Future-pointing and past-pointing time-like vectors

  • Thread starter spaghetti3451
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In summary: Is my proof correct?In summary, the author provides a proof that if a time-like vector is future pointing then its space components are also future pointing.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I need to prove the following:

a) If ##P^{a}## and ##Q^{a}## are time-like and ##P^{a}Q_{a}>0##, then either both are future-pointing or both are past-pointing.

b) If ##U^{a}##, ##V^{a}## and ##W^{a}## are time-like with ##U^{a}V_{a}>0## and ##U^{a}W_{a}>0##, then ##V^{a}W_{a}>0##.

Homework Equations

Using the 'mostly minus' convention, ##A^a## is time-like, null and space-like if ##A^{a}A_{a}## is ##>0,=0,<0## respectively.

A time-orientation is chosen by taking at will some time-like vector, say ##U^{a} = (1,0,0,0)##, and designating it to be future-pointing. Any other time-like or null vector ##V^{a}## such that ##g_{ab}U^{a}V^{b}>0## is also future-pointing, whereas if ##g_{ab}U^{a}V^{b}<0##, then ##V^{a}## is past-pointing.

The Attempt at a Solution

a) If ##P^{a}## is time-like future-pointing and ##P^{a}Q_{a}>0##, then (by definition) ##Q^{a}## is also future-pointing.

Simialarly, for ##P^{a}## past-pointing.

b) If ##U^{a}## is time-like future-pointing and ##U^{a}V_{a}>0##, then (by definition) ##V^{a}## is also future-pointing.

If ##U^{a}## is time-like future-pointing and ##U^{a}W_{a}>0##, then (by definition) ##W^{a}## is also future-pointing.

Since both ##V^{a}## and ##W^{a}## are future-pointing, ##V^{a}W_{a}>0##.

Similar argument for ##U^{a}## past-pointing.

Are my proofs sound?
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  • #2
failexam said:
a) If ##P^{a}## is time-like future-pointing and ##P^{a}Q_{a}>0##, then (by definition) ##Q^{a}## is also future-pointing.
Where is the definition for that?
b) If ##U^{a}## is time-like future-pointing and ##U^{a}V_{a}>0##, then (by definition) ##V^{a}## is also future-pointing.
Not by definition, but via (a).

(b) is fine once you fix (a).

Schwarz Inequality is your friend (from today!)
  • #3
I've read the post. It is very helpful.

I can see that the following theorem is useful:

For ##U^{a}## and ##V^{a}## timelike and ##U^{0}, V^{0} >0##, we have that ##U^{a}V_{a}>0##.

How do I relate the fact that ##U^{0}, V^{0} >0## with future-pointing and past-pointing vectors?
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  • #4
failexam said:
How do I relate the fact that ##U^{0}, V^{0} >0## with future-pointing and past-pointing vectors?
That you can get from the definition now, if you evaluate the sums there explicitely.
  • #5
Alright, here's my proof.

We are given that ##P^{a}## and ##Q^{a}## are timelike and that ##P^{a}Q_{a}>0##.

If ##P^{a}## is timelike, then ##P^{a}P_{a}>0 \implies (P^{0})^{2}>(\vec{P})^{2}##. Similarly, for ##Q^{a}##.
Therefore, ##(P^{0})^{2}(Q^{0})^{2}>(\vec{P})^{2}(\vec{Q})^{2}##.
So, by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, ##(P^{0}Q^{0})^{2}>(\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}})^{2}##, which implies that either ##P^{0}Q^{0}>\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}}##, where the RHS is positive or ##P^{0}Q^{0}<\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}}##, where the RHS is negative.

On the other hand, if ##P^{a}Q_{a}>0##, then ##P^{0}Q^{0}>\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}}##. Therefore, ##P^{0}Q^{0}>0##.
So, either both ##P^{0}## and ##Q^{0}## are positive and hence future-pointing, or both ##P^{0}## and ##Q^{0}## are negative and hence past-pointing.Is my proof correct?
  • #6
You can add a 1-line proof that future-pointing <=> P0>0.
  • #7
Isn't it a convention that a four-vector ##P^{0}## is future pointing iff ##P^{0}>0##?
  • #8
The definition you have in post 1 expresses it in a slightly different way, although you get this result by evaluating the sums there.
  • #9
So, you mean that a four-vector ##P^{0}## being future pointing iff ##P^{0}>0## is not a convention?
  • #10
mfb said:
The definition you have in post 1 expresses it in a slightly different way, although you get this result by evaluating the sums there.

