Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer by Bergman, Lavine, Incropera & DeWitt

In summary: A basic understanding of calculus and differential equations is needed to understand the material. The book also covers convection, radiation, and diffusion mass transfer. Overall, it is a comprehensive and accessible resource for undergraduate students in mechanical engineering or related fields. In summary, "Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer" by Theodore L. Bergman, Adrienne S. Lavine, Frank P. Incropera, and David P. DeWitt is a highly recommended book for those looking to learn about heat transfer. It covers a wide range of topics, from conduction to radiation, and provides a solid foundation for further study in the field. It also includes helpful resources such as a list of symbols and appendices with thermophysical properties and mathematical relations

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  • #2

This is an extremely good intro book on heat transfer. I sorely wish my other intro textbooks were as comprehensive, elucidating, detailed and accessible as this book. Good for newcomers to heat transfer or those who just want a quick review of core concepts. Numerical methods are lightly touched however.
  • #3
  • Prerequisities: First two years of mathematics (calculus and differential equations), physics and introductory engineering courses in a BS Mechanical Engineering program or equivalent
  • Level: Undergraduate, intermediate

Table of Contents:

Symbols xxi

CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1

1.1 What and How? 2
1.2 Physical Origins and Rate Equations 3
1.3 Relationship to Thermodynamics 12
1.4 Units and Dimensions 36
1.5 Analysis of Heat Transfer Problems: Methodology 38
1.6 Relevance of Heat Transfer 41
1.7 Summary 45
References 48

Problems                                                                   49 

CHAPTER 2 Introduction to Conduction                                       67 

2.1 The Conduction Rate Equation                                           68 
2.2 The Thermal Properties of Matter                                       70 
2.3 The Heat Diffusion Equation                                            82 
2.4 Boundary and Initial Conditions                                        90 
2.5 Summary                                                                94 
References                                                                 95 
Problems                                                                   95 

CHAPTER 3 One-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction                        111 

3.1 The Plane Wall                                                        112 
3.2 An Alternative Conduction Analysis                                    132 
3.3 Radial Systems                                                        136 
3.4 Summary of One-Dimensional Conduction Results                         142 
3.5 Conduction with Thermal Energy Generation                             142 
3.6 Heat Transfer from Extended Surfaces                                  154 
3.7 The Bioheat Equation                                                  178 
3.8 Thermoelectric Power Generation                                       182 
3.9 Micro- and Nanoscale Conduction                                       189 
3.10 Summary                                                              190 
References                                                                193 
Problems                                                                  193 

CHAPTER 4 Two-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction                        229 

4.1 Alternative Approaches                                                230 
4.2 The Method of Separation of Variables                                 231 
4.3 The Conduction Shape Factor 
    and the Dimensionless Conduction Heat Rate                            235 
4.4 Finite-Difference Equations                                           241 
4.5 Solving the Finite-Difference Equations                               250 
4.6 Summary                                                               256 
References                                                                257 
Problems                                                                  257 

CHAPTER 5 Transient Conduction                                            279 

5.1 The Lumped Capacitance Method                                         280 
5.2 Validity of the Lumped Capacitance Method                             283 
5.3 General Lumped Capacitance Analysis                                   287 
5.4 Spatial Effects                                                       298 
5.5 The Plane Wall with Convection                                        299 
5.6 Radial Systems with Convection                                        303 
5.7 The Semi-Infinite Solid                                               310 
5.8 Objects with Constant Surface Temperatures or Surface Heat Fluxes     317 
5.9 Periodic Heating                                                      327 
5.10 Finite-Difference Methods                                            330 
5.11 Summary                                                              345 
References                                                                346 
Problems                                                                  346 

CHAPTER 6 Introduction to Convection                                      377 

6.1 The Convection Boundary Layers                                        378 
6.2 Local and Average Convection Coefficients                             382 
6.3 Laminar and Turbulent Flow                                            389 
6.4 The Boundary Layer Equations                                          394 
6.5 Boundary Layer Similarity: The Normalized Boundary Layer Equations    398 
6.6 Physical Interpretation of the Dimensionless Parameters               407 
6.7 Boundary Layer Analogies                                              409 
6.8 Summary                                                               417 
References                                                                418 
Problems                                                                  419 

CHAPTER 7 External Flow                                                   433 

7.1 The Empirical Method                                                  435 
7.2 The Flat Plate in Parallel Flow                                       436 
7.3 Methodology for a Convection Calculation                              447 
7.4 The Cylinder in Cross Flow                                            455 
7.5 The Sphere                                                            465 
7.6 Flow Across Banks of Tubes                                            468 
7.7 Impinging Jets                                                        477 
7.8 Packed Beds                                                           482 
7.9 Summary                                                               483 
References                                                                486 
Problems                                                                  486 

CHAPTER 8 Internal Flow                                                   517 

8.1 Hydrodynamic Considerations                                           518 
8.2 Thermal Considerations                                                523 
8.3 The Energy Balance                                                    529
8.4 Laminar Flow in Circular Tubes: Thermal Analysis 
    and Convection Correlations                                           537 
8.5 Convection Correlations: Turbulent Flow in Circular Tubes             544 
8.6 Convection Correlations: Noncircular Tubes 
    and the Concentric Tube Annulus                                       552 
8.7 Heat Transfer Enhancement                                             555 
8.8 Flow in Small Channels                                                558 
8.9 Convection Mass Transfer                                              563 
8.10 Summary                                                              565 
References                                                                568 
Problems                                                                  569 

