FYI: Sharp paper corner in the eye = bad

In summary, Newton poked his eye with a stick until he saw light and dark rings. This guy's eye got infected and then parasites spread to his other eye.
  • #36
Math Is Hard said:
With much patience, I was able to get an appoinment at 3:00 today with a Dr. who can work with my insurance.
I'm scared!
Try not to worry. The important thing is that you will treatment right away!

Perhaps a routine ophthalmic antibiotic solution will be the treatment.

We wish you well.
Physics news on
  • #37
We await good tidings, MIH. If they try to put you off again, move up here for some of that good ol' pinko socialized medicine that Russ and Pengwino hate so much. :biggrin:
  • #38
Math Is Hard said:
With much patience, I was able to get an appoinment at 3:00 today with a Dr. who can work with my insurance.
I'm scared!
3:00 was almost four hours ago. I wonder what happened.
  • #39
ok, I'm back now. I have a boo-boo on my cornea. They had to paint my eyeball orange and look at it under a UV light to see where I tore it. I have some eyedrops for it, now, and a first class pass to visit a specialist if I want.

It's been one of those non-stop days. Left the doctor at 5:30 then popped back into work, then went to a study group, then dinner with a friend after that. whew! Thanks, everybody, for your concern. oh yeah - no eyepatch, so no arrghh mateys, at work tomorrow. Was almost looking forward to that!
  • #40
You could pick yourself up an eyepatch and do it any way!
And takes pics to share too ofcourse.
  • #41
Math Is Hard said:
ok, I'm back now. I have a boo-boo on my cornea. They had to paint my eyeball orange and look at it under a UV light to see where I tore it. I have some eyedrops for it, now, and a first class pass to visit a specialist if I want.

Are the eyedrops intended to get the paint out, or to treat the UV burns?

I'm glad that everything is okay. Eye injuries are always a concern.
  • #42
Math Is Hard said:
ok, I'm back now. I have a boo-boo on my cornea. They had to paint my eyeball orange and look at it under a UV light to see where I tore it. I have some eyedrops for it, now, and a first class pass to visit a specialist if I want.
Wheeeww! I'm so glad it's not more serious.
  • #43
Math Is Hard said:
ok, I'm back now. I have a boo-boo on my cornea. They had to paint my eyeball orange and look at it under a UV light to see where I tore it. I have some eyedrops for it, now, and a first class pass to visit a specialist if I want.
It's been one of those non-stop days. Left the doctor at 5:30 then popped back into work, then went to a study group, then dinner with a friend after that. whew! Thanks, everybody, for your concern. oh yeah - no eyepatch, so no arrghh mateys, at work tomorrow. Was almost looking forward to that!
Glad to here it's not more serious. Kind of disappointed there was no eye patch - it looked so stylish in dduardo's picture. Besides, I've always wanted to tell someone, "You have such ... uh ... a beautiful eye."
  • #44
Aaagggh, i didn't read this thread till now, poor MIH i hope you get well soon,
i have made a leather eye patch with MIH formed with gold studs for you
anyway, you can wear it for an avatar pic.
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  • #45
ivan said:
Are the eyedrops intended to get the paint out, or to treat the UV burns?
:smile: :smile: :smile:
TSA said:
You could pick yourself up an eyepatch and do it any way!
And takes pics to share too ofcourse.
tempting! It would have to be something fancy.
Zoob said:
Wheeeww! I'm so glad it's not more serious.
It's still not very comfortable, but I feel better now that I saw the doctor. It hurts more when you don't know what's wrong, I think.
BobG said:
Besides, I've always wanted to tell someone, "You have such ... uh ... a beautiful eye."
You have the best pick up lines, BobG!

Wolram, that sounds like such a cool eye-patch. I'm almost willing to poke myself in the eye again to be able to wear it.:wink:

OK, y'all, just for fun I'll be Darryl Hannah from Kill Bill today. :-p :biggrin:
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  • #46
MIH, maybe you should wear safety goggles around paper. :wink:

I am pleased to hear you got treatment. Tear in the cornea is serious, but treatable.

