Galaxies Accelerating at End of Universe: Big Bang Theory Wrong?

  • Thread starter zrower33
  • Start date
In summary: Furthermore, galaxies are everywhere throughout the universe - they are not "at the end of the universe".
  • #1
I was wondering if anyone has heard about galaxies at the end of the universe that are starting to shoot off at a faster acceleration, which would prove the Big Bang theory to be wrong. If anyone else had heard about this i would like to know about it. Thanks
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  • #2
Are you referring to the accelearating expansion of the universe ?
Or the observation that the farther away galaxies are, the faster they are receiding from us ?

The big bang theory will not be proven "all out wrong". Many observation confirm the accuracy of the BB model in its larger form. For exemple, the BB model predicted the existence of very precise variations in the Cosmic Radiation Background before the technologie existed to mesure them. When this was finaly done, the predictions were confirmed to a degree of precision that confirms at the very least that the BB model is on the right track. It is true, many things remain to be figured out ( like what actually happened in the very first few milliseconds ) and we will most certainly make new observations that are going to require some readjustments of certain aspects of the model. What we will not find is something that completely disproves it.
  • #3
Hi zrower33! Welcome to PF. Only one fatal flaw in your conjecture. The edge and center of the universe are everywhere at the same time. We are the most ancient observable object in the universe, yet we see an equal number of other galaxies in every direction.
  • #4
Mean-Hippy said:
The big bang theory will not be proven "all out wrong". Many observation confirm the accuracy of the BB model in its larger form. For exemple, the BB model predicted the existence of very precise variations in the Cosmic Radiation Background

Even just the radiation itself is evidence for the theory. I agree with your general analysis, though, the big questions at this point are all pre-CMB. The Big Bang Theory in its most literal interpretation, that everything started from a singularity, is extremely difficult to prove and may as well be philosophy at this point.
  • #5
In the March 2005 issue of Scierntific American there is an article discussing misconceptions about the Big Bang. One of the items is the fact that galaxies are moving away from us faster than the speed of light because of the expansion. The point is that the speed of light limit is for object motion not space expansion effect.
  • #6
zrower33 said:
I was wondering if anyone has heard about galaxies at the end of the universe that are starting to shoot off at a faster acceleration, which would prove the Big Bang theory to be wrong. If anyone else had heard about this i would like to know about it. Thanks

Welcome to PF, zrower33. As noted, the recently discovered accelerating expansion of the universe would not disprove Big Bang Theory (although the theory would be modified to incorporate this new information). Big Bang Theory already explained the expansion of the universe. Astronomers are now researching what is causing the acceleration (check out info on 'dark energy').

FAQ: Galaxies Accelerating at End of Universe: Big Bang Theory Wrong?

1. Have any of you heard about the latest scientific discovery?

It depends on what specific discovery you are referring to. As a scientist, I am continuously keeping up with the latest developments in my field, but I may not have heard about every single discovery.

2. Have any of you heard about any groundbreaking research being conducted?

Yes, there is always groundbreaking research being conducted in various fields of science. It is important for scientists to constantly push the boundaries of knowledge and make new discoveries.

3. Have any of you heard about any new technologies being developed?

Yes, as a scientist, I am always aware of new technologies being developed in my field. Technology plays a crucial role in advancing scientific research and making new discoveries.

4. Have any of you heard about any recent scientific breakthroughs?

Yes, there have been many recent scientific breakthroughs in various fields such as medicine, space exploration, and renewable energy. These breakthroughs have the potential to greatly impact our lives and society.

5. Have any of you heard about any upcoming scientific conferences or events?

Yes, there are always scientific conferences and events happening around the world. These gatherings provide a platform for scientists to share their research, network, and collaborate with others in their field.

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