From The Suns Core to The Corona?

In summary, the conversation is about the time it takes for light to travel from the center of the sun to the outer layer, and the question of why it takes longer than expected. The explanation involves the fact that photons do not travel in a straight line, but rather in a zigzag pattern, due to absorption and re-emission of energy. The concept of time dilation due to gravity is brought up, but it is clarified that the sun's mass is not significant enough to cause a noticeable effect. The conversation also touches on the concept of mean free path for photons in the sun's plasma and the role of refractive index. A link is provided for further explanation.
  • #1
Eric DMC
Last night I watch a show about the birth of our sun on the Science channel. At one point they talked about how it takes thousands of years for the light in the suns core to travel from the center to the Corona "outer shell", and then only 11 minutes for the light to travel from the Corona to earth.
There explanation why it took so long for it to travel from the center to the Corona did not set right with me. It was explained that the photons do not slowdown; it took so long because they travel in a zigzag pattern. Witch brought up a question, what causes the photons to zigzag?
Then I thought about how gravity affects time, what if the photons still travel in a straight line but the massive gravity of the sun slows time? To us the observers it would take thousands of years for the photons to travel from the Core to the Corona. But to the photon "if it could sense time" would take merely minutes.
Now as I was writing this I remember that the speed of light is a constant, never changing!
Can some one explain this? What causes the photons to zigzag? And how wrong is my slowed time thought? Because I know it is!
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  • #2
Eric DMC said:
Last night I watch a show about the birth of our sun on the Science channel. At one point they talked about how it takes thousands of years for the light in the suns core to travel from the center to the Corona "outer shell", and then only 11 minutes for the light to travel from the Corona to earth.
There explanation why it took so long for it to travel from the center to the Corona did not set right with me. It was explained that the photons do not slowdown; it took so long because they travel in a zigzag pattern. Witch brought up a question, what causes the photons to zigzag?
Then I thought about how gravity affects time, what if the photons still travel in a straight line but the massive gravity of the sun slows time? To us the observers it would take thousands of years for the photons to travel from the Core to the Corona. But to the photon "if it could sense time" would take merely minutes.
Now as I was writing this I remember that the speed of light is a constant, never changing!
Can some one explain this? What causes the photons to zigzag? And how wrong is my slowed time thought? Because I know it is!

You are right that gravity affects time and a photon sent down to near the event horizon of a black hole and reflected back would take longer than the distance divided by the speed of light. The mass and density of the sun is too insignificant to produce the sort of time dilation mentioned in that program. The gas in the sun is a plasma and photons coming from the centre are probably absorbed and re-emitted in random directions thousands of times. You also have to take account of refractive index. A light signal sent down a long fibre optic would take longer than a signal traveling the same distance through a vacuum. Before anyone asks if the speed of light is actually slower in a medium like glass, look up phonons. ;)
  • #3
This problem deals with the mean free path for photons inside the sun. The photons are constantly being absorbed and reemitted. Check here for a simple derivation:
  • #4
kev said:
You are right that gravity affects time and a photon sent down to near the event horizon of a black hole and reflected back would take longer than the distance divided by the speed of light.

Thanks for explaining, so black holes can slowdown a photon? I thought that light was a constant and never changed speeds.
  • #5
Eric, you are thinking too Euclidean here. Spacetime in the vicinity of a black hole is stretched. That said, this has very little to do with the amount of time it takes light to go from the center of the Sun to the surface of the Sun.

It appears you are envisioning a single photon traveling from the center of the Sun to the surface. That is not what happens. The fusion reactions at the center of the Sun create high energy gamma rays. Matter is quite dense near the core. Think of it as shining a flashlight in a very thick fog.

Imagine a gamma photon created by a fusion reaction. This gamma photon will not travel very far; some other ion will absorb it. The original photon travels at the speed of light, but only for a short distance before being absorbed. The absorbing ion will re-radiate the absorbed energy, but in a random direction, at a reduced frequency, and this does not happen immediately. The same thing happens with the new photons released by the ion that absorbed the original gamma. The photons bounce around and around. This is called a diffusion process. Another name is a drunkard's walk. Eventually, after bouncing around, the original energy will leave the sun, but it takes a lot of bounces.
  • #6
mean free path

I found a note I made that

mean free path = 1 / [tex]\kappa[/tex] [tex]\rho[/tex]

where [tex]\kappa[/tex] is opacity
[tex]\rho[/tex] is density

Can someone confirm this?

FAQ: From The Suns Core to The Corona?

What is the sun's corona?

The sun's corona is the outermost layer of the sun's atmosphere. It is made up of extremely hot and ionized gases, primarily hydrogen and helium, that extend millions of kilometers into space. The corona is only visible during a total solar eclipse or with specialized equipment.

How does energy travel from the sun's core to the corona?

Energy is transported from the sun's core to the corona through a process called convection. As the hot gases in the sun's core rise, they carry energy with them to the surface. From there, the energy is transferred through radiation, where it travels through the layers of the sun's atmosphere until it reaches the corona.

What is the temperature of the sun's corona?

The temperature of the sun's corona can reach up to 2 million degrees Celsius. This is much hotter than the surface of the sun, which has an average temperature of 5,500 degrees Celsius. The exact cause of the corona's high temperature is still a topic of ongoing research.

What are the effects of the sun's corona on Earth?

The sun's corona has several effects on Earth, including producing the solar wind, which can disrupt satellite and communication systems. It also plays a role in the formation of auroras (also known as the Northern and Southern Lights) and can affect Earth's climate through changes in solar radiation.

How do scientists study the sun's core and corona?

Scientists study the sun's core and corona using a variety of instruments and techniques, including telescopes, satellites, and ground-based observatories. These tools allow them to observe the sun in different wavelengths of light and gather data on its composition, temperature, and activity.

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