Function of symmetry character for comparing two optimization methods

In summary: However, this function may not be the most optimal for comparing the implicit filtering method and Nelder-Mead method. It is possible to construct other piecewise functions that are symmetric about a parabola, but it may require some trial and error to find one that is suitable for this comparison.
  • #1
First refer to this question:Is this function "$h$" symmetric of the plane $x=y$? - Mathematics Stack ExchangeThe main problem is to find an appropriate (objective) function (a curve) to compare the implicit filtering method and Nelder-Mead method for optimization. The backgrounds of these methods are not important here. But you need to know according to the features of the two methods and in order to compare (by writing computer codes to verify the process of finding the minimum), the function is better to be this kind:It is very smooth and possibly not differentiable but only Lipschitz continuous are the methods comparable.So it should be like the kind of function at the page first I let you refer to. A piecewise function about the symmetric plane or axis. (Like the example $h=\left\{\begin{matrix}
x^2-y^2, x<y\\ y^2-x^2,x\geq y
\end{matrix}\right.$ (for $0\leq x,y\leq1$),$\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}=2x$ when $x<y$ and $\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}=-2x$ when $x\geq y$ so $\lim_{x\rightarrow \frac{1}{2}^-}=1$ but $\lim_{x\rightarrow \frac{1}{2}^+}=-1$ ).
Also, for this function we are finding, **the minimum should appear at the symmetry plane(axis)**, the discontinuity places. Like, a function that is symmetric to the plane $y=x$ and the minimum also appears at $y=x$ is fine. (Notice, the minimum of the example function at the page first I let you refer to is not at $y=x$.) But it's even perfect if we can find a function that is symmetric about a parabola, like $y=x^2$. (And my question here is how to find such functions which are symmetric about a parabola?)What are the possible functions satisfying those? How you construct one?
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  • #2
One possible function that is symmetric about a parabola is the following:

x^2-y^2 & x<y \\
y^2-x^2 & x\geq y

This function is continuous and differentiable, and has a minimum at the symmetry plane $y=x^2$.

FAQ: Function of symmetry character for comparing two optimization methods

What is symmetry character in the context of optimization methods?

Symmetry character refers to the properties of a system or function that remain unchanged under certain transformations. In the context of optimization methods, it refers to the behavior of the function being optimized when certain parameters are changed, such as the input values or the algorithm used.

Why is it important to consider symmetry character when comparing optimization methods?

Symmetry character can greatly affect the performance of an optimization method. By understanding the symmetry properties of a function, we can better choose and compare different methods to find the most efficient and accurate solution.

How is symmetry character used to evaluate the effectiveness of an optimization method?

The symmetry character of a function can be used to analyze the behavior of an optimization method and determine its strengths and weaknesses. By examining how the function changes under different transformations, we can identify the limitations and potential of a particular method.

What types of symmetry character should be considered when comparing optimization methods?

There are several types of symmetry character that are commonly considered in the context of optimization methods. These include translational symmetry, rotational symmetry, and scale invariance, among others.

Can symmetry character be used to improve the performance of an optimization method?

Yes, understanding the symmetry character of a function can help us develop new and more efficient optimization methods. By leveraging the symmetries of a function, we can improve the convergence rate and accuracy of an optimization algorithm.

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