Future of Aviation for Aspiring Aeronautics Engineers

In summary, the future of aviation is uncertain. There will be jobs, but they will be very few and fuel prices will continue to rise. Many people are looking into other options, such as space engineering, which has many potential opportunities.
  • #1
Simply, what is the future of aviation? I have wanted to become an aircraft engineer for a long time now. But since fuel prices are going up, global warming knocks on the door, and due to the current state of the economy in the world, there will hardly be any job opportunities in this field. I am applying to universities this year.

For a couple of months I've considered CFD (Computational fluid dynamics) as a good alternative to flight mechanics (you have to major in one of those, if you intend to study aviation). CFD has a couple of advantages. I would be able to work in the aviation industry, but in case that doesn't work out there are other places to work.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Future will always be there, but like most other industries, it is subject to some hiring cycles.

Some of the keypoints that will probably be of priority in the near/far future:

possible movement towards Very Light Jets
Emphasis on more fuel efficient/better emission turbofans

Are you interested at all in the space side of Aerospace?
  • #3
The space side is actually very appealing now that you mention it. That industry will propably have many working opportunities with the Mars exploration and privatization of space travel.

But aerodynamics and space engineering are hardly close to each other. Is it possible for somebody studying CFD or flight mechanics to convert into a space engineer?

Also, as you mentioned, the emphasis on more fuel efficient aircraft will surely bring working opportunities for brilliant and inspired engineers :)
  • #4
Ofey said:
The space side is actually very appealing now that you mention it. That industry will propably have many working opportunities with the Mars exploration and privatization of space travel.

But aerodynamics and space engineering are hardly close to each other. Is it possible for somebody studying CFD or flight mechanics to convert into a space engineer?

Also, as you mentioned, the emphasis on more fuel efficient aircraft will surely bring working opportunities for brilliant and inspired engineers :)

Are you dead set on doing CFD? I guess some of the big subjects to pursue with the space route is spacecraft dynamics/attitude control/GNC, orbital mechanics, systems, propulsion, etc.

I'm sure there are instances of using CFD for space related projects. Especially for those "space planes" in concept- need an aerodynamic design to sustain hypersonic flight through high altitude/low Earth orbit trajectories.
  • #5
No, I am not that set on doing CFD. I am pretty flexible when it comes to engineering. CFD is interesting because it can be applied on various fields. But if it's true that CFD can be applied in space, it surely gains a couple points on my list.

I am just a bit scared that if I chose to pursue flight mechanics or something similar I will find myself homeless and without work opportunities.
  • #6
Right now is wayyyyyyyyyy too early for you to pick anything. You don't even know what CFD is, how can you pick it?
  • #7
Yeh I understand what you are saying. I think that everybody studies the same things during the first 2 years, so I am not really in any hurry to make any decisions. I am just trying to figure out if there is any point in applying to the aerodynamics department (mechanics department) at all. Just trying to scout a bit, that's all.

+ I've read a bit about CFD and it seems interesting. I don't claim to understand it, just that it sounds interesting and maybe worth pursuing.
  • #8
Ofey said:
Yeh I understand what you are saying. I think that everybody studies the same things during the first 2 years, so I am not really in any hurry to make any decisions. I am just trying to figure out if there is any point in applying to the aerodynamics department (mechanics department) at all. Just trying to scout a bit, that's all.

+ I've read a bit about CFD and it seems interesting. I don't claim to understand it, just that it sounds interesting and maybe worth pursuing.

My office mate thought the same thing until he started doing it and realized it's not for him.
  • #9
I know that it's a possible outcome. I cannot know how I will feel in the future, and I am pretty sure it's going to take a couple of rough downhills until I find what I like.

I am just trying to get a picture of the future here. Is there a need for engineers in the aviation industry, is it something worth pursuing? I am not saying that I will pursue this or that, as I stated I am pretty flexible. I just wanted to know your thoughts on the matter. Maybe I posted this thread in the wrong place, since this seems to be more of a "ofey you are too young to know what you will do in the future" and not "This is what I think that the future will be like ofey" kind of thread.
  • #10
Ofey said:
I know that it's a possible outcome. I cannot know how I will feel in the future, and I am pretty sure it's going to take a couple of rough downhills until I find what I like.

I am just trying to get a picture of the future here. Is there a need for engineers in the aviation industry, is it something worth pursuing? I am not saying that I will pursue this or that, as I stated I am pretty flexible. I just wanted to know your thoughts on the matter. Maybe I posted this thread in the wrong place, since this seems to be more of a "ofey you are too young to know what you will do in the future" and not "This is what I think that the future will be like ofey" kind of thread.

First, define what is "worth" pursuing to you.

Secondly, do you think the aviation industry is going to be around in the future? Chances are it will, unless we have our WWIII and we essentially go back to our caveman format...but anyways...

The aviation industry will most definitely be around and get bigger, if anything else. Because it is a manufacturing industry it will be prone to cycles of hiring/firing, but that's the same for most other industries.

If engineers aren't involved in the aviation industry, who would be? Business majors? lol.
  • #11
aerospaceut10 said:
First, define what is "worth" pursuing to you.

Secondly, do you think the aviation industry is going to be around in the future? Chances are it will, unless we have our WWIII and we essentially go back to our caveman format...but anyways...

The aviation industry will most definitely be around and get bigger, if anything else. Because it is a manufacturing industry it will be prone to cycles of hiring/firing, but that's the same for most other industries.

When I said "worth pursuing", I only meant to ask if there are any working opportunities in that industry. There were no deep thoughts behind that sentece. At the end of the day what you work with has to make enough money to live of.

I think you have established your thoughts well and I have surely gotten everything from this thread that I have needed. Thank you aerospaceut10. :shy:

If engineers aren't involved in the aviation industry, who would be? Business majors? lol.

Good point! :biggrin:

Related to Future of Aviation for Aspiring Aeronautics Engineers

1. What is the future of aviation?

The future of aviation is constantly evolving and advancing. With new technologies, materials, and design concepts emerging, the future of aviation looks promising and exciting. Some possibilities for the future of aviation include supersonic travel, electric and autonomous aircraft, and space exploration.

2. What skills are necessary for aspiring aeronautics engineers?

Aspiring aeronautics engineers should have a strong foundation in math and physics, as well as a deep understanding of aerodynamics and aircraft design. They should also possess critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, as well as the ability to work well in a team.

3. How will sustainability play a role in the future of aviation?

Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important factor in the aviation industry. As concerns about climate change and carbon emissions continue to rise, the aviation industry is working towards developing more sustainable and eco-friendly aircraft. This includes the use of alternative fuels, lightweight materials, and more efficient engines.

4. What challenges may arise in the future of aviation?

There are several challenges that may arise in the future of aviation. As technology advances, there may be concerns about safety and security, as well as the potential for job displacement due to increased automation. Additionally, there may be challenges in terms of regulations and policies, as well as the economic impact on the industry.

5. How can one stay updated on the latest developments in the future of aviation?

To stay updated on the latest developments in the future of aviation, one can follow industry news and publications, attend conferences and events, and stay connected with other professionals in the field. Additionally, studying and conducting research in the field of aeronautics and aerospace engineering can provide valuable insights into the future of aviation.

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