Fusion Power: Breaking the Grip of Oil Economics - The Truth Behind Resistance

In summary: US Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy LaboratoryIn summary, there is no evidence that fusion is discouraged by the oil industry. In Europe, fusion is being pursued as a power source without interference from the oil companies. Oil companies will still be making a lot of money when our great-great grandchildren are old.
  • #1
Gold Member
Having been an avid movie watcher when I was younger, I've developed a sort of assumption that new power sources aren't very welcome in a country driven by oil economics.

I understand a lot of the answers will be speculation, but I'd like to hear some opinions.

Is it true that fusion is 'discouraged' by powerful oil companies and affiliated government?

(inspired by Astronuc's "Prometheus Woes")
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Well fusion power is out of the league of oil companies so you have to stick with government views here. As far as I can tell, its not true because Europe is taking strides into fusion as a power source without any real interference. Plus of course, we got to think exactly what role does fusion power play with respect to what the oil industry has its hands in. No one is going to be driving fusion powered cars anytime soon and oil-based power plants are really expensive (that's why they are normally only activated as peak load necessities) to operate so it's not like fusion power is going to be taking away anyything from oil on the electrical energy area.

My minds a lil fuzzy right now but the one connection I can actually see is the oil companies benefiting from fusion power as they will probably be one of the first to introduce a hydrogen distribution system. Cheap electrical energy might convert into cheaper and more profitable hydrogen storage distribution. Seems like oil companies... well the ones that can think... would be loving the idea of fusion energy. But my minds pretty tired right now so I might be missing something tremendously obvious.
  • #3
Pythagorean said:
Is it true that fusion is 'discouraged' by powerful oil companies and affiliated government?
No. Fusion power would be about the greatest discovery in history - and worth trillions of dollars for companies able to exploit it.
  • #4
Fusion power can only supply the portion of energy used for electricity. Oil will still be required for trucks(400-600hp engines), trains(1200-3000hp engines), airplanes(3000-10000hp), ships(20,000hp+), chemicals for all purposes, plastics of all kinds, lubricants, tires, on and on the list goes.

Oil companies will be going strong when our great-great grandchildren are old.

Sorry if this dampens the enthusiasm for fusion, but that's the way it will play out.
  • #5
kublai said:
Fusion power can only supply the portion of energy used for electricity. Oil will still be required for trucks(400-600hp engines), trains(1200-3000hp engines), airplanes(3000-10000hp), ships(20,000hp+), chemicals for all purposes, plastics of all kinds, lubricants, tires, on and on the list goes.

Oil companies will be going strong when our great-great grandchildren are old.

Sorry if this dampens the enthusiasm for fusion, but that's the way it will play out.


If you had massive amounts of fusion energy for electricity - one could electolyze water
and use the hydrogen produced as a portable fuel for trucks, trains, airplanes,...

Dr. Gregory Greenman

Related to Fusion Power: Breaking the Grip of Oil Economics - The Truth Behind Resistance

1. What is fusion power resistance?

Fusion power resistance is the ability of a material to withstand the intense heat, radiation, and pressure produced during the fusion process. It is crucial in the development of fusion power technology, as the materials used must be able to withstand these extreme conditions for prolonged periods of time.

2. How is fusion power resistance tested?

Fusion power resistance is typically tested through a series of experiments and simulations. These may include subjecting materials to high temperatures and radiation levels, as well as testing their mechanical properties under pressure. Computer simulations are also used to predict how materials will behave in a fusion reactor.

3. What are the main challenges in achieving high fusion power resistance?

The main challenges in achieving high fusion power resistance include finding materials that can withstand the extreme conditions of a fusion reactor for long periods of time, as well as developing new manufacturing processes to create these materials. Additionally, managing the production and disposal of radioactive waste from these materials is also a major challenge.

4. Can fusion power resistance be improved?

Yes, fusion power resistance can be improved through ongoing research and development. Scientists are constantly searching for new materials and manufacturing processes that can increase the durability and performance of materials in fusion reactors. Additionally, advancements in technology and computer simulations are helping to improve our understanding of how materials behave under extreme conditions.

5. How important is fusion power resistance in the development of fusion energy?

Fusion power resistance is crucial in the development of fusion energy as it directly impacts the reliability and efficiency of fusion reactors. Without materials that can withstand the extreme conditions of fusion reactions, it would not be possible to sustain fusion reactions long enough to generate significant amounts of energy. Therefore, research on fusion power resistance plays a vital role in the advancement of fusion energy technology.

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