G Force equivalencies (help and idiot out)

  • Thread starter crispnclean
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In summary, a user named Jason is seeking help on a physics board for a question about his iPod, which has a hard drive rated up to 1500Gs/1.0ms. He wants to know how many Gs the iPod would have experienced if it fell approximately three feet onto a thin area rug. Another user, Dalespam, explains that the 1500 G rating means that the device can withstand a fall of 1.5 meters with a stopping distance of only 1 millimeter. Therefore, it should be fine on a thin rug, but may not survive a similar fall onto concrete. Other users offer advice on how to calculate the speed and impact of the fall using Newton's laws of motion.
  • #1
OK. Basically the only thing I know about physics is the definintion and I have a question about some electronic gear that I own. I figured that the best place to get the answer would be a Physics board since the manufacturure doesn't list this information anywhere. So...here is a little story problem for all of you who want to help.

I have an iPod. It contains a hard drive that is rated up to 1500Gs/1.0ms. The iPod itself weighs 140 grams. Let's say the thing fell about three feet onto a thin area rug. The thing works fine, but, approximately how many Gs would you estimate this thing experienced?

OR put another way, given the weight of the product and the shock rating of the unit, what is the real world equivalency of 1500Gs? I read that for a compact flash card, 2000Gs is equivalent to a 10 foot fall.

Any takers? I look forward to any responses!

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  • #2
Hi Jason, welcome to PF. There are two important questions, how high is it falling, and how short is the stop. In other words, on a rug there is some cushion, on a wood floor there is less, and on concrete there is even less. The 1500 G rating means that it can fall 1500 times further than the stopping distance. So, if you fall 1.5 m then it can survive a 1.5m/1500 = 1 mm stopping distance. That will be fine on a thin rug, but probably not on concrete.
  • #3

Thanks for the reply. The fall was from off the futon (by now you have guessed this really happened!)

Anywhoo, the distance from the surface of the futon to the floor is approximately 3 feet. The rug it fell onto is one of those berber style area rugs placed on a hardwood floor. One thing that may have made things better for the little guy was that it was attached to the headphones. I am thinking that near the time of impact the headphone wire lessened the impact. I have no way of knowing because I was sound asleep!

I feel like this is a Car Talk problem and I can hear those two auto guys laughing and hee-haw-ing as I type this. But, thanks so much for your help in the matter! From your guestimates I am pretty sure it is going to be fine. If you have any other input I'll be eagerly awaiting any input!

  • #4
Yes, it should be fine. 3 feet / 1500 is less than 1/32". With a berber rug being at least 1/2" thick it should survive even if the floor underneath were concrete.

Of course, the solid-state type should be even more impact resistant. Since I have young kids I got a solid-state one for exactly that reason.
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  • #5
You can use Newton's laws of motion to calculate the speed based on a certain height, then estimate the g's based on how thick the carpet is (ie, how far it goes while decelerating). It won't be exact because with a carpet it won't be a uniform force, but it'll give you a ballpark estimate.
  • #6
DaleSpam said:
Hi Jason, welcome to PF. There are two important questions, how high is it falling, and how short is the stop. In other words, on a rug there is some cushion, on a wood floor there is less, and on concrete there is even less. The 1500 G rating means that it can fall 1500 times further than the stopping distance. So, if you fall 1.5 m then it can survive a 1.5m/1500 = 1 mm stopping distance. That will be fine on a thin rug, but probably not on concrete.

This specification of G rating is new to me. Could you just elaborate a bit on this? Ultimately it means that the g force during braking should not exceed a certain maximum value, right?

Related to G Force equivalencies (help and idiot out)

1. What is G Force and how is it measured?

G Force is a unit of measurement used to quantify the force exerted on an object due to acceleration. It is typically measured in multiples of the force of gravity on Earth, with 1 G being equal to the force of gravity at the Earth's surface (9.8 meters per second squared). G Force can be measured using specialized equipment such as accelerometers.

2. How are G Force equivalencies calculated?

G Force equivalencies are calculated by dividing the acceleration of an object by the acceleration due to gravity. For example, if an object is experiencing an acceleration of 20 meters per second squared, the G Force equivalency would be 2 G (20/9.8 = 2).

3. What are some common G Force equivalencies in everyday life?

Everyday activities such as walking, running, or riding in a car typically involve G Force equivalencies ranging from 0.5 G to 1.5 G. Roller coasters and amusement park rides can reach much higher G Force levels, with some rides exceeding 5 G.

4. What is the maximum G Force a human can withstand?

The maximum G Force a human can withstand varies depending on the direction and duration of the force. However, on average, a healthy human can withstand up to 5 G for a few seconds without losing consciousness. Pilots in high-performance aircrafts can withstand up to 9 G for a short period of time with the help of special equipment.

5. How do G Forces affect the human body?

G Forces can have a variety of effects on the human body, depending on the magnitude and duration of the force. They can cause discomfort, difficulty breathing, and even loss of consciousness. Long-term exposure to high G Forces can lead to serious health issues such as vision problems, brain damage, and organ failure.

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