G from cosmological measurements

In summary, the conversation discusses the derivation of the Friedmann equations and their application to cosmology. It also mentions the challenges in measuring G, the gravitational constant, and the implications for different cosmological models. The potential role of non-visual matter in determining the universe's flatness is also touched upon.
  • #1
okay, good. actually at another time i was staring at the more general equation and had a few questions regarding it.

pervect said:
This appears to be an incorrect derivation from The Friedmann equations.

The correct expression would be

[tex]G = \frac{3 H^2}{8 \pi \rho}[/tex]

In any event, this equation is not always true - it requires that the cosmological constant [itex]\Lambda[/itex] be zero, that the spatial curvature of the universe K=0, and of course the assumptions that GR is correct and the cosmological principle holds so that the universe is homogenoeus and isotropic.

H here would be Hubble's constant.

so 1/H is the Hubble Time and about the age of the universe (maybe a milli-smidgen longer). this has been measured independently (from astronomical observation), right? and the density of the universe can be sort of guesstimated independently from astronomical observation (from estimating the number of galaxies, about 1011 and star systems per average galaxy 1010 or 1011 and then some average mass each plus whatever dark matter that i don't know how they measure or estimate and finally divide by the Hubble Volume, (c/H)3 ), right?

that would say that, in whatever system of units, G could be estimated from astronomical observation. but it can also be independently measured (using the same system of units) with a Cavendish-like experiment. if these two values come out differently, is this how they determine the comological constant? someone please illuminate.
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Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
The problem with measuring G is that it is always tied to some mass - no one seems to have found a way to measure G independently. This is not a problem in some cosmologies, but in Brans-Dicke, SCC and other formalisms, the critial issue turns on the constancy of G. For example if the inertia of an object depends upon cosmological factors such as the position or the amount of distant matter or whatever, then any experiment that measures G by virtue of the constancy of the MG product is going to give a wrong answer to such ultimate questions

Friedmann didn't reach a conclusion about what model best represented the universe - he left the density parameter open and assumed a Big Bang origin where a fixed amount of matter acted to slow subsequent expansion - so if Friedmann models accurately depict the real world, the equations are simple - the problem is that when one tries to estimate the average density from the visual objects, the universe has insufficient mass. Yet there are strong alternative reasons for believing the universe to be flat. So there are questions as to what form non-visual matter most have if the universe is to be flat (critical density or something that makes the universe behave as though it has critical density)
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FAQ: G from cosmological measurements

1. What is "G" in cosmological measurements?

"G" refers to the gravitational constant, also known as the universal gravitational constant. It is a physical constant that is used to quantify the strength of the gravitational force between two objects with mass. It is a fundamental constant in the laws of physics and plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of objects in the universe.

2. How is "G" measured in cosmology?

"G" is typically measured using cosmological observations and experiments, such as studying the motion of celestial bodies and the bending of light around massive objects. It can also be calculated using other physical constants, such as the mass and radius of the Earth. The current accepted value for "G" is approximately 6.67430 × 10^-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2.

3. Why is "G" important in cosmological measurements?

"G" is important in cosmological measurements because it helps us understand the structure and behavior of the universe. It is used in equations, such as Newton's law of universal gravitation and Einstein's theory of general relativity, to describe the gravitational interactions between objects. "G" also plays a key role in determining the expansion rate of the universe and the formation of large-scale structures.

4. Can the value of "G" change over time?

Currently, there is no evidence to suggest that the value of "G" changes over time. It is considered to be a fundamental constant that is consistent throughout the universe. However, some theories, such as modified gravity theories, propose that "G" may vary under certain conditions. Further research and observations are needed to fully understand the nature of "G" and its potential variability.

5. How does "G" relate to other physical constants?

"G" is related to other physical constants, such as the speed of light (c) and the Planck constant (h), through Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2. It is also related to the gravitational acceleration of an object (g) through the equation g=GM/r^2, where M is the mass of the object and r is the distance from the center of the object. "G" is also used in the equations for Kepler's laws of planetary motion and the equations of motion for objects in a gravitational field.
