Future Value of Savings Account: y Years, j Rate, f Deposit

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Wilmer
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In summary: Givens:p = periodic deposit: 331.00 in above exampler = periodic rate: .331 in above examplen = number of periods: 3n in above exampleFV(p,r,n)=p*( (1+r)^n - 1 ) / r + p*nIn summary, the future value of a savings account with periodic deposits and increasing interest rate according to the given pattern can be calculated using the formula FV(p,r,n)=p*( (1+r)^n - 1 ) / r + p*n.
  • #1
d is deposited in a savings account for 3 years, then 2d for 3years,
then 3d for 3 years, and so on similarly;
here's an example for 9 years, 1st deposit = $100, rate = 10% annual:
 0                               .00 
 1     100.00         .00     100.00 
 2     100.00       10.00     210.00 
 3     100.00       21.00     331.00 
 4     200.00       33.10     564.10 
 5     200.00       56.41     820.51 
 6     200.00       82.05   1,102.56 
 7     300.00      110.26   1,512.82 
 8     300.00      151.28   1,964.10 
 9     300.00      196.41   2,460.51
y = number of years (multiple of 3): 9 in above example
j = annual rate / 100 : .10 in above example
f = first deposit : $100 in above example

What is the future value of the account (2,460.51 in above example) in terms of y, j and f ?
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I find:

\(\displaystyle FV(y,j,f)=f\sum_{k=1}^y\left(\left\lceil\frac{k}{3} \right\rceil(1+j)^{y-k} \right)\)

I simply wrote down the first few terms, observed the pattern, then checked the above formula against the provided table.
  • #3
Nice, Mark, but that's not really what I was after;

I meant something like a standard financial formula, a bit like:
FV of growing annuity = P * ((1+r)^n - (1+g)^n) / (r-g)
P=initial payment
r=discount rate or interest rate
g=growth rate
n=number of periods

Guess I should have said so, then(Bandit)
  • #4
Wilmer said:
Nice, Mark, but that's not really what I was after;

I meant something like a standard financial formula, a bit like:
FV of growing annuity = P * ((1+r)^n - (1+g)^n) / (r-g)
P=initial payment
r=discount rate or interest rate
g=growth rate
n=number of periods

Guess I should have said so, then(Bandit)

I have FV on the left of the equal sign and on the right a set of mathematical symbols representing the value of FV...it's just like what you are after. (Clapping)(Sun)
  • #5
MarkFL said:
...it's just like what you are after.
No it's not...the right side is not really a "formula", even if correct,
but more a definition of how the formula is arrived at...
Well, not really important anyway: won't affect price of groceries (Sun)
  • #6
I gather you want a closed form...well, let's look at the difference equation:

\(\displaystyle FV_{y+1}-(1+j)FV_{y}=sf\)

where $s$ is the step-function \(\displaystyle s=\left\lceil\frac{y}{3} \right\rceil\)

The homogeneous solution will take the form:

\(\displaystyle h_y=c_1(1+j)^y\)

But, I have no idea what form the particular solution must take, given that pesky step function, which also thwarts my ability to use symbolic differencing to obtain a homogeneous recurrence. (Emo)
  • #7
Well, this was mine :

n = FLOOR(y/3) + 1 [4 in example]
i = (1 + j)^3 - 1 [.331 in example]
d = f(j^2 + 3j + 3) [331.00 in example]
     d[(1 + i)^n - in - 1] 
FV = --------------------- 
Last edited:
  • #8
Your formula does work when $y$ is a multiple of 3, and if I had read your original post more carefully, I would have noticed you did state that $y$ is a multiple of 3...I was trying to find a formula that worked for any natural number $y$.

When I have more time later, I will attempt to post a derivation of your formula. (Nerd)
  • #9
MarkFL said:
...and if I had read your original post more carefully, I would have noticed you did state that $y$ is a multiple of 3...
Oh oh: 15 minutes in the corner (Wait)
  • #10
The 15 minutes in the corner was nothing compared to the battle I had with silly errors in coming up with the formula...(Sweating)(Rofl)

Let's let $y=3n$ where $n\in\mathbb{N_0}$.

Now, consider the following difference equation obtained from analyzing what goes on in between each value of $n$:

\(\displaystyle FV_{n+1}-(1+j)^3FV_{n}=(n+1)f\left(j^2+3j+3 \right)\)

We see that the homogeneous solution is given by:

\(\displaystyle h_n=c_1(1+j)^{3n}\)

And we seek a particular solution of the form:

\(\displaystyle p_n=An+B\)

Substituting, we find:

\(\displaystyle (A(n+1)+B)-(1+j)^3(An+B)=(n+1)f\left(j^2+3j+3 \right)\)

\(\displaystyle -jAn+\frac{A}{j^2+3j+3}-jB=fn+f\)

Equating coefficients, we find:

\(\displaystyle A=-\frac{f}{j},\,B=-\frac{f(1+j)^3}{j^2\left(j^2+3j+3 \right)}\)

Thus, we have:

\(\displaystyle p_n=-\frac{f}{j}n-\frac{f(1+j)^3}{j^2\left(j^2+3j+3 \right)}\)

And so the general solution is:

\(\displaystyle FV_{n}=h_n+p_n=c_1(1+j)^{3n}-\frac{f}{j}n-\frac{f(1+j)^3}{j^2\left(j^2+3j+3 \right)}\)

Using $FV_0=0$, we find:

\(\displaystyle c_1=\frac{f(1+j)^3}{j^2\left(j^2+3j+3 \right)}\)

Thus, we have (after some simplification):

\(\displaystyle FV_{n}=\frac{f}{j}\left(\frac{(1+j)^{3n}-1}{1-(1+j)^{-3}}-n \right)\)
  • #11
I simply converted a "3 periods" to an equivalent "1 period";
in my example, that's 331 deposited periodically , and
increasing by 331 each period, at 33.1%.
0                        .00
1   331.00            331.00
2   662.00  109.56  1,102.56
3   993.00  364.95  2,460.51

FAQ: Future Value of Savings Account: y Years, j Rate, f Deposit

What is the formula for calculating the future value of a savings account?

The formula for calculating the future value of a savings account is FV = P(1 + r/n)^(n*t), where FV is the future value, P is the initial deposit, r is the annual interest rate, n is the number of compounding periods per year, and t is the number of years.

How does the interest rate affect the future value of a savings account?

The interest rate has a direct impact on the future value of a savings account. A higher interest rate means that the account will earn more money over time, resulting in a larger future value. Conversely, a lower interest rate will result in a smaller future value.

What is the significance of the number of years in calculating the future value of a savings account?

The number of years is a crucial factor in determining the future value of a savings account. The longer the money is left in the account, the more time it has to earn interest and grow in value. Therefore, a longer time period will result in a higher future value.

How does the initial deposit amount affect the future value of a savings account?

The initial deposit amount also plays a significant role in determining the future value of a savings account. The larger the initial deposit, the more money there is to earn interest and grow over time. This will result in a higher future value. Additionally, some accounts may have minimum deposit requirements that can affect the potential future value.

What is the impact of the compounding period on the future value of a savings account?

The compounding period, or how often the interest is calculated and added to the account, can also affect the future value of a savings account. The more frequently interest is compounded, the faster the account will grow in value. For example, a savings account with monthly compounding will have a higher future value than one with annual compounding, assuming all other factors are the same.
