Futurama: How plausible is the cyclic model, is it mainstream?

In summary: Cyclic models have been popular at least since the 1920's. One of the earliest was advocated by Einstein as an alternative to an expanding universe. Prior to 2011 they were all plagued by issues along the same lines that forbid perpetual motion. Entropy was considered an insurmountable obstacle until dark energy arrived on the cosmology scene. This resurrected some of the old models and served as a basis for some more recent models. All such models still tend to lack a firm basis in theory or empirical support hence struggle to achieve much in the way of mainstream traction.Sean Carroll describes a scenario where billions of years into the future when black holes have coalesced and evaporated, stars have all burnt out and the Universe is at thermal equilibrium and maximum
  • #1

it brings to mind as well the many worlds theory

the cyclic model is shown in a futuruma episode where the professor builds a only forward time machine(consistent with relativity)

but he goes so far into the future that he ends in the past of the next cycle

how plausible is this?

what does mainstream say on this?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
farolero said:
how plausible is the cyclic model, is it mainstream?
Based on the current understanding of cosmology, the cyclic model is outdated and goes against the evidence of an ever-expanding universe.
  • #3
Cyclical models have been popular at least since the 1920's. One of the earliest was advocated by Einstein as an alternative to an expanding universe. Prior to 2011 they were all plagued by issues along the same lines that forbid perpetual motion. Entropy was considered an insurmountable obstacle until dark energy arrived on the cosmology scene. This resurrected some of the old models and served as a basis for some more recent models. All such models still tend to lack a firm basis in theory or empirical support hence struggle to achieve much in the way of mainstream traction.
  • #4
Sean Carroll describes a scenario where billions of years into the future when black holes have coalesced and evaporated, stars have all burnt out and the Universe is at thermal equilibrium and maximum entropy, then there could be quantum fluctuations which decrease entropy. If these fluctuations are great enough, and given infinite time and an infinite Hilbert space, these fluctuations could result in another "big bang" type event.

The difference between this kind of cycle and the beginning from nothing is really a matter of whether you are more comfortable with a start of something or something which goes on forever.
  • #5
This idea still suffers a lack of any theoretical basis. The first question would be how does thermal equilibrium manage to re-emerge as physics as we know it? That surely implies an underlying order in the laws of physics we currently fail to grasp.
  • #6
IF the cyclic model was true that would be the eternal recurrence that drove nietche insane

but myself i would love this model to live my life over and over again as a kid when you love life :)

the most interesting from it is that as that futurama episode shew it would be posible to time travel to the past wih the aid of relativity time dilation, it would be a question just of technology and brings an interesting solution to einstein grandfather paradox based on oddity or parity

a guy travels to 2nd aeon past and kills his granfather so he isn't born in 2nd aeon and he is not able to go to third aeon and kill his granda, so he does born in third aeon

so in the cyclic model the murderer lives in odd aeons and doesn't exist at all in pair aeons
  • #7
cosmik debris said:
Sean Carroll describes a scenario where billions of years into the future when black holes have coalesced and evaporated, stars have all burnt out and the Universe is at thermal equilibrium and maximum entropy, then there could be quantum fluctuations which decrease entropy. If these fluctuations are great enough, and given infinite time and an infinite Hilbert space, these fluctuations could result in another "big bang" type event.

Sequences are random but reoccurrences are part of the deal even if it is statistically random. Assuming and let's say that multiverses do exist (3 mathematical model of multiverse w/out experimental support and they also have the extreme versions..). . Independent reoccurrences will appear in the sense that the probability of each BB occurring appears to be independent of what came just before it. Furthermore, each configuration ( let's say 0 through 9) appears to occur essentially one tenth of the time, as would be expected if the universes had been generated uniformly at random assuming we have finite sequences-- 'IF' our universe is a kind of oscillating mechanism.

According to them. We still don't know. It's hard to say whether everything (in a general sense) could repeat itself given enough oscillations and time.
  • #8
Well since we are in SF here, maybe the stuff which goes into black holes is the same stuff what comes out of big bangs.

FAQ: Futurama: How plausible is the cyclic model, is it mainstream?

1. How accurate is the cyclic model depicted in Futurama?

The cyclic model, also known as the oscillating universe theory, is a cosmological model that suggests the universe undergoes a cycle of expansion and contraction. While the concept of a cyclic universe is still a topic of debate among scientists, the specific version depicted in Futurama is not considered to be accurate or mainstream. The show takes many creative liberties and exaggerations for comedic effect, so it should not be taken as a scientific representation of the cyclic model.

2. Is the cyclic model a mainstream theory in the scientific community?

The cyclic model is not currently considered a mainstream theory in the scientific community. While it has been proposed by some scientists, it is still a topic of debate and has not been widely accepted as a valid explanation for the origins and fate of the universe. There are other theories, such as the Big Bang theory, that are currently more widely supported by evidence and research.

3. Can the cyclic model be proven or disproven?

At this time, the cyclic model cannot be definitively proven or disproven. While there is evidence that supports the idea of a cyclic universe, there are also many challenges and unanswered questions that make it difficult to fully validate or reject the theory. Further research and advancements in technology and understanding may provide more insight into the plausibility of the cyclic model.

4. How does the cyclic model differ from the Big Bang theory?

The cyclic model and the Big Bang theory have some similarities, as they both involve the idea of a constantly expanding and evolving universe. However, the main difference is that the Big Bang theory suggests the universe originated from a singularity and has been expanding ever since, while the cyclic model suggests a cycle of expansion and contraction with no definite beginning or end. Additionally, the cyclic model proposes a repeating pattern, while the Big Bang theory does not.

5. Are there any potential implications or applications of the cyclic model?

While the cyclic model is not considered a mainstream theory, it does have some potential implications and applications in the field of cosmology. If the cyclic model were proven to be true, it could provide insight into the ultimate fate of the universe and potentially open up new avenues for research and understanding. It could also have implications for theories of time and space, as well as potential practical applications for space travel and exploration.
