FRW cosmology [itex]Ω_{Λ}[/itex] domination

  • Thread starter ChrisVer
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In summary,In this universe, k=0 and the Friedmann equations are:\frac{H}{H_{0}}=1or\frac{H}{H_{0}}=1 \rightarrow H=H_{0}
  • #1
Gold Member
Suppose you have a universe where [itex] Ω_{Λ}=1[/itex] and the rest are zero. Then the Friedmann equations are:
[itex] (\frac{H}{H_{0}})^{2} + \frac{k}{(aH_{0})^2} = \Omega_{\Lambda}=1 [/itex]

since [itex] \Omega= \Omega_{\Lambda}=1 [/itex] we have a flat universe and so [itex]k=0[/itex]
This leaves us with:
[itex] (\frac{H}{H_{0}})^{2}=1 [/itex]


[itex]\frac{H}{H_{0}}=1 \rightarrow H=H_{0}[/itex]

If I try to write find the age of this universe today, it will give me:

[itex] \frac{1}{a} \frac{da}{dt} = H = H_{0}[/itex]

If I integrate from [itex]a=0[/itex] to [itex]a=1[/itex] and so time from 0 to T (today):
[itex] \int_{0}^{1} \frac{da}{a} = H_{0} T [/itex]

I am getting negative age T... because the integral is logarithmically divergent at 0.

An additional problem also appears by solving for [itex]a[/itex] as a differential equation and get:

[itex] a(t) = a_{0} e^{H_{0} t} [/itex]

from which you see that to solve [itex]a(t)=0 [/itex] (so to find the time connecting [itex]a_{0}[/itex] to [itex]a=0[/itex]) you need to get [itex]H_{0} t= -∞[/itex]
Both these cases seem unphysical to me...? Any help for clarification?
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  • #2
This in one (the k = 0; there are also k = 1 and k = -1 slicings of de Sitter) of the slicings of de Sitter spactime. de Sitter spacetime is not singular. The k = -1 slicing does have a(0) = 0, but this is just a coordinate singularity.
  • #3
For a flat spacetime you have [itex]k=0[/itex]... in my model [itex]\Omega=\Omega_{\Lambda}=1[/itex]. This can also be seen by taking the Friedman equation again for today ([itex]H=H_{0},~~ a=a_{0}[/itex]:

[itex]1 + \frac{k}{(a_{0}H_{0})^{2}} =1 [/itex]
[itex]\frac{k}{(a_{0}H_{0})^{2}} =0 [/itex]
[itex]k=0 [/itex]
  • #4
Sorry , trying to watch the World Cup (5-0 for Germany after 29 minutes!). de Sitter spacetime is a particular 4-dimensional, non-singular spacetime manifold. There are 3 different ways that this one spacetime manifold can be foliated by 3-dimensional spacelike hypersurface, one for k = 1 closed space, one for k = 0 flat space, and one for k = -1 open space.

You are looking at the k = 1 slicing of de Sitter

Again it is the same non-singular spacetime manifold for each type of spatial slicing!

If you have access to it, the book "Einstein's General Relativity with Applications in Modern cosmology" by Gron and Hervik has a nice discussion that starts on page 309, with a very illustrative diagram on page 310.
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  • #5
Ah then [itex]a(0)=0[/itex] is not an appropriate choice -due to a horizon. Thanks
  • #6
I made at least two mistakes in my previous post.

George Jones said:
You are looking at the k = 1 slicing of de Sitter

I meant k = 0.

George Jones said:
nice discussion that starts on page 309

Should be "starts on page 305".

You can see your situation (exponential scale factor for k = 0) in the middle portion of equation (12.10)
  • #7
Yes I understand this, mathematically it works... It's what I deduced and I was able to check it in various sources...
eg in Kolb & Turner they deal with a flat matter+vacuum universe, and in the case ΩΛ=1 they also get infinite age. One can say that due to this, the model is unphysical and it doesn't really make sense.
However I'd like to ask what we mean by "Age"...the age of such a universe is going to start from infinity because:

[itex] H_0 \int dt = \int_{0}^{x} d(\ln a) [/itex]
diverges for any [itex]x \ne 0 [/itex]

I can see the formulas, but I cannot "get" the meaning of the quantities... Is the age really defined as the time elapsed to go form [itex]a=a_0=1[/itex] to [itex]a=0[/itex]?
  • #8
Right. Since de Sitter is a non-singular spacetime, it does not have a Big Bang Singularity, and thus has no "beginning".

Elapsed time in general relativity is calculated the same way it is in special relativity, integrate proper time along a worldline.

Related to FRW cosmology [itex]Ω_{Λ}[/itex] domination

1. What is FRW cosmology?

FRW cosmology is a theoretical framework used in cosmology to describe the evolution of the universe. It is based on the Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker metric, which is a solution to Einstein's field equations of general relativity. FRW cosmology assumes that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic on large scales.

2. What is ΩΛ domination in FRW cosmology?

ΩΛ domination refers to the dominance of the cosmological constant (Λ) in the energy density of the universe. In FRW cosmology, the evolution of the universe is determined by the relative contributions of various components to the total energy density. When ΩΛ is significantly larger than the other components, such as matter or radiation, the universe is said to be ΩΛ dominated.

3. How does ΩΛ domination affect the expansion of the universe?

In ΩΛ domination, the energy density of the universe is dominated by the cosmological constant, which has a negative pressure. This negative pressure leads to an accelerated expansion of the universe, as opposed to the decelerated expansion in a matter-dominated universe. This is known as the accelerated expansion of the universe.

4. Is ΩΛ domination supported by observational evidence?

Yes, ΩΛ domination is supported by various observations, including the cosmic microwave background radiation, supernova measurements, and galaxy clustering. These observations suggest that the universe is currently undergoing an accelerated expansion, which is consistent with the effects of ΩΛ domination.

5. What are the implications of ΩΛ domination for the future of the universe?

If ΩΛ domination continues to persist, the universe will continue to expand at an accelerated rate. This will eventually lead to the "Big Rip," where the expansion becomes so fast that it tears apart all bound structures, including galaxies, stars, and even atoms. However, it is important to note that there are still many uncertainties and ongoing research in this area, and the ultimate fate of the universe is still a topic of debate among scientists.

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