Fuel paradox arising from Galilean transformation?

In summary, the conversation discusses the Galilean Transformation and how it affects the equations used to describe the movement of objects in different frames of reference. It also touches on the concept of work and power in different frames and the potential for a fuel paradox due to the difference in calculations. The mistake lies in not accounting for the reactive acceleration of the Earth and the conservation of momentum. Furthermore, the conversation also presents an example of how the change in mechanical energy remains invariant under a Galilean transformation.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Does the fuel paradox arise when the same engine operates with different power in different frames of reference?
I have encountered a problem related to the Galilean Transformation. Let's consider two observers who will be referred to as ##O## and ##O^{'}##, with their corresponding coordinates ##(t,x,y,z)## and ##(t^{′},x^{′},y^{′},z^{'})## respectively. They are initially at the same location, at time zero. Furthermore, observer ##O^{'}## moves away from observer ##O## as shown in the picture.

Any point ##P## that does not move in relation to ##O## will be described by ##O^{'}## with the following equations: $$x_{P}'=x_{P}-vt,\quad{y'_{P}=y_{P},}\quad{z'_{P}=z_{P},}\quad{t'=t}.$$ If an object (for example a car) moves in relation to ##O## according to the equation $$x(t)=vt+\frac{1}{2}at^2,$$ ##O'## will describe this movement in the following way: $$x'(t)=x(t)-vt=\frac{1}{2}at^2.$$ Assuming that no resistance force is present, the resultant force is equal to the force of engine thrust. Of course, ##F=F'=ma## because ##\ddot{x}(t)=\ddot{x'}(t)=a##. Observer ##O## claims that the work done by the force of engine thrust is equal to $$W(t)=F\cdot{x(t)}=ma\left(vt+\frac{1}{2}at^2\right)=mavt+\frac{1}{2}ma^2t^2\mathrm{,}$$ whereas ##O'## observes that the engine has performed work equal to $$W'(t)=F'\cdot{x'(t)}=ma\left(\frac{1}{2}at^2\right)=\frac{1}{2}ma^2t^2.$$ Thus, ##O## concludes that the engine is operating at power $$P(t)=\frac{dW}{dt}(t)=mav+ma^2t,$$ while ##O'## considers that the engine power is equal to $$P'(t)=\frac{dW'}{dt}(t)=ma^2t.$$ Here is my question: If the same engine works with different power in two frames of reference, wouldn't it lead to the "fuel paradox"? In other words, according to ##O##, the fuel will be depleted faster than according to ##O'##. Of course, it can't be true. So, where is the mistake?
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  • #2
SeniorGara said:
In other words, according to ##O##, the fuel will be depleted faster than according to ##O'##. Of course, it can't be true. So, where is the mistake?
What about the work being done on the exhaust stream? [Always the answer in this flavor of paradox]
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Likes vanhees71 and Ibix
  • #3
Notice that momentum is not conserved in your example, so you don't have a closed system and energy is slipping out unaccounted for. Account for the reactive acceleration of the Earth and you will find your missing energy.

Edit: scooped by mere seconds!
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  • #4
You don't need anything as elaborate as your calculations. If a ##2 \ kg## object increases its velocity from ##0## to ##1 \ m/s## in one frame, then it gains ##1J## of energy. But, in a frame where it changes from ##1## to ##2 \ m/s## it gains ##3J## of energy. This gives the same potential paradox when considerihg the energy supply.
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  • #5
PeroK said:
You don't need anything as elaborate as your calculations. If a ##2 \ kg## object increases its velocity from ##0## to ##1 \ m/s## in one frame, then it gains ##1J## of energy. But, in a frame where it changes from ##1## to ##2 \ m/s## it gains ##3J## of energy. This gives the same potential paradox when considerihg the energy supply.
To carry this scenario through, let us consider that this ##2 \text{ kg}## object gets its velocity increment by pushing off at ##1 \text{ m/s}## from an equally massive object. Our object moves off to the right at ##+1 \text{ m/s}## and the other object moves off to the left at ##-1 \text{ m/s}##.

In the original rest frame of the two objects, that is ##2J## of total energy increment, ##1J## for each.

In a frame where the two objects start at ##1 \text{m/s}##, that is ##-1J## for the left hand object and ##+3J## for the right hand object. The total is ##2J##. Same as before.

The change in mechanical energy is invariant under a Galilean transformation to a new inertial frame. Also under a Lorentz transform as it turns out, though the formula for mechanical energy needs to be corrected for that to work.
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Related to Fuel paradox arising from Galilean transformation?

What is the fuel paradox in the context of Galilean transformation?

The fuel paradox refers to the apparent contradiction that arises when analyzing fuel consumption in different inertial frames of reference using Galilean transformations. Specifically, it questions why the fuel consumption of a vehicle seems different when observed from a stationary frame versus a moving frame, despite the laws of physics being invariant under Galilean transformation.

How does the Galilean transformation apply to fuel consumption calculations?

Galilean transformation is used to relate the coordinates and velocities of objects between different inertial frames of reference. When calculating fuel consumption, one must consider the relative velocity between the vehicle and the observer's frame. However, the paradox arises because fuel consumption should theoretically be independent of the observer's frame, leading to confusion.

Why does the fuel paradox seem to violate the principle of relativity?

The principle of relativity states that the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames. The fuel paradox appears to violate this principle because it suggests that fuel consumption, which is governed by physical laws, would differ depending on the frame of reference. This contradiction is more apparent than real and arises from misunderstandings about energy and work in different frames.

How can the fuel paradox be resolved?

The fuel paradox can be resolved by carefully considering the work-energy principles and the conservation of momentum in different frames. When the kinetic energy and work done by the engine are analyzed correctly, taking into account the relative velocities, it becomes clear that the total energy expenditure remains consistent across frames, thus resolving the paradox.

What are the implications of the fuel paradox for modern physics?

While the fuel paradox highlights the need for careful consideration of reference frames in classical mechanics, it does not imply any fundamental flaw in Galilean transformation or Newtonian mechanics. Instead, it underscores the importance of understanding relative motion and energy conservation. For modern physics, it serves as a reminder to rigorously apply physical principles when transitioning between different frames of reference.

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