Funny Conversations with Toddlers: Uncle Dick and Candies

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In summary, Toddler was discussing his dad with my mother and mentioned that he doesn't have a mom like my dad does.
  • #1
Of course there are endless counts of funny phrases of toddlers published on the net and elsewhere, but maybe not all are told. I'd like to share one little conversation my mum had with my son, some 27 years ago. He is 30 now

Anyway, I tried to raise my kids in a bit of a contemplative indirect way, which can be defined as Poohian, hence my avatar, which can be best described by a quote of "Rabbit" in the the honey tree when pooh got stuck in the door opening after a lavish honey diner:

"I thought at the time", said Rabbit sternly, "only I didn't like to say anything, that one of us was eating too much; and I knew it wasn't me"

So son-toddler had obviously listened very carefully to that story when he had this conversation with my mom upon observing a jar with candies:

"Granny, have I told you that I like candies very much?" (Poohian indirect question :approve: )

so my mom replies: "Oh yes Toddler I know, but candies make you thick"

So toddler thinks for a while and proclaims: "Hmmm I think that uncle Dick loves candies very much too."

Of course you'd have to know that Uncle Dick, who unfortunately diseased in the spring this year, had quite a distinct beer belly.

Anyway, anybody else sharing unique, not told, before toddler talk?
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  • #2
My mother used to read to my little brother and his nephew (same age) in a big easy chair. She had to deal with a distraction (phone) but was keeping an eye and ear on them. They told each other the stories out of the books at hand, since they knew the stories by heart, anyway. They ran out of stories with those books, and my nephew grabbed the nearest book. A missal (Roman Catholic prayer-book). He had not been in a church at all, because my sister wanted to let him choose religion or not, as he chose, so he was flummoxed by the frontispiece - a very graphic picture of the Crucifixion. Amos looked at the picture a bit, with all the blood and nails, and said "Look Nate! That fella ain't going anywhere, is he!?" My mother would laugh until she cried when she recounted that conversation.
  • #3
These occurred when my daughter was about 3. She once asked for a piece of water. Once she gave me a piece of candy. I thanked her and said she could have it back. She said "That's my business." Once she asked me to put my hand on a paper plate so she could trace it. Before I could move a muscle she said "And step on it." But the overall cutest thing about her was that for a short time she spoke Japanese and English equally well. She would say something to me in Japanese and then repeat it in English for my mother.
  • #4
So here is the toddler again, it was in the time that David the Gnome was very popular. But it was a nice spring day and I was outside, I had just got my bonsai out of their winter storage and I was pruning, grooming, cutting etc.

Anyway, toddler came outside too and gazed at the little trees, he had never seen them before. You saw his brains working, and finally a big smile: "Ah Now I know what those are! Those are climbing trees for gnomes".

I guess that made sense
  • #5
Here's a recent one from my son - of course he is 3+ now, so technically not a toddler anymore.

My dad was once watching me give him a bath - my son loves bath time. My dad was playing and talking to him saying how nice it was that his mom gave him such a nice bath and then joking that he had no mom to give him a bath and pretended to be sad etc.

My son looked at him, asked - "Your don't have a mom ?", then pondered a bit, nodded wisely and said, "Yes, you don't have a mom, you only have grandma (my mother)."

That was such a cute and insightful thing to say. Or at least it seemed so to us.

FAQ: Funny Conversations with Toddlers: Uncle Dick and Candies

1. What is "Funny Conversations with Toddlers: Uncle Dick and Candies" about?

"Funny Conversations with Toddlers: Uncle Dick and Candies" is a collection of humorous dialogues between a toddler named Uncle Dick and his parent or guardian discussing various topics related to candies.

2. Who is Uncle Dick?

Uncle Dick is a fictional character who represents the innocent and curious nature of toddlers. He is the main character in the book "Funny Conversations with Toddlers: Uncle Dick and Candies".

3. Are the conversations in the book based on real-life experiences?

Yes, the conversations in the book are inspired by real-life interactions between parents and their toddlers. However, some dialogues may be exaggerated for comedic effect.

4. What age range is the book suitable for?

The book is suitable for children aged 2-5 years old. However, adults may also find it entertaining as it captures the funny and unpredictable conversations that often occur with toddlers.

5. Is there a lesson or moral in the book?

The book is primarily meant to be a fun and lighthearted read. However, it also highlights the importance of patience, understanding, and maintaining a sense of humor when communicating with toddlers.