CHAPTER 9 Free Convection                                                 593 
9.1 Physical Considerations                                               594 
9.2 The Governing Equations for Laminar Boundary Layers                   597 
9.3 Similarity Considerations                                             598 
9.4 Laminar Free Convection on a Vertical Surface                         599 
9.5 The Effects of Turbulence                                             602 
9.6 Empirical Correlations: External Free Convection Flows                604 
9.7 Free Convection Within Parallel Plate Channels                        618 
9.8 Empirical Correlations: Enclosures                                    621 
9.9 Combined Free and Forced Convection                                   627 
9.10 Convection Mass Transfer                                             628 
9.11 Summary                                                              629
References                                                                630 
Problems                                                                  631 

CHAPTER 10 Boiling and Condensation                                       653 

10.1 Dimensionless Parameters in Boiling and Condensation                 654 
10.2 Boiling Modes                                                        655 
10.3 Pool Boiling                                                         656 
10.4 Pool Boiling Correlations                                            660 
10.5 Forced Convection Boiling                                            669
10.6 Condensation: Physical Mechanisms                                    673 
10.7 Laminar Film Condensation on a Vertical Plate                        675 
10.8 Turbulent Film Condensation                                          679 
10.9 Film Condensation on Radial Systems                                  684 
10.10 Condensation in Horizontal Tubes                                    689 
10.11 Dropwise Condensation                                               690 
10.12 Summary                                                             691 
References                                                                691 
Problems                                                                  693 

CHAPTER 11 Heat Exchangers                                                705

11.1 Heat Exchanger Types                                                 706 
11.2 The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient                                708 
11.3 Heat Exchanger Analysis: Use of the Log Mean Temperature Difference  711 
11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: The Effectiveness–NTU Method                722 
11.5 Heat Exchanger Design and Performance Calculations                   730 
11.6 Additional Considerations                                            739 
11.7 Summary                                                              747 
References                                                                748 
Problems                                                                  748 

CHAPTER 12 Radiation: Processes and Properties                            767 

12.1 Fundamental Concepts                                                 768 
12.2 Radiation Heat Fluxes                                                771 
12.3 Radiation Intensity                                                  773 
12.4 Blackbody Radiation                                                  782 
12.5 Emission from Real Surfaces                                          792 
12.6 Absorption, Reflection, and Transmission by Real Surfaces            801 
12.7 Kirchhoff’s Law                                                      810 
12.8 The Gray Surface                                                     812 
12.9 Environmental Radiation                                              818 
12.10 Summary                                                             826 
References                                                                830 
Problems                                                                  830 

CHAPTER 13 Radiation Exchange Between Surfaces                            861 

13.1 The View Factor                                                      862 
13.2 Blackbody Radiation Exchange                                         872 
13.3 Radiation Exchange Between Opaque, Diffuse, Gray Surfaces
     in an Enclosure                                                      876 
13.4 Multimode Heat Transfer                                              893 
13.5 Implications of the Simplifying Assumptions                          896 
13.6 Radiation Exchange with Participating Media                          896 
13.7 Summary                                                              901 
References                                                                902 
Problems                                                                  903 

CHAPTER 14 Diffusion Mass Transfer                                        933 

14.1 Physical Origins and Rate Equations                                  934 
14.2 Mass Transfer in Nonstationary Media                                 939 
14.3 The Stationary Medium Approximation                                  947 
14.4 Conservation of Species for a Stationary Medium                      947 
14.5 Boundary Conditions and Discontinuous Concentrations at Interfaces   954 
14.6 Mass Diffusion with Homogeneous Chemical Reactions                   962 
14.7 Transient Diffusion                                                  965 
14.8 Summary                                                              971 
References                                                                972 
Problems                                                                  972 

APPENDIX A Thermophysical Properties of Matter                            981 
APPENDIX B Mathematical Relations and Functions                          1013 
APPENDIX C Thermal Conditions Associated with Uniform Energy 
           Generation in One-Dimensional, Steady-State Systems           1019 
APPENDIX D The Gauss–Seidel Method                                       1025 
APPENDIX E The Convection Transfer Equations                             1027 
APPENDIX F Boundary Layer Equations for Turbulent Flow                   1031 
APPENDIX G An Integral Laminar Boundary Layer Solution                   
           for Parallel Flow over a Flat Plate                           1035 

Index                                                                    1039

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  • #4
I used the 4th edition in college. I liked it but I don't use it much because it only uses the metric unit system.
  • #5
Good introductory book on heat transfer. The chapter on heat exchangers is excellent as a first exposure to the topic.

FAQ: Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer by Bergman, Lavine, Incropera & DeWitt

1. What are the main topics covered in "Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer"?

The main topics covered in this book include conduction, convection, radiation, mass transfer, and combined heat and mass transfer. It also discusses the basics of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics as they relate to heat and mass transfer.

2. What makes this book a valuable resource for learning about heat and mass transfer?

This book offers a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of heat and mass transfer. It includes numerous real-world examples, illustrations, and problem sets that help readers apply the concepts to practical situations. It also provides a strong theoretical foundation and is written in a clear and easy-to-understand manner.

3. Is this book suitable for beginners or is it more advanced?

This book is suitable for both beginners and advanced learners. It starts with the basic principles and gradually progresses to more complex topics, making it accessible to those with little prior knowledge of heat and mass transfer. However, it also covers advanced topics and equations that are useful for more experienced readers.

4. Can this book be used as a reference for professionals in the field of heat and mass transfer?

Yes, this book can be used as a reference by professionals in the field of heat and mass transfer. It covers a wide range of topics and includes detailed explanations and equations, making it a valuable resource for those looking to refresh their knowledge or learn new concepts.

5. Does this book include practical applications and examples?

Yes, this book includes numerous practical applications and examples that help readers understand how heat and mass transfer principles are applied in real-world situations. It also includes end-of-chapter problems that allow readers to practice using the concepts learned.

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