The definition says that we choose an arbitrary time-like vector ##P^{a}=(1,0,0,0)## with ##P^{0}>0## and designate it to be future-pointing. Then, if ##g_{ab}P^{a}Q_{a}>0## for some time-like vector ##Q^{a}##, then ##Q^{a}## is also future-pointing.

What strikes me is that the definition arbitrarily assigns a time-like vector ##P^{a}## with ##P^{0}>0## as being future-pointing. That's why I ask if it's a convention that a time-like vector ##P^{a}## with ##P^{0}>0## is called future-pointing.

And if so, I don't see why we need to use the ##g_{ab}P^{a}Q_{a}>0## to evaluate sums.
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  • #11
It is an arbitrary convention, right - you could also assign positive time-components to past-pointing and negative ones to future-pointing. Would be odd, but it would lead to consistent physics as well.

You need to use it because you are given this definition of future-pointing.
  • #12
Ah! I see.

So, it is indeed an arbitrary definition. But what I do need to show is that the class of future-pointing vectors ##P^{a}## all have ##P^{0}>0## if at least one of them have ##P^{0}>0##.

That is the reason why we choose ##P^{a}=(1,0,0,0)## because then, when we evaluate ##P^{a}Q_{a}>0##, all the space-components of ##Q_{a}## are eliminated and we are left with the simple relation that ##Q^{a}>0##.

Thus, we have shown basically that the class of future-pointing vectors and the class of past-pointing vectors do not overlap, and that each class can be identified by the sign of the temporal component of the four-vectors.

Am I correct?
  • #13
Alright, so now let me show the equivalence between statements 1 and 2.

1. A time-orientation is chosen by taking at will some time-like vector, say ##U^{a}=(1,0,0,0)## and designating it to be future-pointing. Any other time-like or null vector ##V^{a}## such that ##U^{a}V_{a}>0## is also future-pointing, whereas if ##U^{a}V_{a}<0##, then ##V^{a}## is past-pointing.

2. A four-vector ##P^{a}## is future-pointing if and only if ##P^{0}>0##.If some time-like vector ##U^{a}=(1,0,0,0)## is chosen to be future-pointing, then for any other time-like vector ##V^{a}## with ##U^{a}V_{a}>0##, we have

##U^{a}V_{a}>0 \implies U^{0}V_{0}+U^{i}V_{i}>0 \implies U^{0}V^{0}>0 \implies V^{0}>0##.

Therefore, all time-like vectors ##V^{a}## with ##V^{0}>0## are future-pointing.

Similarly, for any other time-like vector ##W^{a}## with ##U^{a}W_{a}<0##, we have

##U^{a}W_{a}<0 \implies U^{0}W_{0}+U^{i}W_{i}<0 \implies U^{0}W^{0}<0 \implies W^{0}<0##.

Therefore, all time-like vectors ##W^{a}## with ##W^{0}<0## are future-pointing.
  • #15
failexam said:
We are given that ##P^{a}## and ##Q^{a}## are timelike and that ##P^{a}Q_{a}>0##.

If ##P^{a}## is timelike, then ##P^{a}P_{a}>0 \implies (P^{0})^{2}>(\vec{P})^{2}##. Similarly, for ##Q^{a}##.
Therefore, ##(P^{0})^{2}(Q^{0})^{2}>(\vec{P})^{2}(\vec{Q})^{2}##.
So, by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, ##(P^{0}Q^{0})^{2}>(\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}})^{2}##, which implies that either ##P^{0}Q^{0}>\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}}##, where the RHS is positive or ##P^{0}Q^{0}<\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}}##, where the RHS is negative.

On the other hand, if ##P^{a}Q_{a}>0##, then ##P^{0}Q^{0}>\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}}##. Therefore, ##P^{0}Q^{0}>0##.
So, either both ##P^{0}## and ##Q^{0}## are positive and hence future-pointing, or both ##P^{0}## and ##Q^{0}## are negative and hence past-pointing.

I'm not following how you claim that the statement ##(P^{0}Q^{0})^{2}>(\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}})^{2}## implies that either ##P^{0}Q^{0}>\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}}##, where the RHS is positive or ##P^{0}Q^{0}<\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}}##, where the RHS is negative.

Are you saying that the statement ##(P^{0}Q^{0})^{2}>(\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}})^{2}## by itself implies that if ##\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}}## is positive then ##P^{0}Q^{0}>\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}}##?

