Future Shock - Decreased Grain Supply, Increased Cost

In summary, there has been a decrease in wheat production due to drought in Australia and other areas, leading to reduced export and increased import in several countries. This is also coupled with a rise in production costs, partly due to higher energy costs. Farmers are now exploring biofuels as an alternative. It is important to monitor the situation and its impact on the world's food supply. Various resources and background information are available for those interested in this topic. There are also several risks to consider when forward pricing wheat, including the unpredictable nature of dryland production and the choice of pricing mechanism. The recent rise in world grain and oilseed prices, driven by concerns about global supplies, has also affected the market. The 2007 IGC Gr
  • #1
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I heard recently that Wheat (grain) production decreased due to drought in Australia and other areas, e.g. midwest US. Several countries have curtailed or reduced export and in some cases are now importing. At the same time, the cost of production has increased, in part due to increased energy (e.g. oil and gas) costs. At the same time, farmers are now looking at biofuels.

It bears watching to see what happens with the world's food supply.

Here is some background and resources for those interested:

Sept 22, 2006 - Tips for forward marketing wheat for 2007, 2008

Wheat prices have hovered near $3 a bushel for the past several years. With prices jumping to more than $5 a bushel in several areas this summer, many Nebraska farmers looked down the road and locked in these prices for a portion of their 2007 and 2008 crops as well.

Several options are available for producers looking at pricing either the 2007 or the 2008 crop, including cash forward contracts and futures contracts. As we look at prices today, there are still some opportunities to lock in prices above $4 per bushel.

As with all opportunities, there are some inherent risks that producers need to consider when forward pricing wheat. First, consider the risky nature of dryland wheat production in Nebraska. Any crop that is entirely rain dependent has seen its ups and downs in terms of yield over the past several years of ongoing drought. Coupled with the potential for hail, disease and other perils, the ability to deliver the amount of wheat promised is always risky. Second, the pricing mechanism is critical. Have you chosen to price on a forward contract with the local elevator, use another tool with a local elevator, or use the futures market? As we look at production risk, it has historically been a good rule of thumb not to market more than half of the expected “average” yield. This allows the farmer to cover his contracts even if yields decrease dramatically. The real risk here occurs when prices run up to levels higher than the contract price and a producer has a poor crop. Having less wheat than the contract calls for and prices higher than the contract can force the producer into the market to purchase expensive wheat to be delivered for lower prices to fulfill a contract commitment. The simplest way to protect against this is to buy crop revenue or revenue assurance insurance on wheat production and not market more than the amount insured.






The steep rise in world grain and oilseed prices
during the past month, to levels last seen in
1995/96, reflected increased concerns about
global supplies, especially for wheat. The sharp
deterioration in crop prospects in drought-affected
Australia was the main trigger, against a
background of declining forecasts of global stocks.
While the rise in prices was likely to ration
demand, especially in the feed sector, immediate
market supplies were further restricted by the very
slow pace of farm deliveries in a rising market.
Wheat export prices climbed by between $20 and
$30 during the month, with all markets responding
to global supply concerns in the wake of muchreduced
crop forecasts for Australia. Steps taken
in some countries to stem the rise in domestic
prices and ensure adequate local supplies also
had an impact, with Ukraine, for example,
introducing export quotas.


The 2007 IGC Grains Conference is scheduled for Tuesday 12 June, in London. This important annual event brings together the world’s sellers, buyers and end-users of grain who will hear several leading speakers set out their views on the key factors likely to shape the industry’s future. Recent grain and oilseed market developments, against a background of strongly rising biofuels use and tightening grain supplies, have underscored the need to fully understand the issues driving global demand and trade. The Conference will assess the outlook for 2007/08 and beyond on the basis of a number of industry-specific presentations. In addition to discussing the latest issues relevant to wheat and coarse grains markets, participants will also learn about important new developments in the rice and oilseeds sectors.
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  • #2
Worried about your next meal? Wheat was two bucks in '48, bottomed around a buck in the 50s, peaked at five or six in the 70s. So what? Thats 10 cents of wheat in a one pound loaf of bread --- bread was 15 cents a loaf in the 50s, and 2 bucks now. Don't confuse the manipulations of CBOT with production costs. Boycott Harvard.
  • #3

I am deeply concerned about the current situation with decreased grain supply and increased cost. The drought in Australia and other areas, coupled with rising energy costs, has put significant strain on wheat production and has led to a decrease in global stocks. This is a cause for concern as it not only affects the availability and affordability of wheat for food consumption, but also has implications for the livestock industry and biofuel production.

It is important for us to closely monitor the situation and take necessary steps to mitigate the impact on the world's food supply. This includes exploring alternative options for grain production and addressing the underlying issues such as climate change and energy costs.

I also urge farmers to carefully consider their options when it comes to forward marketing wheat. While it may seem attractive to lock in prices at a high point, it is important to also consider the inherent risks involved in dryland wheat production and pricing mechanisms. Crop insurance can be a valuable tool in managing these risks.

In addition, it is crucial for governments and international organizations to work together to address the current challenges in the grain market and ensure fair and sustainable trade practices. The IGC Grains Conference provides a platform for key players in the industry to come together and discuss potential solutions.

I believe it is important for us to continue researching and developing innovative technologies and practices that can increase grain production and mitigate the effects of climate change. Only through collaboration and proactive measures can we ensure a stable and secure global food supply for the future.

Related to Future Shock - Decreased Grain Supply, Increased Cost

1. What is future shock?

Future shock is a term coined by futurist Alvin Toffler to describe the psychological and emotional distress caused by the rapid and overwhelming pace of technological and societal change.

2. How does decreased grain supply contribute to future shock?

Decreased grain supply can contribute to future shock by leading to food shortages, price increases, and potential food insecurity for individuals and communities. This can create a sense of uncertainty and instability about the future, which can contribute to future shock.

3. What factors contribute to the decreased grain supply?

There are several factors that can contribute to decreased grain supply, including climate change, extreme weather events, soil degradation, and water scarcity. Additionally, political and economic factors can also play a role in grain supply and availability.

4. How does increased cost of grain impact society?

The increased cost of grain can have a significant impact on society by affecting food prices, trade, and global food security. It can also disproportionately affect low-income individuals and vulnerable communities who may struggle to afford basic necessities like food.

5. What can be done to address future shock caused by decreased grain supply and increased cost?

To address future shock caused by decreased grain supply and increased cost, it is important to develop sustainable and resilient agricultural practices, invest in research and technology to improve crop yields, and promote policies that support food security and equitable access to food. It is also crucial to address the root causes of these issues, such as climate change and economic inequality.

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