I hope it heals quickly.
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  • #47
Youch! Hope you feel better, but your avatar looks great!
  • #48
Astronuc said:
MIH, maybe you should wear safety googles around paper. :wink:
Tell me about it. And Evo used to say she was the clumsy sister!:biggrin:
Thanks for your good wishes.
fi said:
Youch! Hope you feel better, but your avatar looks great!
Thanks fi. I'm in the mood for a Quentin Tarantino film now. I'll just have to watch the movie like this :wink: so I don't stress my eyeball.
  • #49
oh, and p.s. Evo, your story about the cornea-eating critters was very motivational in getting me to find a doctor ASAP. I just wish the nightmares would stop now. :bugeye: :biggrin:
  • #50
Math Is Hard said:
oh, and p.s. Evo, your story about the cornea-eating critters was very motivational in getting me to find a doctor ASAP. I just wish the nightmares would stop now. :bugeye: :biggrin:
That's what big sisters are for...telling stories that cause nightmares for life. :smile:
  • #51
Math Is Hard said:
ok, I'm back now. I have a boo-boo on my cornea. They had to paint my eyeball orange and look at it under a UV light to see where I tore it. I have some eyedrops for it, now, and a first class pass to visit a specialist if I want.
It's been one of those non-stop days. Left the doctor at 5:30 then popped back into work, then went to a study group, then dinner with a friend after that. whew! Thanks, everybody, for your concern. oh yeah - no eyepatch, so no arrghh mateys, at work tomorrow. Was almost looking forward to that!
In the future, you need to be more careful while working out those math problems. Remember, complex variables are always fun until someone loses an i.
  • #52
BobG said:
In the future, you need to be more careful while working out those math problems. Remember, complex variables are always fun until someone loses an i.
Dammit Greg, where's that groan smiley?! :smile:
  • #53
BobG said:
In the future, you need to be more careful while working out those math problems. Remember, complex variables are always fun until someone loses an i.

*groans* shoot me now
  • #54
Astronuc said:
MIH, maybe you should wear safety goggles around paper. :wink:
We'll have to call OSHA immediately about this serious workplace hazard!
  • #55
Moonbear said:
We'll have to call OSHA immediately about this serious workplace hazard!
hmm.. now that I think about it - I was never provided with a training session on this hazard when I started with the university.
  • #56
MIH, out of curiosity, just how did you manage to jab your eye with the corner of a piece of paper. Actually, I think I have done that myself when I retrieved a sheet from my laser printer.

Way in the distant past, I have had white hot slag from a cutting torch hit my eyeball - not fun! And I was wearing safety glasses, but the tiny droplets managed to get up under the rim.
  • #57
Astro, I once tried to warn a kid in a hardware store about wearing goggles while duplicating keys. I got a surly "I know how to do my job" response. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he has to have the brass particles scraped off of his cornea because they 'weld' themselves to the surface. :devil:
  • #58
Danger said:
Astro, I once tried to warn a kid in a hardware store about wearing goggles while duplicating keys. I got a surly "I know how to do my job" response. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he has to have the brass particles scraped off of his cornea because they 'weld' themselves to the surface. :devil:
You're still hanging around the hardware store? So that's why you haven't seen PF's new skin on your home computer! Have you considered changing your avatar to a vulture?
  • #59
Math Is Hard said:
oh, and p.s. Evo, your story about the cornea-eating critters was very motivational in getting me to find a doctor ASAP.
I saw him yesterday, one of his eyes looks like a hard boiled egg with red blotches all over it. Poor guy is in almost constant pain. :frown:

I just wish the nightmares would stop now. :bugeye: :biggrin:
:biggrin: Sowwy. :shy:
  • #60
BobG said:
Have you considered changing your avatar to a vulture?
I have, but then I'd have to reclaim the ex-from-hell's Hallowe'en bird suit and build a whole new beak for it.
  • #61
Astronuc said:
MIH, out of curiosity, just how did you manage to jab your eye with the corner of a piece of paper. Actually, I think I have done that myself when I retrieved a sheet from my laser printer.
I think it may have been a new terrorist weapon aimed at American office workers and I just fell into the test market randomly. I innocently retrieved a card-stock weight paper document from a mail tray affixed to my door (at eye-level), and the high-tech cornea-seeking edge flew at my eyeball. :mad:
evo said:
I saw him yesterday, one of his eyes looks like a hard boiled egg with red blotches all over it. Poor guy is in almost constant pain.
ooh, that is bad. Something tells me he's got a bitter ex-girlfriend somewhere that knows her way around a voodoo doll! :devil:
  • #62
Moonbear said:
Dammit Greg, where's that groan smiley?! :smile:
oh, c'mon, it's sort of...funny

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