Suppose ##P^{\alpha} = (2, 1, 0, 0)## and ##Q^{\alpha} = (-2, 1, 0, 0)##. Both vectors are timelike. ##P^{0}Q^{0} = -4## while ##\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}} = 1##. Then ##(P^{0}Q^{0})^{2}>(\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}})^{2}## and ##\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}} > 0##, but it is not true that ##P^{0}Q^{0}>\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}}##.

Hope I'm not overlooking something or misinterpreting your statement.
  • #16
TSny said:
I'm not following how you claim that the statement ##(P^{0}Q^{0})^{2}>(\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}})^{2}## implies that either ##P^{0}Q^{0}>\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}}##, where the RHS is positive or ##P^{0}Q^{0}<\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}}##, where the RHS is negative.

Are you saying that the statement ##(P^{0}Q^{0})^{2}>(\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}})^{2}## by itself implies that if ##\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}}## is positive then ##P^{0}Q^{0}>\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}}##?


TSny said:
Suppose ##P^{\alpha} = (2, 1, 0, 0)## and ##Q^{\alpha} = (-2, 1, 0, 0)##. Both vectors are timelike. ##P^{0}Q^{0} = -4## while ##\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}} = 1##. Then ##(P^{0}Q^{0})^{2}>(\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}})^{2}## and ##\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}} > 0##, but it is not true that ##P^{0}Q^{0}>\vec{P}\cdot{\vec{Q}}##.

Ah! I see! Thanks for pointing out the mistake.

I thought I could use the fact that ##x^{2}>y^{2} \implies x>y## for ##y## positive or ##x<y## for ##y## negative. But, I realize now that it's not so simple, because ##x##, in this case ##P^{0}Q^{0}##, is itself a product of two numbers.

So, I have to go back to the drawing board and rethink a new proof, or at least, modify the existing proof.
  • #17
failexam said:
I thought I could use the fact that ##x^{2}>y^{2} \implies x>y## for ##y## positive or ##x<y## for ##y## negative. But, I realize now that it's not so simple, because ##x##, in this case ##P^{0}Q^{0}##, is itself a product of two numbers.
Hmm. Even if ##x## were not the product of two numbers, it would still not be true in general that ##x^{2}>y^{2} \implies x>y## for ##y## positive.

So, I have to go back to the drawing board and rethink a new proof, or at least, modify the existing proof.

You are close. Along with ##x^{2}>y^{2}## you have ##x > y## (from ##P^{\alpha}Q_{\alpha} > 0##). From both of these together you can conclude something important about ##x##.
  • #18
Got it!

##x^{2}>y^{2} \implies (x+y)(x-y)>0##.

Now, ##x>y \implies x-y>0 \implies x+y>0 \implies x>-y##.

The only way for ##x>y## and ##x>-y## are both valid is if ##x>0##, that is ##P^{0}Q^{0}>0##.
  • #19
Is it correct?
  • #20
failexam said:
Got it!

##x^{2}>y^{2} \implies (x+y)(x-y)>0##.

Now, ##x>y \implies x-y>0 \implies x+y>0 \implies x>-y##.
The middle ##\implies## is of course using both ##x-y>0## and ##(x+y)(x-y)>0##.

The only way for ##x>y## and ##x>-y## are both valid is if ##x>0##, that is ##P^{0}Q^{0}>0##.
Yes. Nice.
  • #21
You need the sign condition for x anyway (you compare the product of the time-component later), where the argument works.

FAQ: Future-pointing and past-pointing time-like vectors

1. What is a future-pointing time-like vector?

A future-pointing time-like vector is a vector in spacetime that indicates the direction of increasing time for an observer. It represents the possible future trajectory of an object or event.

2. How is a past-pointing time-like vector different from a future-pointing time-like vector?

A past-pointing time-like vector points in the opposite direction of a future-pointing vector, indicating the direction of decreasing time for an observer. It represents the past trajectory of an object or event.

3. What is the significance of time-like vectors in understanding spacetime?

Time-like vectors are important in understanding the geometry of spacetime and how objects move through it. They help us visualize and predict the trajectories of objects in relation to time and space.

4. How do time-like vectors relate to the concept of causality?

Time-like vectors play a crucial role in the concept of causality, which states that an event can only be influenced by events in its past light cone. Time-like vectors show the direction and possible paths of causality in spacetime.

5. Can time-like vectors be used to travel through time?

No, time-like vectors do not allow for time travel. They simply represent the direction and possible trajectories of objects in spacetime. The concept of time travel is still theoretical and not supported by current scientific understanding and evidence.
