness its energy for sources of light and electricity, such as solar panels.

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