Fuel Cell System: ET1 & EST1 Designs

In summary, the two designs use different methods to produce electricity from water vapour. The ET1 system uses a water vapour exhaust from a PEM fuel cell to run a turbine which produces electricity. The Electrolysis system uses part of the electricity from the turbine to run the electrolysis of water vapour to create more hydrogen which can be used by the fuel cell.
  • #1
The P-manator
Here are the descriptions of two of my designs.

ET1: Turbine and Electrolysis System

The Turbine:
I have used the water vapour exhaust of a PEM fuel cell to run a turbine to make electricity. After the water vapour has passed through the turbine it goes to electrolysis system. The electricity produced is used with the electricity already made by the fuel cell to power the engine of the car.

The Electrolysis:
Here I use part of the electricity from the turbine to run the electrolysis of the water vapour; creating more hydrogen to get used up by the fuel cell.

This is basically a self-generating system where the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle all fit nicely together (hopefully). The point of this system is to really make the most electricity possible while being practical.

EST1: Electrolysis, Stirling Engine, and Thermal Room System

The Thermal Room:
This is an invention made by myself. It is a room which traps the heat from the fuel cell to use it in various ways. It is made of a high-temperature-resistant insulator that will not melt at the temperatures it is insulating.

The Stirling Engine:
In this case the thermal room is heating part of Stirling engine. This Stirling engine turns electromagnets to make electricity, which is used in part to power electrolysis (or it can be used fully for that purpose).

The Electrolysis:
The electrolysis in this system is the same as in the ET1 system, although a catalyst would be used here.

Here I make use of the heat that is just usually wasted in PEM fuel cells to make even more electricity. The success of this system, however, would depend on the catalyst to speed up the electrolysis.
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
The P-manator said:
The Thermal Room:
This is an invention made by myself. It is a room which traps the heat from the fuel cell to use it in various ways. It is made of a high-temperature-resistant insulator that will not melt at the temperatures it is insulating.

Can you describe how it works?
  • #3
OK, well basically it traps the waste heat from the fuel cell and keeps it hot. Then that heat makes the Stirling engine work. The heat is conducted from the fuel cell out through a vent where it is taken by the thermal room. There can also be storage of water vapour inside the thermal room.
  • #4
The P-manator said:
The Turbine:
I have used the water vapour exhaust of a PEM fuel cell to run a turbine to make electricity.
You really are producing enough steam fast enough to turn a turbine and generate electricity? How many cells and how large is your PEM fuel cell?
  • #5
I am using a 50KW unit that would likely be used in cars as a model. The turbine won't be very big, but just enough to produce some extra electricity. Tests are still to come.

FAQ: Fuel Cell System: ET1 & EST1 Designs

1. What is a fuel cell system and how does it work?

A fuel cell system is an electrochemical device that converts chemical energy from a fuel (such as hydrogen) into electrical energy. It consists of two electrodes (anode and cathode) separated by an electrolyte. When fuel is supplied to the anode and an oxidant (such as oxygen) to the cathode, a chemical reaction occurs, producing electricity, water, and heat as byproducts.

2. What is the difference between the ET1 and EST1 designs for fuel cell systems?

The ET1 and EST1 designs refer to two different types of fuel cell systems - the ET1 design is a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell, while the EST1 design is a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). The main difference between the two is the type of electrolyte used, with PEM using a polymer membrane and SOFC using a solid ceramic electrolyte. This results in differences in operating temperature, efficiency, and fuel flexibility.

3. How efficient are fuel cell systems?

Fuel cell systems have the potential to be more efficient than traditional combustion engines, with efficiencies ranging from 40-60%. However, the actual efficiency depends on various factors such as the type of fuel cell, operating conditions, and the efficiency of the fuel production and delivery process.

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using fuel cell systems?

The main advantages of using fuel cell systems include high efficiency, low emissions, and the ability to use a variety of fuels. They also have fewer moving parts, making them more reliable and requiring less maintenance. However, the main disadvantages include high costs, limited infrastructure, and the need for an external source of fuel.

5. Are fuel cell systems commercially available?

Yes, fuel cell systems are currently available for commercial and industrial use in various applications such as transportation, backup power, and stationary power generation. However, their widespread adoption is still limited due to factors such as high costs and the need for infrastructure development.

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